Well, a happy 2024 to you all!

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Well, a happy 2024 to you all!

Post by Torben »

God Broar, that popular chap that you all love, asks me to extend his best wishes to all fellow players - yes, even Evil Erik - for 2024. I realise that God Broar doesn't actually live in 2024 but it's the thought that counts!
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Well, a happy 2024 to you all!

Post by Fionn »

Indeed; a happy and heroic New Year to all Boldhomers (even Broar)!
Fionn the dagger, soldier (leader Free Philosophers) and scholar (Loremaster).
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Re: Well, a happy 2024 to you all!

Post by Ivarenna »

Happy New Year everyone. Could have sworn it was only 1631.
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
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Re: Well, a happy 2024 to you all!

Post by Puckohue »

Happy New Year!
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Re: Well, a happy 2024 to you all!

Post by Erik »

Happy 2024 (or 1631!) to you all!
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Re: Well, a happy 2024 to you all!

Post by Rufus »

Just to echo everyone else. :D
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
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Re: Well, a happy 2024 to you all!

Post by Julian »

And backatcha and all who read this stream of semi-consciousness :D
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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