Oh no, what rotten luck,,,now bed rest ordered!

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Oh no, what rotten luck,,,now bed rest ordered!

Post by Torben »

To: The people of Boldhome (especially Mularik's Company members),

It's somewhat ironic that despite being the City's leading acknowledged Healer I have been struck down with a, presently unknown, malady. Yes, I mean, can you damn well believe it, there I was just going about my daily business of being kind & nice to everyone when, all of a sudden, I find myself slumping to the floor in the Chalana Arroy temple and having to get several of the Initiates and those lay member types to carry me to a bed.

One of the Priests was called and spent a good few hours trying to ascertain what was wrong with me, just what caused this swoon / faint thingy, but he was unable to make a diagnosis. He said he couldn't find anything obvious but with me being an ASSISTANT RUNELORD then clearly it had to be something as I wouldn't collapse for nothing. Anyway, and this is the really annoying part, as he has not yet been able to find the cause all he could recommend was full bed rest and to remain free of stressful activities until this lousy unknown malady gets sorted! Of course, that means I'm going to have to miss travelling with the regiment to the Front this coming Fire Season, all my comrades and pals are going to have the glory of marching off to war while I'm back here, stuck in a hospital bed....I can only curse my simply rotten luck.

Still, all the best to those of you who are off to the Front, even though I can't physically be with you my heart and thoughts will be and I'll just have to concentrate on getting better asap.

(OOC - Broar, bless him, will have to resign as Regimental Healer to Mularik's Company until his health is restored)
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Oh no, what rotten luck,,,now bed rest ordered!

Post by Erik »


You are a coward. The world knows you are a coward, the gods know you are a coward and you know you are a coward. Why not just admit the fact?
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Re: Oh no, what rotten luck,,,now bed rest ordered!

Post by Torben »

Erik wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:21 pm Broar,

You are a coward. The world knows you are a coward, the gods know you are a coward and you know you are a coward. Why not just admit the fact?

Well, that's rich isn't it! That's a nice way to talk to someone who is a fellow Orlanthi and, until this recent mystery malady, a regimental colleague too. There I am merely heeding the medical advice of an acknowledged Chalana Arroy Priest, taking the decision not too be a burden upon my regimental colleagues by making them have to divert attention to looking after me instead of getting on with focusing on the enemy and all you choose to do is insult me. Do you know Erik, if I wasn't a man of peace and harmony now I'd be sorely tempted to call you out on the field of honour BUT, deep breath, I value my devotion and loyalty to the Blessed Mother ahead of self satisfying myself by giving you a beating.

Anyway, I shall not rise to your 'bait' I merely wish you all the best while at the Front and hope you come back safely....don't go getting killed, seriously maimed or anything!
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Oh no, what rotten luck,,,now bed rest ordered!

Post by grumbold99 »

Erik wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:21 pm Broar,

You are a coward. The world knows you are a coward, the gods know you are a coward and you know you are a coward. Why not just admit the fact?

Please rein in your temper briefly and consider. Why could Broar Broarson, self-proclaimed finest healer, notable priest of Chalana Arroy and divine in origin, shelter himself away for a month rather than minister to our brave warriors as they battle the Lunars? Clearly there must be some strong purpose that leads him to do this rather than be seen attending ceremonies, training, or strolling around town all month, which would clearly put the lie to his claims.

Allow me to take the generous view that instead of being a braggart and poltroon, perhaps Broar is at least some of what he claims to be? One of the most notable citizens of Boldhome in recent times, Ondureen Eoarlsdaughter, has just tragically fallen in battle, as Issaries warned me about just as the fatal blow fell. What better act to display their potency could an Assistant Runelord of Chalana Arroy (and god) perform than to divinely resurrect the fallen? Their social standing in Boldhome would be unassailable and all these accusations of improper behaviour would become leaves blown away by the wind.

I pray that my supposition is correct, Broar proves himself and Ondureen Eoarlsdaughter is restored to life.
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
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Re: Oh no, what rotten luck,,,now bed rest ordered!

Post by Erik »

grumbold99 wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:41 pm
Erik wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:21 pm Broar,

You are a coward. The world knows you are a coward, the gods know you are a coward and you know you are a coward. Why not just admit the fact?

Please rein in your temper briefly and consider. Why could Broar Broarson, self-proclaimed finest healer, notable priest of Chalana Arroy and divine in origin, shelter himself away for a month rather than minister to our brave warriors as they battle the Lunars? Clearly there must be some strong purpose that leads him to do this rather than be seen attending ceremonies, training, or strolling around town all month, which would clearly put the lie to his claims.

