The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

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The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

Post by Torben »

People of Boldhome,

Despite presently laying in my sickbed, tormented by an unknown malady, subjected to insult and ridiculously accused of treason by a fellow Orlanthi - albeit a deranged one - I have been requested to use my considerable healing powers and divine personal ability to return to life, our lately departed sister Ondureen Eoarlsdaughter.

Having heard the cry for me to accomplish this mighty feat I have decided to accept, naturally, of course, as I'm a nice person focused on helping others, even when I'm really poorly, like right now. HOWEVER, there's just a few requirements for me to do so, namely -

1. These resurrections don't come cheap you know, there's the costs of transporting the body back from the Front, all the bits of it as I'm led to understand there may be a leg missing, part of an arm hacked off etc. Then you've got to get the special incense, oils and ointments too, the costs mount up! Unfortunately, I'm a little strapped for lunars at the moment, I donate most of mine to the poor and needy, you see, so it's going to take a bit of a 'whip-round' amongst people to raise the necessary 250 lunars but I'm sure people will be happy to individually donate so it's an all round team effort.

2. Erik Stargazer has promised to be the first to apologise to me, for his past slurs / insults, once I've brought fair Ondureen back and I'd like some thoughts from each of you as to what form you believe this apology should take, a simple note or spoken sorry not befitting the act of resurrection. Please feel free to send me your suggestions / ideas by reply.

3. Lastly, upon recovery from my illness I'll be seeking to get straight back into the role of a Regimental Healer, I know I'll have probably missed the Campaign Season, damn unlucky an all that, but there's always next year. Anyway, I found my application to the Royal Foot Guards hampered last month and I would not expect to see a repeat in the future. Therefore I await Baron Rufus to confirm this will be the case.

Once we've got all the requirements sorted out I'll be getting to down to business and let's see Ondureen restored fully to us, courtesy of God Broar, the best Healer in Boldhome and a friend to us all.
Last edited by Torben on Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

Post by grumbold99 »

Assistant Runelord Broar Broarson

You have my word that I am willing to be financially generous should Ondureen, one of my most favoured customers, be returned to life. I am not at present wealthy but I can certainly find some money immediately upon results and donate more in subsequent months when the trading conditions are favourable. Indeed, if the gods favour me with fortune at the front, wealth may be forthcoming sooner than that. However I know that if there is any likelihood of success, you need to petition Chalana Arroy immediately, so it will be payment upon results not in advance.

Grumbold Rahlefson
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

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Re: The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

Post by Torben »

grumbold99 wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:41 am Assistant Runelord Broar Broarson

You have my word that I am willing to be financially generous should Ondureen, one of my most favoured customers, be returned to life. I am not at present wealthy but I can certainly find some money immediately upon results and donate more in subsequent months when the trading conditions are favourable. Indeed, if the gods favour me with fortune at the front, wealth may be forthcoming sooner than that. However I know that if there is any likelihood of success, you need to petition Chalana Arroy immediately, so it will be payment upon results not in advance.

Grumbold Rahlefson
Brother Grumbold,

Hurrah to you stout fellow, for being the first to step forward and give a pledge of assistance, with time very much a key factor here let us hope that many others take note of your splendid example and follow.

Now, just one small matter, about this reference to being 'financially generous' sounds wonderful, very reassuring etc, but can you provide a bit more in the way of clarity, i.e. an amount? As I mentioned in my declaration to the people unfortunately the costs aren't cheap, 250 lunars I calculate are the total funds required, so one has to keep a running tally of what donations are coming in.

You stated payment will be upon results, not in advance, well that is going to be a tad more problematic - not insurmountable, I hasten to add - since I'm going to have to delay payment myself to those will expect it (that specialist shop outside of Boldhome that I have to send away to for the oils & ointments, the Aldryami who possess the right type of farmed tree-bark that makes the incense, Morokanthi guards who will recover and transport back the body of Ondureen) delaying payment to all of these will incur, I fear, interest and thus causing the initial 250 lunars to rise to, I'm speculating 300 lunars!

Still, what's money eh when it comes to the life of a dear friend! I only wish I was a bit more astute when it came down to the old finances lark, 20 lunars, 50 lunars, 100 lunars nay a 1000 lunars even, it's all above me and I don't envy you Issaries cultists who spend so much of their time having to keep ledgers, haggle over prices and run shops! When it comes down to good old God Broar no sooner do I get money than....whoooossshhh.....there it goes into some poor down & out's begging bowl, into the grubby hands of an orphan or straight into a collection box for abandoned puppies. We in Chalana Arroy concern ourselves little for material things, the trappings of wealth and all that, content as we are merely to gain our pleasure and happiness by helping others.

