To:Quatlu Carasilson Ten-Thane, E Company Royal Foot Guards Regiment

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To:Quatlu Carasilson Ten-Thane, E Company Royal Foot Guards Regiment

Post by Torben »

Quatlu, my dear old friend

As you'll have seen I'm all up for coming along to join you in the Royal Foot Guards, thus blessing the regiment with both a Healer and a Lightbringer God amongst their midst......a benefit for all, especially you as just think about that extra protection you're bound to get with me being a member of the ranks!

However, there's just one slight, itsy bitsy problem and that is, apparently, the officials, bureaucrats, call them what you will (I call them seditious Lunar subversives!) are insisting upon several hundred lunars in cash to complete my membership! Wealth before health, it's outrageous and I'm sure you'll agree and therefore I was just wondering is there anything you can do, you know, pull a few strings etc, to either get this fee waived OR if you could just cover it yourself by loaning me the few hundred and I can repay you later.

God bless you my dear friend, I'll know you'll do your best to help a friend and, rest assured, God Broar won't forget and great benefits are bound to come your way soon.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: To:Quatlu Carasilson Ten-Thane, E Company Royal Foot Guards Regiment

Post by Quatlu »

Greetings Broar,

I read your letter and wish you well in your aspirations to join the Royal Foot Guards as a Regimental Healer. I wanted to ask you about the enlistment fee of several hundred Lunars that you mentioned? I've never heard of such a charge being levied against anyone joining a regiment, and would like to know more facts about it to better enable me to interact in the matter. Please clarify this issue and provide me with the details needed to understand and therefore permit outside action. Congratulations on your elevation to Assistant Rune Lord!
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2023 12:45 pm

Re: To:Quatlu Carasilson Ten-Thane, E Company Royal Foot Guards Regiment

Post by Torben »

Quatlu wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:13 pm Greetings Broar,

I read your letter and wish you well in your aspirations to join the Royal Foot Guards as a Regimental Healer. I wanted to ask you about the enlistment fee of several hundred Lunars that you mentioned? I've never heard of such a charge being levied against anyone joining a regiment, and would like to know more facts about it to better enable me to interact in the matter. Please clarify this issue and provide me with the details needed to understand and therefore permit outside action. Congratulations on your elevation to Assistant Rune Lord!
My dear Quatlu,

Of course, of's the charge they levy for someone to join as the Regimental healer, classed the same as joining as a Thane. Shocking isn't it, I mean we can't get promoted, some say we're not even classed as being actual regimental members...all so damn vague.....anyway it's a couple of 100 BUT think, Quatlu, think lad....what's 200 compared to increasing your chance for life eh!! A bargain, it's just got to be right....long term off fee....etc
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: To:Quatlu Carasilson Ten-Thane, E Company Royal Foot Guards Regiment

Post by Quatlu »

Greetings Broar,

I have looked into your statement about a fee levied against an applicant who wishes to join and serve as the regiment's healer. I have found that this cost is not a fee, per se, but is the standard commissioning purchase price for commissioning as a Thane. If successful, you would be considered the same as a Thane after buying your commission, and you would have the same rights, pay and privileges as a Thane. Therefore, if you choose to apply to enlist and are accepted as an new enlistee, you could then apply immediately for the post of Regimental Healer. I'm sure you would be accepted in that role once you are successful in gaining enlistment into the Royal Foot Guards. It would seem that this commissioning fee comes to 140 Lunars, and is paid to the Warlord upon acceptance. In my career so far, I have not yet been to the Front where one may earn honor, glory, promotion and loot from combat. During my career I have needed to borrow selectively to fund training and advancement, and have been working to pay off my debts completely. As such, I do not have the wherewithal currently to pay this fee on your behalf.

Surely you are well aware of the enlistment and commissioning process, as you have already enlisted and purchased a commission as Regimental Healer for the highly esteemed officers and men of Mularik's Company. Did they not require the same enlistment criteria as the Royal Foot Guards? While it would be good to have a Regimental Healer in the Royal Foot Guards, I am not able to make this possible for you at this time. May I suggest that you check with a moneylender in the city to accommodate this small loan amount, which you could then pay back after we complete the campaign of the forth coming Fire Season.

I wish you all the best in your military career, but if you would permit me a piece of sage advice, allow me to strongly caution you against making any further ill-advised remarks about the highly honored tribe of our illustrious and noble King. Especially if you wish to join his own Foot Guards Regiment. Any such slander might result in extremely abrupt and terminal consequences for the source of such comments.

All the best,
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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