Allow me to take the generous view that instead of being a braggart and poltroon, perhaps Broar is at least some of what he claims to be? One of the most notable citizens of Boldhome in recent times, Ondureen Eoarlsdaughter, has just tragically fallen in battle, as Issaries warned me about just as the fatal blow fell. What better act to display their potency could an Assistant Runelord of Chalana Arroy (and god) perform than to divinely resurrect the fallen? Their social standing in Boldhome would be unassailable and all these accusations of improper behaviour would become leaves blown away by the wind.

I pray that my supposition is correct, Broar proves himself and Ondureen Eoarlsdaughter is restored to life.
My dear Grumbold,

Lankhor Mhy teaches that it is usually better that, when all the evidence points to one conclusion, then that conclusion is in fact correct. If Broar indeed restores our fallen sword sister Ondureen then I will be the first to apologise to him. Until then I will continue to believe him to be a coward,

Your friend,

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Re: Oh no, what rotten luck,,,now bed rest ordered!

Post by Torben »

Erik wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:22 pm
grumbold99 wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:41 pm
Erik wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:21 pm Broar,

You are a coward. The world knows you are a coward, the gods know you are a coward and you know you are a coward. Why not just admit the fact?

Please rein in your temper briefly and consider. Why could Broar Broarson, self-proclaimed finest healer, notable priest of Chalana Arroy and divine in origin, shelter himself away for a month rather than minister to our brave warriors as they battle the Lunars? Clearly there must be some strong purpose that leads him to do this rather than be seen attending ceremonies, training, or strolling around town all month, which would clearly put the lie to his claims.

Allow me to take the generous view that instead of being a braggart and poltroon, perhaps Broar is at least some of what he claims to be? One of the most notable citizens of Boldhome in recent times, Ondureen Eoarlsdaughter, has just tragically fallen in battle, as Issaries warned me about just as the fatal blow fell. What better act to display their potency could an Assistant Runelord of Chalana Arroy (and god) perform than to divinely resurrect the fallen? Their social standing in Boldhome would be unassailable and all these accusations of improper behaviour would become leaves blown away by the wind.

I pray that my supposition is correct, Broar proves himself and Ondureen Eoarlsdaughter is restored to life.
My dear Grumbold,

Lankhor Mhy teaches that it is usually better that, when all the evidence points to one conclusion, then that conclusion is in fact correct. If Broar indeed restores our fallen sword sister Ondureen then I will be the first to apologise to him. Until then I will continue to believe him to be a coward,

Your friend,


Really, you'll apologise to me....that's most interesting....could you possibly elaborate a little on how such an apology would be made? Clearly if I were to resurrect the unfortunate Ondureen that would be, as the wise Grumbold says, a divine act and see my social standing in Boldhome rise even greater than it is already. For such, said act, a mere mumbled sorry or a brief letter of apology is surely too insufficient.

A far more visible and high profile apology would be appropriate, I'm sure you'll agree?
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Oh no, what rotten luck,,,now bed rest ordered!

Post by Rufus »

Rufus was shocked by the announcement of Broar's resignation as regimental healer. Rufus had thought Broar's behaviour in the past was a bit unusual - but sort of acceptable in a magical regiment. This resignation though was of a different magnitude.

Erik Stargazer, one of regiments senior commanders had proffered the view that cowardice "pure and simple" was the explanation for Broar's actions but this seemed incomprehensible to Rufus, even if the facts fitted that opinion. But surely, no Satarite of any decent social standing could be guilty of such an act.

That Broar was seriously ill seemed unlikely - as he was of the Chalana Arroy cult and they would undoubtably cure any affliction.

As Rufus slowly tried to work things out (and sometimes Rufus needed considerable time to understand matters), notification came that Grumbold, his expert tailor and occasional duelling opponent had proposed that Broar was instead going to dedicate his time and healing talents to raising Ondureen - a fallen heroine from the recent campaign.

This would be an impressive act - indeed Broar had proclaimed that he had a divine aspect and such an action might well be evidence of such a claim.

Yes, thought Rufus - that must be it. Broar would dedicate his time (and ability) to revive Ondureen. Only by raising Ondureen would Broar lay to rest the accusations (which Rufus fervently hoped were false) of cowardice and base behaviour.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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