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Open Letter to Grumbold

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:40 pm
by Erinestra
Dear fellow follower of Issaries.

Congratulations on surviving your time at the front, all this violence is, well, always an option I suppose but is not good for one's customer's longevity.

We will shortly be selling our Boutique as we investigate even larger premises for our expanding Emporium. We were wondering if you'd be interested in purchasing our current premises? If so offers at or near the open market re sale value will be considered. If funding is needed I am sure easy terms can be discussed.

Re: Open Letter to Grumbold

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:14 pm
by grumbold99
My dear Erinestra

I am humbled by the mercantile prowess you display and it is always a pleasure to see you browsing the wares in my small shop. I do indeed have plans to urgently expand my premises as the product lines I wish to offer Boldhome far outstrip the current capacity I have. Sadly, at least in the immediate future, my ability to expand is hampered by the inexplicable difficulties I have been experiencing in attaining higher rank in our shared cult. Capital restrictions on commercial property ownership mean I am not permitted to own a boutique as a lowly initiate. I am applying to fill a vacancy once more this month.

I would be delighted to purchase it if you can wait until I meet the requirements, but with the uncertain promotion prospects I quite understand if you cannot wait.

your colleague in trade,

[OOC: I can put in a conditional order to buy if I obtain the promotion, if you intend to sell or liquidate this month]

Re: Open Letter to Grumbold

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:11 pm
by Erinestra
[OOC] Well I am not in a desperate rush, if I can arrange promotion to Rune Lord that will open up a slot for you! Maybe join my appeal (not yet posted) for a Rune Lord to resign to make room for me? I'll lobby for you to make Assistant Rune lord as well for what it is worth.

I'll make my sale/purchase conditional on your promotion as well (assumign I have sufficient funds!)

Re: Open Letter to Grumbold

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:54 pm
by grumbold99
We are agreed. I will pay for new premises in the third week. Issaries willing, it will be your boutique. Should I have failed to attain ordination I will settle for a large shop but remain interested in purchasing your boutique in future should you decide to delay the sale.

I'm happy to call for others to step aside to ease your elevation within the cult with what little weight my status conveys.