At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

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At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu had finished his temple duties early, and had taken respite from the cold weather by sitting down near the warm, crackling fire at the Pea Pod. A hot buttered rum sat in front of him and he relaxed, letting the cold drain from him while he watched the flames dancing cheerfully in the fireplace. He was thinking about his future in Boldhome, and how he had done his best to prepare for service at the Front in Fire Season. His men were all properly equipped, the Troop Mess was properly stocked and manned, and his own gear was as ready as he would ever get it. His one wish was to serve his King with honor and distinction, and he hoped that the Priesthood in the Great Temple of Orlanth would see fit to promote him to Assistant Priest before the end of the current month.

He took the iron from its resting place near the fireplace and stoked the fire to renew it's lively behavior, then settled back in his chair to sip his beverage. Darra had been invited by the Feathered Horse Queen to attend Court for the Duckpoint Envoy's events, and she in turn had invited him as her escort. He had ordered a smart new regimental dress tunic and cloak for the occasion, as well as a fine, sturdy pair of new, comfortable officers boots. His armor was polished to a bright sheen, and he was eagerly waiting for Darra to show him her new outfit for the occasion. The opportunity to attend Court was something that he had never considered within the realm of possibility, and yet, here it was. Orlanth was truly good to him, blessing him in so many ways. Especially with good friends. So diverse in their personalities and aspirations, yet all honorable warriors at heart. He hoped they might choose to visit the Pea Pod and join him this evening. A good drink, hot food, a warm fire and the company of good friends. He took a sip of rum and smiled.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Fionn »

A wiry, bearded figure comes up to Quatlu at the Pea Pod , and says ""Well met, your honour. They tell me at the Scribbled Scroll that you are a rising man in the Temple of Orlanth, and I would value your advice.
"It seems certain that this summer's campaign will be both bloody and honourable, and it behoves any follower of the Lightbringers to seek Orlanth's blessing before it starts. Is there one particular week this month when the hierarchy will be celebrating Orlanth Adventurous, and invoking his protection on our armies? I would be glad and proud to stand before the altar together with my future war-companions."
Fionn the dagger, soldier (leader Free Philosophers) and scholar (Loremaster).
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu looked up at the young man who approached him and smiled as their greetings were exchanged. "Fionn Skene, a scholar of Lhankor Mhy and a fellow Lightbringer, be welcome and have a seat." He sipped his hot buttered rum and asked, "Permit me to order you a hot beverage to take the chill out of your bones?" He motioned to the proprietor, Jorl, and allowed the young man to order a drink, and indicated it was to be charged to himself.

"Now then, good sir", Quatlu continued pleasantly, "you are seeking a temple ceremony which will invoke the favor of Orlanth in battle, which is a wise thing to do. I can tell you that the highest level leaders for this season's ceremonies are in the 1st and 4th week this month. As it is, prayers for our military forces are always offered in each ceremony, so it would behoove you to seek the highest level of the cult priesthood officiating at the ceremony to offer your prayers. However, you would first need to take a weekly action to join the Cult of Orlanth before attending any ceremonies, so I recommend you take this action in the 1st week of Late Sea season. Then you would be free to attend any week as a laymember, and can either attend a ceremony or work on your weapon skills as your duty that week, free of charge. I my self am attending the ceremony during the first week of Late Sea season, and would welcome you to join the Cult that week. Once you are a laymember, you would then be free to worship in any week of the month thereafter. I usually worship during week two of each season, when many of my own friends and fellow Sword Brothers and Sisters are present, and you would be most welcome to join us as a laymember for that worship ceremony. However, this month I am attending Court and will not be at the temple in week two. It would also be good for you to join the Cult of Orlanth as a laymember before you seek enlistment, as this will open all the doors to your efforts and give you a better choice among the regiments."

Quatlu paused and said, "Whew, that was long winded". He smiled at Fionn and took a swig from his mug, then added, "Any questions, Fionn?"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Erik »

Erik arrived at the Pea Pod looking for refuge, rest and refreshment. He came through the door from the cold street to the welcoming warmth of the tavern. Spying his friend Quatlu he ordered a flagon of his favourite mulled cider before joining him by the fire.
"Welcome" said Quatlu as he approached. "Meet Fionn Skene, currently a scholar of Lhankor Mhy but interested in joining the cult of Orlanth. He also seeks advice on the coming campaign, but is not yet a member of any regiment". Quatlu then summarised the tips he had already given to Fionn.
"Sound counsel" agreed Erik. "You would be wise to also think carefully about which regiment would best suit your skills. Do you feel yourself better at tactics or using whatever magical skills you possess? And whilst we would welcome any brave citizen to the front for the entire campaign there would be no shame in trying to get your social level raised a little more to enable yourself to join a better class of unit, even if it would cause you to miss the first month of combat. If you can raise yourself one more level you would be eligible of Mularik's Company and I would be willing to put in a word with Baron Rufus Bronzer, the current commander. What say you?"
Erik then turned to Quatlu. "I wanted to tell you that I have, like yourself, applied for the vacant Assistant Priest post at the temple. The odds are against either of us getting it but they are improved if we both apply. I have also called on a fat and lazy Assistant Runelord to relinquish his position. Useless Eustace is no credit to the Temple and his departure will open up more chances of promotion for more worthy candidates such as Fionn here. Should he do the right thing I will also apply for his position".
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu was glad to see Erik as he entered the tavern and take a seat with himself and Fionn. He nodded as Erik passed along his own suggestions for Fionn's future. "There is real value in belonging to a regiment with friends in leadership posts, and the decision of whether to use Power or Battle skills is a key factor in your regimental selection. I recommend you follow Erik's advice in this."

