Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

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Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Quatlu »

In the 1st Week of Sacred Time, Quatlu Carasilson stood inside the entrance foyer to the Great Temple of Orlanth in Boldhome, chatting amiably with a couple of temple functionaries. His lover, Darra Ulisdaughter, had gone to powder her nose (or whatever it was that women do), so he was passing the time waiting for her return. This would be his first Sacred Season in Boldhome, and he was looking forward to worshiping during the powerful holy ceremonies that were to come all month long. Last month had been an eventful period of time for him, and Orlanth had smiled upon him in so many different ways. He had much to be thankful for, and intended to express his thanks in worship. The month had begun with him being unable to secure the vacant post of Assistant Rune Lord, one that he had worked diligently to try and engineer, but his god's answer in this and several other areas had been crystal clear. While he suffered a disastrous result when trying to jump a little higher up the temple ladder, his application for the post of God Talker had drawn genuine smiles from the selection committee members, and he was unanimously appointed as a God Talker. His rise in the temple hierarchy seemed to point to a bright future.

Then he had been surprised by an encouraging smile from a beautiful young woman in the market place, and after successfully identifying her he had ardently pursued her using some tried and true measures for courting. Now the lovely Darra Ulisdaughter was his, and he wanted to start their relationship out right, in the Great Temple of Orlanth which was positively charged with the excitement of the month's imminent high level ceremonies. Both of them worshipped the Light Bringers and would start he new year with devotion to the gods and each other. Truly Orlanth had blessed him in the old year beyond his own imaginings, and he looked forward into the beginning of 1631 with great anticipation and enthusiasm.

He hoped to see some of his friends at the ceremony, that he could share the good news and learn of their blessings as well. It was a great time to be alive.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Julian »

Julian attends Orlanth's Great Temple intending to thank his friend Quatlu (and senior) for helping him to increase his standing in the rankings and beyond. Julian has much to thanks the gods for. He has survived against the odds and now he actually owns a horse and pays a groom! Such a change from turning in the place "brassic and lint".

Yes he wants it known in the temple that he is a changed man - part of which is due to his better diet; Johhannes' pizza is his firm favourite. Pity the shops are all shut this time of year!

Anyway he spots Quatlu with a paramour but is too shy to interrupt their mooning about looking deep into each others eyes an blushing so he sits quietly waiting for the ceremonies to begin or for one of his other acquaintances to notice him...
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu had been waiting and hoping one of his friends would show up for the ceremony, and he finally spotted Julian sitting quietly along a wall in the foyer. He immediately offered Julian a smile and waved him over. "Julian, my friend, this is Darra of the Vantaros tribe. She also worships the Lightbringers and will be with me today for our own ceremony." He paused to let them exchange greetings, then asks about his activites. "So tell me, Sword Brother, how fared you this last season? Were you able to get the Ten-Thane commission with the Colymar Cavalry? They're a good outfit with many stout hearted warriors. I believe you'll find your battlefield survival will be much improved with them over the Levy."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Erik »

"No, you wait for the High Priest to give the Welcome Blessing, and only then do you start to give out the candles to the congregation, This is a special ceremony for Sacred Time, it varies from the normal one. You don't want to muck it up. Now, too your starting positions".
Erik ushered his flock of Initiates to their places and then noticed a couple of his friends chatting at the back of the temple. "Quatlu, Julian, it's good to see you. Congratulations Julian on your appointment as regimental adjutant. I hope you are coping with the paperwork?"
"Paperwork! It just seems to breed! Are you sure the regimental clerks don't just produce it all to annoy us?"
" I think it goes with the territory" laughed Erik. "I had hoped I had seen the last of it when I changed regiments, but then I was daft enough to take the job of Hundred Thane and Battalion commander. Now I have to check that there are enough tents for the men, get worn out boots replaced and try to get them new uniforms that actually fit them. And having done all of that I only went and applied to be a God-talker and get given a bunch of fresh faced Initiates who know nothing of their temple duties and I am expected to get them all trained by yesterday!"
"Tell me about it" put in Quatlu. "I have to supervise some lads who don't even know the simplest facts about the Storm God. Do you suppose it gets any easier by the time you get to Runelord?"
"Probably not. But you might get some reliable people to help you - and good luck with your application to be an Assistant Runelord. So, Julian, fancy applying to be an Initiate? Orlanth knows, we could do with more good men in the temple!"
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu heard his name called and looked out to see who it was, then saw Erik. He smiled and replied, "Greetings Sword Brother. I see you're busy riding herd on the new Initiates." He chuckled and shook his head in amusement. When Erik mentioned Julian getting the Regimental Adjutant's posting, he turned with a surprised look and said, "You hadn't mentioned this, Julian. Congratulations!" Yes, handling reams of paperwork was indeed the purview of aides everywhere, with ever more voluminous levels to be dealt with as one climbed the ladder of success. "And I believe congratulations are also due to you, Erik, for your promotion to Hundred Thane. Well done, sir, well done."

