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Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:19 pm
by Erik
The lady Griselna is a prisoner of the Lunar enemy. Too many of us are committed to campaigning next month to consider a rescue, therefore thoughts must turn to ransom. I call on those of us who can raise the funds, to ransom her and return her to the city she has well served with her courage. I will offer the first 200L towards the ransom. Who else will aide the lady?

Erik Stargazer

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:16 am
by Brear Hofarson
Dear All,

Always ready to help my fellow Boldhomers I'm happy to chip in but what with times being hard and all the expenses of running things here while cousin Broar is away all I can muster is 5 lunars. However, I recall an old saying that I believe originates from the Tescoli Tribe....."Every little helps"!

I look forward to being included in any welcome home party for the woman, if the captors accept the monies and don't execute her.

Brear Hofarson
High Priest of Cult Broar the Benevolent
Initiate of Chalana Arroy
Lay member of Eurmal
An all round good man

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:04 am
by Erinestra
I have always felt somewhat guilty for not fighting at the front, "but someone has to supply the axes" I hear you cry. Nevertheless I will supply a further 200L.

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:14 pm
by Erik
I doubt I need to say this, but under no circumstances should anyone pass money intended for the ransom of Griselna to the Malani thief, liar, cheat, coward and traitor who calls himself Broar or Brear. He will steal it for himself.

Erik Stargazer,
Lt. Warlord of Mularik's Company
Godtalker of Orlanth
Aide to City Lawspeaker
Colymar Tribe

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:25 am
by Brear Hofarson
Erik wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:14 pm I doubt I need to say this, but under no circumstances should anyone pass money intended for the ransom of Griselna to the Malani thief, liar, cheat, coward and traitor who calls himself Broar or Brear. He will steal it for himself.

Erik Stargazer,
Lt. Warlord of Mularik's Company
Godtalker of Orlanth
Aide to City Lawspeaker
Colymar Tribe
I'm starting to see now why my cousin Broar said some of the things he did about you when you come out with hateful slurs such as these! This is all most unfair Erik, very hurtful I may add, when all I was seeking to do was help Griselna, take some pressure off you and become an easily identifiable contact point for contributors to send their ransom donations.

I earnestly hope you're not going to be like this when we become regimental colleagues? What do you think the rest of Mularik's Company are going to think if they see the Lt Warlord going around bad-mouthing the Regimental Healer......morale will plummet! So, let's have a bit less of the old bitterness eh and lots more of the friendship stuff, you and I can be really good friends you if only you release all this pent up anger and aggression that you have inside. I can help you with that, where Broar failed Brear can succeed......give me a chance.....give yourself a chance.....come on my friend....come on...

Brear Hofarson
High Priest of Cult Broar the Benevolent
Initiate of Chalana Arroy
Lay member of Eurmal
An all round good man

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:19 pm
by Garoor
Dear Fellow [CENSORED],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits, for my own circumstances are quite dire. As you may already know, I, Griselna, a Hundred-thane in the valiant Bush Rangers regiment, have been captured by the Imperial Lunar Army during a fierce skirmish near the town of Bagnot. Though our counter-attack was successful in breaking the enemy's advance, I was unfortunately taken prisoner in the chaos that ensued.


I am reaching out to you, my fellow Orlanthi, in a time of great need. The Imperial Lunar Army has set a ransom of 700 Lunars for my release, yet I possess only 600 Lunars in my possession. Thus, I humbly ask for your assistance in raising the remaining funds needed to secure my freedom.

Every donation, no matter how small, will bring me one step closer to returning to the loving embrace of my family and comrades. Your generosity will not be forgotten, and I vow to repay your kindness once I am liberated from captivity.


With gratitude and hope,

Hundred-thane Griselna the Bitter
Bush Rangers

PS. Additionally, [CENSORED]. I am compelled to admit that despite the circumstances of my confinement, I have been treated with a level of respect and decency that is unexpected for a prisoner of war. Furthermore, I have found the lessons on the Lunar way to be quite intriguing, particularly their doctrine on universal liberty and acceptance. [CENSORED] I cannot deny the intellectual curiosity that has been sparked by these teachings.

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:04 am
by grumbold99
Once again the hand of Eurmal can be felt causing chaos in the proceedings. If the offer from Broar is genuine then the sum raised should be sufficient to secure the release of Griselna already, but I fear that his words are misleading given his absence from Boldhome.

I seem to have had some modest good fortune on campaign so I will dispatch 100L back with this missive for the ransom fund.

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:55 am
by Torben
grumbold99 wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:04 am Once again the hand of Eurmal can be felt causing chaos in the proceedings. If the offer from Broar is genuine then the sum raised should be sufficient to secure the release of Griselna already, but I fear that his words are misleading given his absence from Boldhome.

I seem to have had some modest good fortune on campaign so I will dispatch 100L back with this missive for the ransom fund.
May I assure you that my offer is GENUINE, I am authorising my cousin Brear to use most of the remaining monies from my personal coffers for the purpose of this ransom.

Why is God Broar, King of the Broos doing this you may ask.....well, it's because I am formally severing my ties with Boldhome after various legal machinations against me by certain individuals who currently hold positions of authority and are seeking my most unjust arrest. I have relinquished my position as Regimental Healer for Mularik's Company also.

No longer being a citizen of Boldhome I've no need for the limited wealth I've left there as, being King of the Broos, I've loads more than that in the tribal chests here at Deathvale Gorge, home of the Broo tribe I now lead. We were going to come and destroy Boldhome BUT cousin Brear has convinced me to 'Just move on' and enjoy my new life so, after much discussion with him (via the old Mindlink magic I have) I've agreed and so show that there's no hard feelings with the majority of people in the City I'm donating 300 lunars to show we Hofarson's aren't the bad folk that some have made us out to be!

I think the residents of Boldhome ought to thank Brear really, maybe hold a big feast for him or build a statue to his glory since he has become the 'Saviour of the City' by getting me to call off our attack.

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:37 pm
by Rufus
Rufus Bronzer will also contribute to the release of Griselna. Financial success has proved elusive this campaigning season but Rufus has some funds - so will contribute 150 lunars.

Rufus would want Lt Warlord Erik Stargazer to coordinate the ransom money.

Re: Ransom for Griselna

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:06 am
by Erik
Rufus wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:37 pm Rufus Bronzer will also contribute to the release of Griselna. Financial success has proved elusive this campaigning season but Rufus has some funds - so will contribute 150 lunars.

Rufus would want Lt Warlord Erik Stargazer to coordinate the ransom money.
Thanks Rufus, every donation to help free our comrade is welcome. However neither myself nor anyone else needs to co-ordinate the ransom offer, we merely all have to indicate how much we are willing to offer. Let us hope for a glorious ending to the campaign and freedom for Griselna!


(OOC: Puckohue will do the co-ordination, we just commit however many Lunars in our orders).