1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Announcements

Announcements and Applications. In character posts.
Posts: 2484
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Announcements

Post by Puckohue »


Afur: Brigade-Thane of the Cavalry Brigade

Erinestra: Aide to the tribal King of the Locaem

Fionn: Aide to Drighten

Grumbold: Aide to Lady

Harold: Aide to a Chieftain or Chiefess

Ondureen: Aide of the Amad Tribal King


Grumbold: God Talker of Issaries to resign

  • Warlord Alarella Doganinasdaughter to send the Snakepipe Dancers to the front
  • Senrenrva Kalmelynsdaughter, 3rd Hundred-thane of the Snakepipe Dancers, to send squadron 3 to the front

Cult promotions

  • Assistant Rune Lord of Chalana Arroy
  • God Talker of Chalana Arroy
  • Assistant Priest of Orlanth
  • Runelord of Orlanth
Erinestra: Rune lord of Issaries

Grumbold: God-Talker of Issaries

Ondureen: God-talker of Babeester Gor
Posts: 2484
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Announcements

Post by Puckohue »

This is an announcement for 1631 - 3 (Late Sea):

Queen's Spring Feast

In conjunction with the envoy from Duckpoint in week 2, Her Majesty the Feathered Horse Queen Inkarne has extended inviations to all females on the Lovers table and female PCs, except members of the cult of Eurmal.

All invited and all titled characters (regardless of gender) must attend. Failure to attend will cost their CHA in CPs. Additionally a 6 in a d6 it will end any appointment they may have.

Those not invited but with general court access will be allowed to participate (regardless of gender), except if members of the cult of Eurmal.

Tarkala the Lover and Elusu the Trickster will politely decline. Well, Elusu maybe not so polite.

NPC female lovers will be happy to invite their current lover. Female PCs may invite anyone they choose. New Court attire will be required, costing 2xCHA in Lunars with a minimum of 20 Lunars (wealthy lovers will provide their own, but will not furnish same for their PC lover. Other lovers will expect their PC lover to provide for them).

Carousing is mandatory and will be covered by the hostess.

Attendees will get 1CP for attending Court, 1 CP for attending the Feast, 1 CP for carousing and (half the difference between the CHA level of the Queen's Palace (24) and their own CHA) CPs.

Attendees of CHA 10+ will, in addition, get CPs equaling one third of the difference between their CHA and that of the the Queen (28).
Posts: 2484
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Announcements

Post by Puckohue »

Regarding the Queen’s Feast: Partying Wild is possible, and will be paid by the Queen.