Mularik's Company - Regimental Healer required

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Mularik's Company - Regimental Healer required

Post by Rufus »

Mularik's company is in need of a regimental healer.

This would suit an aspiring applicant who seeks to further themselves in society.
Perhaps someone newly arrived in the city and seeking to establish themselves.

Joining the Chalana Arroy (or Ernalda) cult as an initiate would be necessary.

This position offers many advantages and no long term penalties.

The advantages that would accrue to someone with sufficient standing to be able to join this elite and highly respected formation would be
1. Guaranteed admission to the best magical regiment of Boldhome (just notify Warlord Rufus Bronzer of your intention in the Boldhome Crier)
2. Excellent pay and high status as befits such an exalted role
3. Costs waived for securing this position
4. The regiment is about to go on campaign. The Company is well trained and have expert, veteran commanders. The prospects of a highly successful campaign with its attendant wealth and glory are exceptionally good.
5. The grateful thanks of the officers and men that they have someone to safeguard them whilst they do their duty for Boldhome and the King.

Such an individual, of course, would be precluded from duelling, either accepting or initiating a duel, but this disadvantage is something that is small price to pay compared to the benefits to Sartar and to the individual concerned.

It is possible that strictures of the Chalana Arroy cult may chafe after some time. For example, such an individual may wish to seek military advancement and to be able to duel again. This is understandable - and it would be understood by all, that such a brave and bold person may decide, in due course, to leave the cult of Chalana Arroy and the position of regimental healer to seek other positions in Mularik's company of elsewhere.

The position of regimental adjutant is also available.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
Posts: 323
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:06 pm

Re: Mularik's Company - Regimental Healer required

Post by Erik »

I will support Warlord Rufus's appeal for a regimental healer. I know that for most devotees of Chalana Arroy and Ernalda, compassion for their fellows, not monetary concerns are paramount. However it is only right that they should be properly compensated for their service, therefore I am willing to add 6 Lunars per month from my own pocket to their wages, thus raising it to 20L per month, the same as a Hundred Thane in the regiment.

Erik Stargazer
Hundred Thane Mularik's Company
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