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Hello everyone! Can anyone help? Erik?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:58 pm
by Brear Hofarson
Hello Boldhome residents,

Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Brear Hofarson, proud son of a Malani Chieftain and the newest arrival in the city.

I've come to Boldhome on the invite of my cousin, Broar Hofarson, to look after his Cult Temple while he goes off to do some Hero Questing, well that's what his letter to me said. However, I'm a bit confused as when I turned up at the Temple it seems to be just a single lodging room with a painting of cousin Broar on the wall with a few candles underneath it, the rest of the place is full of basic furniture, jumbled clothes and a pile of unwashed dishes. Have I found the right place?

Cousin Broar also said he'd leave me a bag of lunars to see me through until he gets back but the only bag I could find was empty, except for this note -

"Dear Cousin Brear,

Thanks for agreeing to look after my temple, if you get any new recruits for Cult Broar The Benevolent don't forget to get their membership fees before signing them up, you'll find the membership fees scroll on the table, any position is up for offer, obviously the more prestigious the role the higher the fee.

Unfortunately I've not been able to leave you any lunars, as previously mentioned, as I've got to resurrect someone and I need all my money to pay for the ceremony accessories HOWEVER I've a good friend called Erik Stargazer and he needs a housekeeper and has 60 lunars he will pay you, I know it's not much but if you get the job you can help yourself to some free food from his cellar as he's so daft he won't realise you've had any away.

Anyway, good luck cousin and see you when I get back. Should be after Fire Season.

God Broar"

Regrettably, even though I'm the son of a Chieftain he's told me to be a man and survive on my own, he recommended opening a shop and joining Issaries to start raising money, all I've got is a handful of lunars so this job at Erik's place sounds great. Erik Stargazer, if you're out there and about to go off to the Front can you let me pick up the keys, and the 60 lunars, of course, before you leave. Rest assured I'll keep the place all clean & tidy for you.

Brear Hofarson
Son of a Malani Chieftain