1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

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1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

First Days of Summer

The first days of summer arrive with a burst of warmth and vitality, breathing new life into Boldhome and its surroundings. As Yelm ascend higher in the sky, his golden rays dance across the landscape, painting the world in hues of amber and gold. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass, carrying the promise of abundant growth and renewal.

The atmosphere in Boldhome crackled with tension as rumors swirled about the latest developments among its inhabitants.

Adjutant-General Otip Natalraethninason's decisive action sent shockwaves through Mularik's Company as he issued a search warrant for Broar Hofarson, the Regimental Healer. Accused of cowardice, Broar was ordered to return to Boldhome immediately to face a court martial, casting a shadow over his once-respected position.

Meanwhile, tensions simmered further as Broar, in an unexpected twist, had sought the intervention of Deputy of Public Harmony Insterda Jarlvasdaughter, requesting the arrest of Hundred-thane Erik. The Deputy, however, chose to await the outcome of Broar's trial, leaving the situation hanging in uncertainty.

In the midst of this turmoil, Ivarenna and Jarrek found themselves turning to the moneylenders, seeking financial aid to navigate their own personal challenges. Jarrek also repaid a previous loan.

Regimental Adjutant Ten-thane Grumbold's sudden resignation from Goldgotti's Company raised eyebrows and fueled speculation, leaving many wondering about the motivations behind his unexpected departure.

Harold purchased a horse and hired a groom.

Agis and Hoftar sought solace and camaraderie in the familiar embrace of the Red Beaver, while Serbitar sought refuge in the welcoming atmosphere of Fantarn's.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Appointments and Cult Promotions

Griselna's aspirations to become Aide to a Jarl were dashed, while Grumbold's hopes of serving as Aide to a Locaem Chieftain were similarly quashed. Ivarenna, too, faced disappointment as her ambition to become Aide to the Balmyr King remained unfulfilled.

However, amidst the setbacks, there were glimmers of success. Brear found himself appointed Aide to Lord Vadanast Farathson of the Malani, a position of honor and responsibility. Similarly, Harold received the prestigious appointment of Aide to Chieftain Haril Venamtarson of the Bachad, marking a significant step forward in his career.

The realm of cult promotions brought its own share of surprises and letdowns. Despite their dedication, neither Erik nor Quatlu ascended to the rank of Rune-Lord of Orlanth, while Erinestra's hopes of becoming Rune-Lord of Issaries were also dashed. The coveted positions of Assistant Rune-Lord of Orlanth remained out of reach for both Erik and Rufus.

Despite the setbacks, there were those who tasted success. Quatlu's diligence and dedication were rewarded with the promotion to Assistant Rune-Lord of Orlanth, a testament to his commitment to the faith. Similarly, Erinestra's elevation to Assistant Rune-Lord of Issaries marked a significant milestone in her spiritual journey.

Off to War

Amidst the backdrop of appointments and promotions, a call to arms beckoned. Afur, Erik, Fionn, Jarrek, Julian, Quatlu, and Rufus bid farewell to their loved ones and embarked on a journey to the front lines, where they would bravely confront the Lunar Imperial Army in Tarsh, ready to defend their homeland with valor and determination.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1

Ivarenna took the step of initiating into the cult of Orlanth, while Serbitar opted to join as a lay member. Meanwhile, Brear embarked on a path of healing and compassion by initiating into the cult of Chalana Arroy, embracing its teachings of mercy and healing.

In a surprising turn of events, Grumbold donned the mantle of a soldier, joining the ranks of the Royal Foot Guards as a Ten-thane, and was promptly deployed to the front lines, where his courage and valor would be put to the test.

While some sought solace and camaraderie in revelry, with Hoftar spending the week carousing at the Red Beaver, others sought solace of a different kind. Agis found comfort and connection at the temple of Uleria, seeking solace in the embrace of intimate companionship.