So, where was I, ah, yes......this 'financially generous' stuff, how much can you pledge Grumbold? Shall I put you down for a 100...125 lunars? Hang on let me have a wee tinker here, as I said I'm not too good with the figures and counting but what with you being an accredited businessman likely to spend at least 1 week a season at your own shop, thereby multiplying income by +10%, a Thane in Goldgotti's Company on a wage of 6 lunars per month, plus an additional 10 lunars for being an Issaries Initiate and with rumoured savings of between 500 to 1000 lunars (not including any potential additional income accumulated as a result of plunder gained while at the Front), if one were to split that down to look a percentage of 25% of your overall current wealth as an affordable contribution towards saving the life of a valued friend, and indeed customer, my mere amateur guesstimate is that you could chuck in at least 206 lunars just on your own.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

Post by grumbold99 »

As a man with a mercantile inclination I can understand your concerns. I would make a payment of 50L immediately upon sight of Ondureen alive and well. A further 50L in instalments as my own financial situation improves.
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
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Re: The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

Post by Ivarenna »

Ivarenna puts pen to paper:-

To: Assistant Rune Lord Broar
C/o: The infirmiary at the Chalana Arroy Temple

I did not wish to intrude on this matter at all, for this Ondureen is nothing to me. In truth she seems, as far as I can garner from her reputation, somewhat of a brutish character. But fate has forced my hand. New, as I am, to this fair city of Boldhome, I have yet to join any of the private drinking establishments, and had stopped for refreshment at an inn by the name of the Brown Dragon in the Temple district.

I could not help but to overhear a conversation at the next table between, as I later found out, a young lady by the name of Enteth Ullasdaughter, and a gentleman of fierce and frightening demeanour, by the name of Terdis Sennaleson. It appears that both these two were former companions of Ondureen.

Terdis was mentioning how Ondureen had substantial funds deposited with her temple and was sure that these could be released once she was brought back to life. Enteth, on her part, seemed more than happy to donate the jewelry that Ondureen had recently gifted her.

Anyway, it seems behoven on me to communicate the above to you. Indeed Terdis is particularly grief stricken at Ondureen's death and is, as I understand it, intending to visit you at the infirmiary to beg you to bring Ondureen back from the dead.

As mentioned previously, I look forward to meeting you in person when I get back from the front at the end of Fire Season.

Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
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Re: The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

Post by Rufus »

Warlord Rufus Bronzer wishes it to be known that he is prepared to make a substantial contribution to Broar Hofarson, Initiate of Chalana Arroy should the said Broar bring life back to the hero Ondureen Eorlsdaughter. He is, in fact, prepared to meet the deficit of the expenses claimed (250 lunars) by the said Broar after contributions from other members of Boldhome society.

This amount will be paid over once Grumbold Rahelefson confirms that Ondureen Eorlsdaughter has been properly restored to life to the said Grumbold's satisfaction.

He also attests that upon receiving Grumbold's confirmation he will not use such influence as he possesses to affect the said Broar success in his future applications to be a regimental healer.

He will also request that his regimental colleague Erik Stargazer make an apology to Broar Hofarson retracting his accusation of cowardice. This apology, however, to be contingent on the restoration to life of the hero Ondureen Eorlsdaughter.

Rufus completes his declaration to his head of administration - Duck O'Hugh and asks the duck to ensure it is published. "Now", he declares, "I am off to the Pea Pod for quick bevy or two before final preparations for the front".
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
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Re: The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

Post by Torben »

Rufus wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2024 4:29 pm Warlord Rufus Bronzer wishes it to be known that he is prepared to make a substantial contribution to Broar Hofarson, Initiate of Chalana Arroy should the said Broar bring life back to the hero Ondureen Eorlsdaughter. He is, in fact, prepared to meet the deficit of the expenses claimed (250 lunars) by the said Broar after contributions from other members of Boldhome society.

This amount will be paid over once Grumbold Rahelefson confirms that Ondureen Eorlsdaughter has been properly restored to life to the said Grumbold's satisfaction.

He also attests that upon receiving Grumbold's confirmation he will not use such influence as he possesses to affect the said Broar success in his future applications to be a regimental healer.

He will also request that his regimental colleague Erik Stargazer make an apology to Broar Hofarson retracting his accusation of cowardice. This apology, however, to be contingent on the restoration to life of the hero Ondureen Eorlsdaughter.

Rufus completes his declaration to his head of administration - Duck O'Hugh and asks the duck to ensure it is published. "Now", he declares, "I am off to the Pea Pod for quick bevy or two before final preparations for the front".
INITIATE....INITIATE of Chalana Arroy.......some of us just happen to be ASSISTANT RUNELORD's!!
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: The Road to Resurrection, via God Broar

Post by Rufus »

My apologies as to my inaccuracy. Probably concerns about getting the regiment ready for the front caused this inadvertent oversight.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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