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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:50 pm
by Quatlu
Absolutely no problem, Jarrek. We know your heart is with us and we include your warrior spirit in company with us. Hail Sword Brother!

Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:16 pm
by Erik
The Temple was silent save for the High Priest welcoming all to the House of Orlanth for the start of Sacred Time. As he ended the greeting the Initiates on duty moved amongst the worshippers giving out candles for the Return of the Light ceremony. Erik smiled at the lady Yealla and his friends and comrades when he noticed an absence.
"Is Jarrek not here? The lights are about to go out"
"He sends his apologies." replied Quatlu "He had hoped to be here, but things got in the way"
"Then we shall light his candle for him" said Erik, taking an extra candle from an initiate. "He will welcome the Return of the Light with us in spirit". As he spoke the candles and lanterns were extinguished throughout the Great Temple. The congregation stood silent as a single light appeared in the hands of the High Priest. "Blessed be Orlanth and the Lightbringers" he intoned, as the light spread steadily around him as people passed the light from candle to candle until the Temple blazed with the glowing lights. "Praise Orlanth" he called and the reply echoed from the walls. "PRAISE ORLANTH".

Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:04 pm
by Ondurga
At the final call of "Praise Orlanth", Quatlu became aware of someone moving in to stand next to him.

"Praise Orlanth!" Jarrek repeated, a fraction behind the rest of the congregation. He grinned ruefully at Quatlu as he clapped him on the shoulder, then turned his full attention to the ceremony.

Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:41 pm
by Rufus
Off to one side with the other prospective initiates, Rufus watched the ceremony unfold. Orlanth had looked after him and he felt becoming an initiate at sacred time was propitious.

Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:57 pm
by Quatlu
"Glad you could make it", Quatlu whispered to Jarrek. "Erik made sure you had a candle lit to represent your spirit with us." Both men turned their attention back to the ceremony. The regular worshippers of their little group were all assembled at last. "Praise Orlanth!"

Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:14 pm
by Torben
"So, these are the Orlanthi then", thought God Broar, "Well at least he's a fellow Lightbringer God like me, but this ceremony seems a tad over the top, all these candles and periods of silence plus damned Erik is here again, this bugger gets everywhere, rotten nuisance and, it appears, he's of higher status than me!! What a disgrace, don't they know I'm a God too so I should have a high position, hrmmph, but if my application for Assistant Rune Lord with those Chalana lot goes through then I can claim the greater glory over Erik.

There also seems to be a lot of worshippers here, perhaps I can win a few over to Cult Broar, that Rufus might be a good steal and maybe Quatlu too but not sure there's anyone else of merit amongst the rest of them, just lay member fodder really. Still, never mind, got to start somewhere and each of them a walking purse when it comes to donations so can't be too fussy.

Well, let's play along for now,chance of gaining a position amongst them and the 10 lunars a season for membership will definitely help, what with all those money lenders pestering me for repayments. You'd think they'd be happy to donate the funds I've asked for freely without then wanting it back and with interest on top. Once I'm Deputy for Public Harmony I'll be arresting the lot of them! By the Blessed Mother I hope this ceremony doesn't last for hours, boring as heck, tedious stuff....sigh.....".

Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:58 pm
by Ivarenna
It was the third week in Sacred Time and Ondureen entered the Great Temple of Orlanth together with her friend Grumbold. She was expecting to see several familiar faces. "Where is everyone?" she asked, half to herself and half to Grumbold. "I know Rufus and Erik are sparring in their barracks under the tutelage of their regimental weapons master. The others I know not." answered the merchant. They both paid their respects to the High Priest and the ceremony began. It involved a number of animal sacrifices to strengthen the temple's defensive magic as well as a divination into the location of the enemies troop movements in the coming year. All went smoothly.

Ondureen was again present at the Temple of Orlanth in the final week of Sacred Time. She greeted Erik and Harold, and congratulated Erik for his heroic exploits on the field of battle. "I have been inspired by your bravery. All the skalds speak of the deeds of you and Rufus. Pray tell me of the dangers you faced fighting the Necromancer."

"And Harold," she asked, "which regiment are you considering joining?"

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the vast temple complex, Broar was being inducted into the cult as Initiate.