Meanwhile, Griselna and Harold found themselves drawn to the halls of the temple of Orlanth, where they participated in a ceremony, displaying conspicuous piety and paying homage to the High Priest.

In the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment, Erinestra dedicated herself to her cult studies, immersing herself in the teachings and traditions of her faith, this week finding herself amidst the bustling activity of the city market, absorbing wisdom from all corners.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2

Ivarenna, fueled by determination and resolve, joined Mularik’s Company as a Ten-thane, ready to face the trials of the front lines with courage and conviction.

While some sought solace in the revelry of the Red Beaver, with Agis indulging in merrymaking and camaraderie, Harold found a different kind of connection. He sought and found intimate companionship at the temple of Uleria, where perhaps the divine presence brought comfort and warmth to his heart.

Amidst the halls of the temple of Orlanth, Serbitar participated in a ceremony, humbly paying homage to the Assistant Priest, his reverence and devotion evident in his actions.

Erinestra, ever dedicated to her pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment, completed her cult studies course at the temple of Issaries. With determination and diligence, she absorbed the teachings and wisdom imparted to her.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3

Agis, drawn by the call of the winds and the thunderous skies, became a lay member in the cult of Orlanth, embracing the teachings and traditions of the storm god with reverence and devotion.

Meanwhile, Griselna's journey to find her place among the warriors took unexpected turns. Despite initial setbacks in her attempts to join the Snakepipe Dancers and the Guildsmen, her perseverance led her to the Bush Rangers. Undeterred, she bought the rank of Hundred-thane and embarked to the front lines, ready to prove her mettle and valor in the heat of battle.

Hoftar, accompanied by his newfound companion Eslanla, graced the halls of the Red Beaver, indulging in revelry and shared laughter as they reveled in each other's company.

In the temple of Uleria, Serbitar found solace and connection, seeking and discovering intimate companionship.

Erinestra brought Arng to the temple of Issaries, where they participated in a ceremony, paying homage to the Chief Priest and reaffirming their commitment to the sacred teachings of the merchant deity.

Meanwhile, Brear's compassion and healing touch were put to noble use as he tended to the patients at the Chalana Arroy hospital, offering comfort and solace to those in need during their time of distress.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4

Hoftar, drawn by the allure of trade and communication, embraced the teachings of the merchant god Issaries, becoming a lay member in the cult. With each step, he sought to understand the intricate web of exchanges that wove the fabric of society.

Meanwhile, Harold's aspirations to join the Colymar Cavalry were met with disappointment as his application was denied, despite the commendations of an unknown advocate.

Agis and Serbitar, their hearts beating in unison with the rhythm of the storm, honed their skills with the broadsword at the temple of Orlanth. With each strike and parry, they embodied the fierce determination of the storm god's disciples, ready to defend their beliefs with unwavering resolve.

Erinestra tended to her shop with meticulous care, ensuring that each item displayed reflected the essence of her craft and dedication.

Meanwhile, Brear delved into the sacred art of healing at the temple of Chalana Arroy.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Front

Even though Slavewall and Bagnot were liberated last summer, the Lunar forces in the surrounding areas have remained. The initial Sartarite strategy for the Fire Season of 1631 was to have the 1st Army do field operations in order to remove the enemy, while the 2nd Army defended Slavewall. To increase the pressure, the 3rd Army was to lay siege to Goldedge.

1st Army
The sun blazed high in the sky, casting its golden light over the rolling plains of Tarsh as the Sartarite 1st Army descended upon the enemy forces entrenched near the liberated town of Slavewall. With banners fluttering defiantly in the wind, the Sartarite warriors, drawn from various units, prepared for battle.

Cavalry Division
The Cavalry Division’s leadership’s contribution to the results was inconclusive.

