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Mularik's company

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:05 am
by Rufus
Acting Warlord Rufus announces that Mularik's company will be spending some time in Boldhome resting and recuperating after a strenuous and daunting time protecting Boldhome and the honour of King Argrath at the Front. Rufus seeks to ensure the regiment is in perfect condition when it heads out for the Fire campaigning season.

Of course, if Eric Stargazer or another 100 thane wishes to head to the front, then he would support them.

He has heard that Harald Rastison of his own Kheldon tribe is considering joining Mularik's Company.
Rufus will support that application and furthermore, as it takes time to settle into life in Boldhome, excuse Harald of any regimental duties that would normally be required of him.

Re: Mularik's company

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:35 am
by Erik
To Acting Warlord Rufus Bronzer,

Sir, my thanks for your announcement, it will allow me to plan training for my battalion as well as my personal plans in Boldhome. I do not currently intend to take the men on campaign before the summer season, if that intention were to change then I will of course let you know.

Erik Stargazer
Hundred Thane Mularik's Company.

(Postscript: Rufus, I plan to be at the ceremony in the Temple of Orlanth in the 2nd week of Early Sea, shall I see you then? I agree with you that young Harald will be a good recruit once we can pull him the social ladder enough for him to qualify for Mularik's company. We can have a word with him at the ceremony if we see him at the ceremony and offer whatever support we can.
Whilst at the temple we can discuss trying to persuade some of Orlanth's older and infirm members to consider retiring so as to clear the way for younger, keener candidates to progress within the temple ranks.
Your friend,
Erik )

Re: Mularik's company

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:52 pm
by Rufus
Yes, Erik, I expect to be there for week 2 of Early Sea. It seems the appropriate activity as a new initiate.

I fear I am too junior in the Cult of Orlanth to be particularly interested in the goings on of the priesthood but would be happy to follow your recommendations.

Re: Mularik's company

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:30 pm
by Torben
Brother Erik,

I'm happy to come along in Week 2 as well, it's all very exciting being a new Orlanthi and even more so to hear of you wishing to clear out some of the old 'deadwood' amongst the hierarchy so more vibrant and up and coming members can get a look in.

My dear friend Rufus needs the company of a fellow newbie so it's the least I can do really to attend.

Re: Mularik's company

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 5:33 pm
by Rufus
(OOC) Puckohue created a briefing note on all the regiments


It is in the Glorantha background - regiments. I was not aware of the following:-
They combine iron-clad cataphracti with amoral armored wizards to deadly effect, all riding their large Daron destriers.
I would recommend reviewing Puckohue's briefing notes.

Rufus is glad that Erik and himself are not amoral but loyal to Sartar! :)