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Cult and Regimental Duties

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:31 am
by Torben
Can we have a GM ruling on the rule(s) about cult duties and the penalty incurred if a character fails to meet the criteria for such, i.e. If a PC Initiate does not attend any duties at a particular cult in a season does that PC suffer the penalty for only the cult in which he / she does not comply or for all cults that PC is a member of?

Many players have said it makes great sense for it to only apply to the cult where the Initiate does not attend whereas only the odd player, or two, probably like that player who runs Evil Erik (!), says it should apply to all.

Naturally it is the GM who decides the clarity on this matter so just checking for his ruling?

Re: A rules clarification please

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:24 pm
by Puckohue
Broar wrote: Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:31 am Can we have a GM ruling on the rule(s) about cult duties and the penalty incurred if a character fails to meet the criteria for such, i.e. If a PC Initiate does not attend any duties at a particular cult in a season does that PC suffer the penalty for only the cult in which he / she does not comply or for all cults that PC is a member of?
I agree the rule is badly formulated.

The cults are independant organisations. An initiate of a cult not doing their cult duties will be demoted one step in that cult.

Note, however, that as with regimental duties, cult duties will override any other orders given if needed.

An example:

Brandgor is an initiate of Orlanth and an initiate of Issaries. His orders for the turn are:
Week 1: Cult duties Humakt
Week 2: Cult duties Humakt
Week 3: Cult duties Issaries
Week 4: Visit temple of Uleria.

In week 4, Brandgor will be intercepted on his way to the temple of Uleria, and dragged to the temple of Issaries where he will be forced to do his cult duties.

Had he also been a Warrior in a regiment, where he had two weeks of regimental duties to do, the regimental duties would be the priority.

Re: A rules clarification please

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:53 am
by Afur
and then because he did his military duty week 4, and not cult duty, he loses initiate rank in Issaries

Re: Cult and Regimental Duties

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 2:15 pm
by Puckohue
I'm considering removing the phrase "...doing your ... duties will override any given orders if needed." as there are now cult tribunal and court martial rules in place.

Skipping duties would automatically result in a summon to trial the following week.

This would give characters the liberty to skip duties if there's something more important going on. On the other hand, forgetting to do your duties would cause problems.

Unless there are good arguments against this change, I imagine implementing it 1632-02.

Re: Cult and Regimental Duties

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 4:58 pm
by Fionn
Would it be possible to make skipping duties a positive order only? I.e. if Brandgor forgetfully puts in those orders he is hauled off to the Issaries temple, but if he writes "Week 4 Visit Temple of Uleria, ignoring cult duties" he is not, instead facing a cult tribunal (presumably next turn)? Seems to make cult tribunals (and courtmartials) practical rather than theoretically possible, and brings in extra roleplaying possibilities. But it would be more work for the GM, who alredy has plenty to do.