Heavy Brigade
The Heavy Brigade drove the enemy from the field.
  • Twin Spears
    The regiment drove the enemy off the field. The Warlord was promoted.
  • Fellowship of Death
    The regiment drove the enemy off the field with few casualties.
Cavalry Brigade
The Cavalry Brigade drove the enemy from the field. The brigadier was killed by Lunar assassins. Even though he didn’t manage to save the brigadier’s life, Brigade-thane Afur was mentioned in battlesongs for killing the assassins.
  • Colymar Cavalry
    The regiment’s results were inconclusive. Regimental Adjutant Julian was noted for his performance (and ability to carry loot) and had been promoted had there been a vacancy. Instead he was mentioned in battlesongs and will have his name brought to the king for consideration.
  • Tosti’s Company
    Tosti’s Company did everything right and crushed the enemy. The Warlord earned a well-deserved promotion.
Brigade of Guards
The Guards Brigade did not fare well. It was driven from the field, the brigadier and brigade-thane among the casualties.
  • Royal Foot Guards
    The regiment’s results were inconclusive. Acting commander Lt Warlord Saliast fell in battle. Ten-thane Quatlu was promoted to Hundred-thane. Ten-thane Grumbold was seen carrying away war loot.
  • Mularik’s Company
    The magic of the enemy proved too strong and Mularik’s Company was driven from the field. There were some losses that might have been able to be prevented had the Regimental Healer, Broar, been present. Warlord Rufus was nevertheless mentioned in battlesongs (and the king’s list of consideration). He was also offered a promotion, but refused it. Hundred-thane Erik was mentioned in battlesongs (and the king’s list of consideration) and promoted to Lt Warlord. Ten-thane Ivarenna was mentioned in two battlesongs (and the king’s list of consideration). She would have been promoted, but was thought to be too unknown for a Hundred-thane in the regiment.
As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the distance, the Sartarite 1st Army stood victorious, their triumphs and trials etched into the annals of history. And though the scars of war may linger, they marched ever onward, undaunted by the challenges that lay ahead.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

2nd Army
The 2nd Army was to defend Slavewall against any Lunar advances. Not only did they succeed in defending the liberated town, thanks to the noble sacrifices of many officers and warriors, but the Thieves’ Arm regiment eventually found an opportunity to counter-attack, opening up the field of battle and scattering the enemy.

1st Division
The 1st Division leadership was inconclusive. The Division Commander Lt General Anon was murdered by some Lunar assassins.

2nd Brigade
The 2nd Brigade took the brunt of the Lunar advances, and finally fell to a storming party. The Brigadier was among the fallen.
  • Goldgotti’s Company
    Goldgotti’s took a heavy beating from the attacking Lunars, and were eventually run over. Losses were heavy and included Ten-thane Jarrek.
  • Free Men
    The Free Men was the other regiment that had the ill fortune of having to withstand the heaviest attacks.
3rd Brigade
The 3rd Foot Brigade saved the day when they sallied forth and broke the enemy with a well-timed counter-attack.
  • Wolf Runners
    The Wolf Runners’ part in the counter-attack was inconclusive. Ten-thane Fionn survived, but was then sent back to Boldhome as he’s not a member of a warrior cult.
  • Thieves’ Arm
    It was the Thieves’ Arm that managed to catch the attackers by surprise with a clever counter-attack.
2nd Division
The 2nd Division did as well as they could. Their defense was inconclusive.

4th Brigade
The defense put up by the 4th Brigade was inconclusive.
  • Guildsmen
    The Guildsmen did well and managed to break the enemy by sortie.
  • Bush Rangers
    Hundred-thane Griselna the Bitter was put in charge of the regiment due to the vacancies. Her leadership led to an inconclusive result, but at least she survived with a small amount of loot.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

3rd Army
The 3rd Army laid siege to Goldedge and its golden sun temple. Unfortunately the Lunar Sun Domers were able to break the siege and force the Sartarites to retreat. At least the attempt stopped some enemy forces from engaging the other Sartarite armies.

Tribal Division
The results were inconclusive.
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Re: 1631 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The three armies will remain at the front the entire Fire Season.