When Erik spoke about asking another Assistant Rune Lord to resign, he smiled and nodded again, adding, "Erik, I really appreciate you sharing this information. With your acknowledgement and agreement, I will also put my name into contention for this additional post if it becomes available. We both apply on our own merits and let the Priesthood decide, as we have always done, Sword Brother." After a swig of rum he continued, "Fionn should apply for a post as Initiate of Orlanth if it fits his plans at this time, but he must remember that the temple will require a full two weeks of temple duty each season until he advances higher in the temple hierarchy. Of course if he applied for a post as Initiate on the last week of Late Sea season, then he would have three months of service in as an Initiate while he's serving at the front. It might be wise to plan out his schedule each season for three or four seasons in advance, so that he knows what to do and when to do it. That way he won't mess himself up by conflicting requirements and errors in mandatory duties." Another pause to take a swig, then asked, "I believe I've got that right, do I not, Erik?"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Erik »

Erik nodded in agreement with Quatlu's words. "Wise counsel my friend, you would do well, Master Fionn, to heed his advice. I shall be at the temple of Orlanth in the 1st week of this month to carry out my Godtalker duties, I would be happy to see you there and to discuss your path of advancement within the temple - if that is your desire." He glanced at the door. "No sign of a message from Yealla, telling me she is about to finish her business at Silks and Sapphires - a fine establishment by the way. So another round of drinks gentlemen?"
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Julian »

Julian, tired from keeping with preparations for going to the Front, walked into the Pea Pod and greets each of his friends and acquaintances with a warm smile and a quip or kind word. (You never know when you will be able to help them or need assistance in return).
He goes up to Qualtu and quietly says a heartfelt thank you gripping the senior mans hand firmly as he pumps it up and dawn. He buys a round!
Then he reports amusing stories from the Barracks…..
He invites folks to discuss what will happen in the forthcoming seasons and what might happen at the front? He remembers his own experiences as a mixture of horror, tiredness and relief!
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Orlanth by Choice
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Erik »

As the friends sat chatting the door opened and a young lad ran in to the tavern. On seeing the group sat near the fire he dashed over and quickly appraised them before asking one of them "Are you Hundred Thane Erik Stargazer?".
"Correct" came the reply. "I assume you have a message from the lady Yealla Kalolasdaughter?"
"Yessir!" said the messanger. "She says she is almost finished her shopping and will you meet her at Silks and Sapphires in 15 minutes?"
"15 minutes. 10 minutes to the store at most. That gives me time to finish my cider". Erik glanced at the skinny lad. "And time for you to have a quick bowl of Jorl's pea soup, you could do with some meat on your bones. Jorl, a bowl for our young courier here if you would be so kind"
"Thank you sir" said the lad, gazing at the group. "Are you all soldiers? I want to be a soldier and join the army".
"Erik, Julian and I are" answered Quatlu. "And Fionn here I believe will soon join us. Why do you want to serve?"
"To kill Lunars" came the bitter reply. "They killed my Da, and burnt our farm. We had to leave our land and come here to Boldhome".
"A worthy resolve" Erik commented. "Now drink your soup and we will be away. "You should consider joining a scouting unit. I was impressed by the way you picked me out from the group, confirmed your assumption and gave a concise message. You will need to wait a year or two, but in the meantime ask for my groom, Bob, at the Mularik's company barracks and he will start to teach you how to look after horses, a useful skill in the military. And there will be more bowls of soup and a few coppers for you as well!"
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu observed Erik interact with the young courier and smiled at the interaction. "You're a good man, Erik", he said sincerely. "You gave the lad a solid dose of encouragement and filled his belly all at the same time. I hope he does indeed seek out Bob at the Mularik Company's stables when his time comes." He takes a swig if hot buttered rum and asks, "What was the name of that shop you and your lady were frequenting to prepare for the Queen's event? Silk and Sapphires? I believe I shall go there and try them myself, as they come well recommended. I've never been to Court before and have nothing suitable in my gear." He then discussed what Erik planned to wear for the occasion, so that he might get an idea of what a well-tailored gentleman would wear.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: At the Pea Pod in Late Sea

Post by Rufus »

Rufus strode into the Pea Pod in his customary manner (that is as if he owned the place) but his broad smile was genuine as he spied Erik. He greeted Quatlu formally and wished him well for the next month. "I look forward to seeing you on campaign when it is time. I am sure the bravery of both of you will be noticed by no less a person than our gracious King. It is not right that such distinguished persons as yourselves are not acknowledged as nobility. I cannot stay long as I have to attend to the duties of an initiate and then there is the Spring feast to attend to. It unfortunately impinges on the time that I can pay attention to a certain young lady if you know what I mean. However, I am sure Orlanth saved the regiment and myself from destruction at the front and so I do not begrudge the time for cult duties. However, I am keen to progress further in the cult as soon as permitted. Your efforts to do the same are right and proper and I wish you success. The priesthood would benefit by having you with its ranks."

He looks around the patrons but returns to speak to his comrades "I have heard there was a new Kheldon noble in town - Griselna. Wanted to check them out and see if they wanted to join Mularik's Company."

Rufus leaves with a "Good fortune all" as he heads off to attend to cult duties and the lady Daraea - with clear enthusiasm for both assignments.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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