1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

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1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Erik »

To Broar Hofarson,

Sir, as stated last month I consider your words about my tribe insulting to myself and my fellow tribe members - especially to King Argrath himself. I have given you a month to recover from your wounds, now I dare you to face me at dawn on the first of the month. I suggest we meet outside the Dragon Gate, there is flat ground to fight on and space on the walls for any who wish a good view.

Erik Stargazer
Colymar tribe
Ten Thane Colymar Cavalry

(OOC: Erik Stargazer challenges Broar Hofarson to a duel as a premonthly action).
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Re: Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Afur »

Afur offers to act as second to his tribal and regimental colleague
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
Assistant Rune-Lord of Ernalda, the Earth Mother
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Re: Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Erik »

To Afur Brekalisson,

My thanks, I shall be honoured to have you as my second.

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Re: Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Torben »

To: Erik Starkraving
Colymar Rabble Cavalry

By the gnarled arse-cheeks of Kyger Litor are you still plaguing Boldhome by your odious presence?! Can't you clear off and get killed fighting the Lunars, eaten by Chaos or something else that gets rid of you on a permanent basis?!

Look, to be quite honest, I've no time or interest in duelling a non-entity like you anymore, I'm a busy man these days with a whole host of tasks and commitments to attend to without distracting myself and having your blood splash all over my nice new clothes. You see Erik I've moved on with my life, I've already proved my worth and superiority over those of your ilk by giving Afur a sound thrashing and since you're his lackey what's the point?! Why waste my time with a Ten Thane when I've already seen off a Hundred Thane, it makes no sense, plus you're so tedious....soooo dull.....soooooo much a yesterday's man, that I really can't be bothered wasting my time with you, go run along now and leave us important folk to get on with our business.

Broar Hofarson

NB - Broar gives a great big yawn and tosses Erik's challenge note onto the cooking fire, declining to entertain the nonsense of a duel with...well..a nobody...some contemptible Colymar type, not worth the time or effort!
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Puckohue »

The following characters can vote on if Erik has cause for duel. The vote should be submitted in your orders post, and be "Yes", "No", or "Abstain".
  • Jarin
  • Malvolio
  • Ondureen
  • Erinestra
  • Dararda
  • Lemmina
  • Warren
  • Grumbold
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Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Puckohue »

Erik and Broar can issue orders conditional on the outcome of the vote.
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Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Erik »

To the good people of Boldhome,

You will be aware of my challenge to Broar Hofarson for his insults to the Colymar tribe and the Colymar Cavalry. It is now for you to decide if I have cause for such a challenge, a decision which I am certain you will find it easy to make, especially when you consider which tribe our noble King Argrath comes from. Bore Brownpants has shown himself a cowardly braggart, eager to cast insults but too terrified to defend his foul words. He deserves nothing but contempt from the rest of us.

My thanks,

Erik Stargazer
Ten Thane of the Colymar Cavalry
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Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Torben »

To: The very good people of Boldhome

I'm aware there has been some garbled nonsense sent to you all, by that smelly Colmar waster Erik Starkraving.

Allow me to shed some actual reality onto matters, this Erik fellow is clearly deranged and violent, a man of low brain and terrible personal hygiene. He has no clear focus in his aimless life so seeks to compensate for such by issuing threats and challenges to law-abiding folk who are seeking to bring knowledge and peace to all.

Surely, you do not wish to be part of his world of hate and suffering? The true warriors amongst you, the shop keepers, the farmers, those dedicating their lives to serving a noble deity....no, of course you don't, I see that so let's all give a solid two-finger salute to this Evil Erik by voting against his ridiculous challenge. You know it makes sense and bless you all, I'll sort out another party for us to celebrate the result, all welcome, free booze!
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Erik »

To Bore Hofarson,

It seems we have an imposter here. Only last month someone wrote in your name

"To: Erik Starkraving

Late Fire Season....Late Fire Season....oh, I see...we have a cowardly Colymar here, one without the balls to fight right now but wants to put it off / delay matters, no doubt to then come up with an excuse to scuttle away to the Front or somewhere to avoid me!! What's up Erik, trying to fit in some desperate training sessions or work out if you can sign up for a Caravan to Pavis so you can escape?

I guess, upon reflection, it doesn't really matter to me, Middle Fire Season, Late Fire Season etc, whenever I'll beat you just the same as I did that Afur friend of yours. I just hope you don't start blubbing like he did, all those tears and pitiful pleas for mercy, very embarrassing in my humble opinion.

Ok, Late Fire Season it is, though I won't hold my breath that you'll turn up.

OOC - Broar accepts the duel and looks forward to adding another Colymar notch onto his sword hilt!"

Now I read that you are too scared to accept my challenge. So who is the fake Broar? Or are both the real you, the boaster and the snivelling coward?

Erik Stargazer
Posts: 161
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Re: 1630 - 6 - Late Fire Duel Challenge

Post by Erinestra »

Puckohue wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:22 am The following characters can vote on if Erik has cause for duel. The vote should be submitted in your orders post, and be "Yes", "No", or "Abstain".
  • Jarin
  • Malvolio
  • Ondureen
  • Erinestra
  • Dararda
  • Lemmina
  • Warren
  • Grumbold
OOC: is this a public vote?
Erinestra Harvanasdaughter
Third daughter of a Free Carl of the Locaem tribe
Assistant Rune Lord of Issaries
Lay member of Eurmal
Owner of Erinestra's Emporium Extraordinaire
Charisma: 12
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