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1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:03 pm
by Puckohue

The four Division Commanders will appoint their Division Adjutants. The applicant must hold a position within the Division. No player character can apply for the position as Tribal Division Adjutant.

The Army Generals (Army Commanders), Lt Generals (Division Commanders), and Warchiefs (Brigadiers) will appoint their Aides. Applicants must hold a position within the officer’s command.

Anyone not in the summer campaign organisation can apply for the position as Aide to a General, Lt General, or Warchief without command.

Acting commander of the Snakepipe Dancers Lt Warlord Kenyr Nataldsdaughter (P) will appoint a new Regimental Adjutant.

Queen's Spring Feast

In conjunction with the Durulz envoy from Duckpoint in week 2, Her Majesty the Feathered Horse Queen Inkarne "Reaches-All" has extended inviations to all females on the Lovers table and female PCs, except members of the cult of Eurmal.

All invited and all titled characters (regardless of gender) are obliged to attend if in Boldhome. Failure to attend will cost their CHA in CPs. Additionally a 6 in a d6 it will end any appointment they may have.

Those not invited but with general court access will be allowed to participate (regardless of gender), except members of the cult of Eurmal.

Tarkala the Lover and Elusu the Trickster will politely decline. Well, Elusu maybe not so polite.

NPC female lovers will be happy to invite their current lover. Female PCs may invite anyone they choose. New Court attire will be required, costing 2xCHA in Lunars with a minimum of 20 Lunars (wealthy lovers will provide their own, but will not furnish same for their PC lover. Other lovers will expect their PC lover to provide for them).

Carousing is mandatory and will be covered by the hostess.

Attendees will get 1CP for attending Court, 1 CP for attending the Feast, 1 CP for carousing and (half the difference between the CHA level of the Queen's Palace (24) and their own CHA) CPs.

Attendees of CHA 10+ will, in addition, get CPs equaling one third of the difference between their CHA and that of the the Queen (28).

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 7:42 pm
by Quatlu
Amended... This month, Quatlu Carasilson, God Talker of Orlanth, will Conditionally apply for a promotion in the Great Temple of Orlanth. He will first try for promotion through an appointment to fill the current vacant position of Assistant Priest in the Great Temple of Orlanth. If a position also becomes vacant this month for the post of Assistant Rune Lord and/or Rune Lord, Quatlu will subsequently also apply for promotion to each of them as well in decreasing order of rank. Should he be successful in being selected as Assistant Priest, then Quatlu will decline a lower position.

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 7:55 pm
by Torben
Ok, so this Mularik's Company, to be honest they're not a bad bunch (well, except for one certain 'bad apple in the barrel') BUT neither are they the actual best when it comes to all of the Regiments around. That proud mantle rests firmly with the Royal Foot Guards and what with me now being an ASSISTANT RUNELORD it's only natural that a person of my rank and position should look to go a bit more 'upmarket', as they say.

Therefore I shall be applying to become the Regimental Healer of the Royal Foot Guards and with me being an Orlanth Initiate in good standing, a Lightbringer God myself and an ASSISTANT RUNELORD of Chalana Arroy one can only hope that the Royal Foot Guards show the same wisdom and insight as Chalana Arroy did this past season by appointing me to the post.

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:30 pm
by grumbold99
Grumbold Rahlefson is undaunted in his ambitions and once more seeks to be appointed God Talker to Issaries and Aide to a Lady of the Locaem.

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:51 pm
by Ivarenna
Ondureen pens two letters from the Snake Pipe Dancers regimental camp on the front lines in Tarsh. She trusts that the brave messengers of the Issaries cult carrying these epistles will find their way safely back to Sartar.

1. She applies to become Aide to the Amad Tribal King.

2. She also applies to become Assistant Rune Lord of Babeester Gor at the Boldhome shrine.

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:51 pm
by Fionn
Fionn continues his campaign to have Beeth Levuersdaughter promoted to Drighten.

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:11 pm
by Rufus
Ondureen wrote (with a some editing)
Ondureen pens a letter from the Snake Pipe Dancers regimental camp on the front lines in Tarsh. She trusts that the brave messengers of the Issaries cult carrying this epistle will find their way safely back to Sartar.

She applies to become Assistant Rune Lord of Babeester Gor at the Boldhome shrine.
However , RAW state that only characters in Boldhome may apply for cult promotion (see below) unless Puckohue amends the rules.
Cult Promotion
To rise in rank a character must seek promotion from those superior to them in the cult. Promotion must be announced (the application itself is a pre-turn action), by a character in Boldhome, and will be granted subject to the decision of the appropriate office, for which influence may be used.

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:30 pm
by Ivarenna
Rufus wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:11 pm Ondureen wrote (with a some editing)
Ondureen pens a letter from the Snake Pipe Dancers regimental camp on the front lines in Tarsh. She trusts that the brave messengers of the Issaries cult carrying this epistle will find their way safely back to Sartar.

She applies to become Assistant Rune Lord of Babeester Gor at the Boldhome shrine.
However , RAW state that only characters in Boldhome may apply for cult promotion (see below) unless Puckohue amends the rules.
Cult Promotion
To rise in rank a character must seek promotion from those superior to them in the cult. Promotion must be announced (the application itself is a pre-turn action), by a character in Boldhome, and will be granted subject to the decision of the appropriate office, for which influence may be used.

Thanks Rufus.

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:34 pm
by Ivarenna
Ondureen withdraws her application to become Assistant Rune Lord of Babeester Gor, pending her return from the Front.

Re: 1631 - 3 (Late Sea) - Appointments etc

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:33 am
by Harold
Harold Rastison Seeks service as an Aide to a Chieftain or Chiefess of the Most Honourable & Noble City of Bold Home

In the same month he most humbly Seeks an appointment to the position of God Talker at the Temple of Orlanth ; praying he be found worthy of the honour to serve