When Erik mentioned Quatlu's bid to jump to Assistant Rune Lord, he replied, "Alas, my friend, the selection process denied my request for promotion out of hand, but at least they favored my elevation to God Talker. Orlanth spoke and the clergy felt it was just too soon for the promotion. I never asked for a week off during my entire status as an Initiate, and I thought this effort to strive for piety would be in my favor. Alas, it was not to be. But Julian here, perhaps it is in his immediate future to see promotion to Initiate"
Last edited by Quatlu on Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Afur »

Afur attends week 1 at the great Temple of Orlanth, accompanied by Sod. He is but a Lay Member, but mingles and chats to his friends (new and established).
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu notices an old friend, Hundred Thane Afur from the Colymar Cavalry Regiment, and waves both him and his lady to join the growing group of friends and worshippers. "Greetings Sword Brother", he says to recognize for the others that Afur is an Orlanth worshipper. "It is good to see that you have fared well, and have brought your lovely lady with you to attend the first temple ceremony of Sacred Time." He turned to his lover and said, "Afur was the first member of the Colymar Tribe that I encountered when I arrived in Boldhome, and he was instrumental in guiding my early steps as I learned and grew streetwise in the city." Then to the group he said proudly, "May I introduce my lady to you all. This is Darra Ulisdaughter of the Vantaros, who has so thoroughly captured my heart." He waited for Afur to introduce his own lady, as it was good to have the women know each other, for the future would undoubtedly hold many social events with attendance by those with lovers.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Torben »

Hmmh, thought God Broar, the suspicions the Deputy of Public Harmony has are well founded but could be far more widespread than she thinks! Under this 'cloak' of so called Orlanth worship the subversives seem to be gathering in number, a perfect cover for their treacherous machinations! Thank the gods she had someone like him who was prepared to investigate such illicit liaisons and he must ensure that he took down all the details of those attending along with eavesdropping on their seditious conversations.

Perhaps he should ensure that he learnt more, uncover the plotting to a greater degree so that he could ensure that all the facts were available to create a rock solid case for the issue of the arrest warrants. Yes, that was it, join Orlanth and thereby he could get access to the temple of this supposed Storm God and discredit the whole bunch of them and, at the same time, get rid of another one of these false gods so that Cult Broar could rise in the rankings of the deities within Boldhome. That way he could pave the way for his eventual securing of the Deputy job for himself and gain a whole load of new followers....what a masterstroke!

Yes, these Orlanthi must be exposed, even including the 'Apless Afur into the bargain!
Torben Dungshuvler
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Julian »

Julian is drawn back to Orlanths Great Temple. He feels that the atmosphere of worship is honest and open. He meets Arfur and asks how he is settling in? Does he have everything he needs? Perhaps he might discuss his own fortune as he is here to give thanks that he survived the front. (He shudders at the memories of that dark time).

He still feels unworthy of introducing himself again to Qualtu - especially as this superior being is with a lady. He hopes he will be recognised and rewarded with a nod of recognition?

But the peace and calm of the Temple encourages him to rest, reflect and study….. so he does pending any other stimuli
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Quatlu »

... "And this fellow here, fair Darra", Quatlu said proudly to his lover as he put his arm around Julian's shoulders, "is a relative newcomer to Orlanth who volunteered for duty with the levy at the Front right after he arrived in Boldhome. His exploits in battle have earned him a place in our Battle Songs, and his stalwart courage is a model for all of us in service to our noble King. Why he's even gotten himself a commission as a Ten Thane in the Colymar Cavalry Regiment, and been posted as the Regimental Adjutant to boot." Quatlu looked around at the others standing with him and smiled grandly, adding, "He's too humble to boast of his accomplishments, so we all need to bear that honor for him. I for one and proud to call him both my friend and my Sword Brother, and I tell you all here and now, this is a young man to pay attention to, as I predict great things from him as this new year rolls in."

With a warrior's heart brimming full of brotherly love, he said to the group, "Let us all worship together in the ceremony this week, Sword Brothers, that we might all be blessed with the honor and recognition granted us through our great god Orlanth. The Fire season will soon arrive, when we will all be tested on the forge of honorable combat. Let our tempering be true, and our weapons run red with the blood of the King's enemies."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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