Oh sweet and blessed joy!!

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Oh sweet and blessed joy!!

Post by Torben »

Hurrah....hurrah and hurrah again!

What a simply wonderful and wise cult that Chalana Arroy lot are......the sheer sense to promote God Broar to the position of Assistant Rune Lord, far better than some lowly God Talker type that a certain fellow I know is!!

I can barely contain my elation and I think this calls for some form of celebration party that I can invite all my friends along to enjoy. I'll start to make the arrangements and let you all know the details once it's been worked out. Until then feel free to raise a flagon or two, or even three, to your old mate Broar and how, at last, fate has been kind to him.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Oh sweet and blessed joy!!

Post by Ivarenna »

Congratulations Broar. Thoroughly deserved after your recent sterling efforts at the front!

Speaking of which, I have just entered the Snake Pipe Dancers regiment. We are currently at the front (you may have read the recent battle report) and the truth is we could definitely use a regimental healer. I understand you're looking to switch regiments anyway, and thought you might appreciate the opportunity once again to make a crucial difference in the war effort. There are also a whole bunch of Dinacoli in the regiment, and knowing how you prize loyalty highly I thought it would also be a really good fit with that Dinacoli woman you're an Aide to!

Trusting that you'll do the right thing!
Last edited by Ivarenna on Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
Posts: 274
Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2023 12:45 pm

Re: Oh sweet and blessed joy!!

Post by Torben »

Ondureen wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:43 am Congratulations Broar. Thoroughly deserved after your recent sterling efforts at the front!

Speaking of which, I have just entered the Snake Pipe Dancers regiment. We are currently at the front (you may have read the recent battle report) and the truth is we could definitely use a regimental healer. I understand you're looking to switch regiments anyway, and thought you might appreciate the opportunity once again to make a crucial difference in the war effort. There are also a whole bunch of Dinacoli in the regiment, and knowing how you prize loyalty highly I thought it would also be a really good fit with that Dinacoli woman you're an Aide to!

Trusting that you'll do the right thing!
My dear Ondureen,

Many thanks for your kind words, sweet lady, and I'm flattered by your recognition of my contribution to the success of His Majesty's forces during the recent conflict, you know me, I'm never one to 'blow my own trumpet', as I believe the saying goes, so it brings warmth to my heart when others, of respectable standing within the City, choose to praise me.

Now, about this Snake Pipe regiment that you make mention of, in particular of their need for a skilled healer of the highest quality. It is news around Boldhome of their recent 'difficulties' and the very heavy losses that were sustained, almost wiped out I think people are saying! Fortunately you were spared from the list of casualties but clearly remain in some danger there until the engagement is concluded.

Unfortunately I've just announced my application to join the Royal Foot Guards, as their Regimental Healer, so it would be most remiss of me to suddenly go back on my word, what with me prizing loyalty so highly as you recognise. HOWEVER.....all is not lost! May I make 3 suggestions to assist you and your remaining colleagues there -

1. For the bargain price of just 30 lunars I can have sent out to you a blessed charm of the Holy Mother herself, none of your tacky stuff these are in the finest bronze and come with a scroll of authenticity. It has been remarked upon how these can bring extra protection to the wearer and I should know as I wore one myself whilst at the Front and I came back in one piece.

2. To supplement the losses to your regiment perhaps you call upon Erik Stargazer to sign up with the Snake Pipers, the fellow is always droning on about how much of a warrior he is so let him prove it by actually coming to join you all. I'm not one to gossip but I have to tell you word amongst the troops within Mularik's Company is that this Erik is not at all popular, so I suspect they'll be happy to see the back of him. Not my words, of course, as I'm a man of peace and harmony but you can't but help hearing things sometimes.

3. In light of your kindness to me I hereby appoint you as a God Talker - free of the usual membership fees - within Cult Broar the Benevolent. I'll also throw in my personal blessings for your protection. Anything to help a good friend.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
Posts: 255
Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:41 pm

Re: Oh sweet and blessed joy!!

Post by Ivarenna »

Broar wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:46 am
Ondureen wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:43 am Congratulations Broar. Thoroughly deserved after your recent sterling efforts at the front!

Speaking of which, I have just entered the Snake Pipe Dancers regiment. We are currently at the front (you may have read the recent battle report) and the truth is we could definitely use a regimental healer. I understand you're looking to switch regiments anyway, and thought you might appreciate the opportunity once again to make a crucial difference in the war effort. There are also a whole bunch of Dinacoli in the regiment, and knowing how you prize loyalty highly I thought it would also be a really good fit with that Dinacoli woman you're an Aide to!

Trusting that you'll do the right thing!
My dear Ondureen,

Many thanks for your kind words, sweet lady, and I'm flattered by your recognition of my contribution to the success of His Majesty's forces during the recent conflict, you know me, I'm never one to 'blow my own trumpet', as I believe the saying goes, so it brings warmth to my heart when others, of respectable standing within the City, choose to praise me.

Now, about this Snake Pipe regiment that you make mention of, in particular of their need for a skilled healer of the highest quality. It is news around Boldhome of their recent 'difficulties' and the very heavy losses that were sustained, almost wiped out I think people are saying! Fortunately you were spared from the list of casualties but clearly remain in some danger there until the engagement is concluded.

Unfortunately I've just announced my application to join the Royal Foot Guards, as their Regimental Healer, so it would be most remiss of me to suddenly go back on my word, what with me prizing loyalty so highly as you recognise. HOWEVER.....all is not lost! May I make 3 suggestions to assist you and your remaining colleagues there -

1. For the bargain price of just 30 lunars I can have sent out to you a blessed charm of the Holy Mother herself, none of your tacky stuff these are in the finest bronze and come with a scroll of authenticity. It has been remarked upon how these can bring extra protection to the wearer and I should know as I wore one myself whilst at the Front and I came back in one piece.

2. To supplement the losses to your regiment perhaps you call upon Erik Stargazer to sign up with the Snake Pipers, the fellow is always droning on about how much of a warrior he is so let him prove it by actually coming to join you all. I'm not one to gossip but I have to tell you word amongst the troops within Mularik's Company is that this Erik is not at all popular, so I suspect they'll be happy to see the back of him. Not my words, of course, as I'm a man of peace and harmony but you can't but help hearing things sometimes.

3. In light of your kindness to me I hereby appoint you as a God Talker - free of the usual membership fees - within Cult Broar the Benevolent. I'll also throw in my personal blessings for your protection. Anything to help a good friend.
Thanks Broar!

On point one unfortunately I find myself currently with two loans to repay so probably can't spare any funds right now.

On point two I have seen nothing from Erik as yet.

On point three that is very kind but my existing commitments to Babeester Gor preclude me from accepting your generous offer.

Thanks again and good luck in your application with the Royal Foot Guards. See you at the front, perhaps!
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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