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Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:44 pm
by Puckohue
Erinestra wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:32 pm OOC: is this a public vote?

Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:19 pm
by Torben
To: Erik Starkraving,

Look, don't keep on hassling people, I've said no and that's final.

Ok, so you may have an old letter that I wrote there BUT....that was last month and, since then, I've had a life changing revelation!! I was intending on keeping it quiet for the time being, you know some things are personal, not public until the individual decides that he / she is ready to tell the world. Well, you've ruined the surprise! I was going to have a great big party, especially since my last one was so successful, and tell everyone then.....I've seen the light....the light that is CHALANA ARROY.....and, what a nuisance, in order to join her cult one of the conditions, and this really is a nuisance, a cult member can't take part in any duels....what a right bummer!

Normally I wouldn't have cared too much, my life's desire though is to become a member of that blessed set-up so I have to abide by the rules, but then there was this matter about the duel against you. I thought I can't let him down can I? I know it means so much to him that he can take a sound beating so that his Afur mate won't quite feel so bad at also losing to me, he won't be the only one to have lost a duel. Unfortunately sometimes you've got to take a tough decision, so there you have it...... the duel's off, rotten luck but rules is rules and I'm sure that even a fellow of your miserable standing in life recognises that one isn't wise to go against their God's wishes.

Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:40 pm
by Erik
(OOC: I assume that since Broar is not currently a member of the cult of Chalana Arroy his mere intention to join does not allow him to evade a duel at the start of the month without penalty? And therefore the vote is still on?)

Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:48 am
by Torben
Erik wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:40 pm (OOC: I assume that since Broar is not currently a member of the cult of Chalana Arroy his mere intention to join does not allow him to evade a duel at the start of the month without penalty? And therefore the vote is still on?)
OOC: Doh....well, that may be the case but one has to try these things you know! He's really keen to join!

Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:08 am
by Torben
To: Erik Stargazer
Colymar tribe
Ten Thane Colymar Cavalry

Dear Erik,

Look, I'm being very civil and polite here, I've even used your proper name, we've no need to keep up this petty animosity simply because of some old hereditary tribal nonsense! What do we really care if Warlord Gustav once spilt a drink over Warlord Gunter, when he was drunk, hundreds of years ago? Of course, we don't as it ridiculous and we should be both man enough and wise enough to know that perpetuating centuries of hate is a bad thing!

Soooo....what about you withdraw this rash challenge business, let's just shake hands and consider the matter closed eh? I know at heart you must be a good fellow and you wouldn't want anybody to lose their lifetime dream to join a very special cult because they got embroiled in a common duel!

I mean, look, can you imagine if I turn up at the Chalana Arroy temple, ask to see the Priest because I want to join, then the Priest comes along and takes one look at me and sees cuts and bruises and starts calling for people to help him get me to a bed. No, I say to him I've not come as a patient but as a lay member recruit!! He is going to say to me but how did you get all these injuries and how do you think it's going to go down when I reply I've just finished fighting a duel! That's my application to join gone straight out the temple window, swiftly followed by my good self, ejected as a person of unsavory nature, a base brute who had the audacity to come along to join Chalana Arroy in his armour and duelling scars!

I'm sure this doesn't have to be the case and we can become good friends, heck I don't even give three hoots for the Malani lot to be honest, never really gotten on with them that well, they used to bully me a lot and then people kept avoiding me saying that I was a selfish narcissist who only cares for himself and will double cross anyone to get what he wants?! What a bunch of swine eh, after all I've done for them and even do now by my glorious name reflecting upon their crummy tribe. What about if I convert to become a Colymar? Ok, I know there is the personal hygiene issue you folk have but that's not insurmountable, I can get round that, but I'd like to come over, can you sort this out for me?

Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:57 pm
by Erik
To the coward Broar,

Whilst I find your squealing amusing I will still expect you to be at the agreed spot for our duel.
You really are amazing. You have grossly insulted myself, my tribe and my regiment for months and now you expect me just to forget about it? Without even an apology and an acceptance that your behaviour has been disgraceful?
I never thought I would feel sorry for a Malani, but I sympathise for your father when news of your abject cowardice reaches him. I can respect a worthy opponent. I do not respect you.

Erik Stargazer
Colymar Cavalry

Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:32 pm
by Torben
To:Evil Erik

I amaze you...I amaze you!! What, outrageous, it's you that amazes everyone else and not in a good way either I can tell you!!

Insults you say, disgraceful behaviour, apologies requested....utter tosh, total rubbish it was merely a bit of jocular banter, merry making, the kind of stuff you'd hear around a table at an Inn where friends indulge in some verbal ripostes amongst themselves, all good fun. But, oh no, it seems the Colymar are simply a bunch of cantankerous party-poopers, dull, miserable, can't take a joke types....I never thought I feel sad for any Colymar but I have to say I do now as I never realised people could go through life being...well...such miserable sods!

Still, such is life and such are the Colymar, basically a bit of a lost cause!

Getting back to this duel business again, ok, if you insist let's meet at the Dragon Gate, that's where I believe you suggested, correct? You can get there first and have a bit of a warm up or something, I may be a few minutes late but you'll see me for sure, I'll be on my horse and wearing my usual attire so you're bound to spot me. When you do see me, give a wave and call out that it's you, Erik, in a loud voice, several times, just so I don't make any mistake and go along to the wrong duel or anything. After that previous duel with your mate Afur I've got a bit of hearing loss, I think it was all his screaming and begging for mercy, bloody loud he was I can tell you, so I can't stress enough here that you need to wave and shout loudly, "Broar, over here, it's me Erik, it's definitely me Erik, the man who challenged you to a duel". I think that should be good enough to avoid any 'confusion'. I almost forgot, wave your sword around too, nice and high so it can be seen plainly.

See you at the Dragon Gate then, can't wait!