A New Year at the Pea Pod

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A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu entered the warmth of the Pea Pod and saw Jorl, the owner, serving food to a customer. Hw waved and called out, "Happy New Year, Jorl", wearing a big smile. He walked over to his usual table and doffed his cloak, hanging it on a peg and then took his place near the crackling fire. "Hot buttered rum this day, Jorl", he said with a smile, "with a little extra cinnamon if you please." It had been his first Sacred Time in Boldhome, and it had been a good one. A magnificent ceremony with friends at the Great Temple, followed by new temple studies of cult lore and rituals to improve his Power. Yes, all in all, it had been very satisfying.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Harold »

Harold muttered various curses under his breath as he moved through the cold, wet & windy streets, cold was okay, wet was okay & the wind well he could take it or leave it. All three together was really an enbuggerance. He was annoyed with himself as he had been so engrossed with doing his Cultural studies at the temple that he had forgotten to show one of the Priests the respect he deserved & had lost face as a result. He really must pay more attention to such matters in the future.
As he entered the street where the Pea Pod was situated, his mood began to lift. I really hoped his friends would be present in the Establishment, he hoped to be able to spend a pleasant evening among friends, away from the books of Lore. As he entered the Pea Pod, he was pleased to see Qualta sat at his regular table. " Good evening" Harold sat himself at the table & when Jorl brought Qualta his Drink, Harold ordered his own beverage" A Mead for me please Jorl,"
After he made himself comfortable & had taken the initial sip of his drink, He looked at Qualta & said" Not sure if it will work or not, but I have decided to try & get a post as an Aide, see if I can earn a few pennies for myself, suspect it is going to take a while. You planning to do much this week?"
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu spotted Harold as he entered the Pea Pod, and he waved to him to come over. "Greeting, Sword Brother", he said jovially, "not a night fit for man nor beast." He waited until Harold was served his own beverage and then the two men toasted the blessings of Orlanth in their lives. When told of Harold's aspiration to become an Aide, he said that this was a wise idea. "You can only gain experience and knowledge from such a post, as well as a little jingle in your pouch and some prestige for your reputation while working for any of the exalted nobles." Then he added, "Stay with your Temple studies, Harold, as the extra Power you gain will lift you higher in the Temple and further your career in both the Temple and the Military."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Harold »

Harold Nods in agreement as he listens to the advice from his friend "It's proper weather for Ducks, wet above & below." He replies.
" Indeed, I hope to secure a spot as an Aide, however I doubt I shall get it straight away. Going to just have to be patient, something will tip up eventually, I'm sure."
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian entered the Pea Pod in a flurry of his cloak’s corners flapping in the strong winds and spraying water droplets over anyone close by. The door slipped from his grasp and smashed back on its hinges!
The man left a set of wet footprints as he snatched at the strong wooden door and fought the gale to get the opening shut. “By Gum!” He exclaimed as the wind was cut off, his clothing fell into place and the rain water formed puddles around him.
He bowed to Jorl and apologised “Sir I was taken aback by the ferocity of the storm, I apologise for the boorish entrance but I am happy to have made it here!
Wine for my friends Quatlu and Harold and please make mine a mulled one: Working all day on the accounts and dealing with men who would lose their willies if they were detachable had given me a thirst!”
He removes and hangs his old cloak to dry.
“Quatlu, how are you and your lovely lady? Harold, I hope you are well? I am trying to plan my own progress for this year…any tips?”
And he edged closer to the fire where soon his wet boots began to steam”….
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu almost jumped as the heavy front door swung back on its hinges and slammed into the wall. Julian came quickly inside and forced the door closed. "He's made quite an entrance this evening, hasn't he?", he said to Harold. As Julian made his way across the room, Quatlu smiled and said jokingly, "Ah Julian, I didn't hear you come in. Join us and warm yourself by the fire". As the new round was served, the men listed to Julian's remarks. "Well sir, Darra is doing very well, thank you very much. I'm glad you got to meet her at the Temple during Sacred Time." A thought came to his mind and he snapped his fingers, removed a pouch from his belt and passed it to Julian, saying brightly, "Which reminds me, I need to repay you a part of the money you so graciously loaned me, and you should have the rest of it before we go to the Front. My sincere thanks for this largesse, my friend."

When Julian asked about plans for the new year, Quatlu asked, "Have you begun studying at the Temple to raise your Power? I was pleased to learn that if you begin during Scared Time, your studying for that level was free of charge. Ordinarily this would cost one hundreds of Lunars, so it is something to take advantage of". Then looking seriously at Julian, Quatlu said, "I know you're an old hand at serving at the Front, so when we all march forth in Fire Season I will be facing the Elephant for the first time, and I would appreciate any advice you might want to share."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

The rain was falling hard as Erik made his way through the narrow streets of Boldhome towards the Pea Pod, walking carefully along the side of the street to avoid the stream of rainwater gushing down the centre of the lane. At least the city would be cleaner for the washing, he thought, as he opened the door to the tavern, carefully holding on to the latch to avoid the wind snatching the door from his grasp and stepping into the welcoming warmth. "Gods greetings to you Jorl" he called out as he shook out his cloak on the doorstep, doing his best to send the shed drops out of the door before hanging the cloak on an empty hook. "A flagon of mulled cider of mulled cider and a glass of your apple brandy if you please, and a large bowl of soup. And see if my friends need a refill".
He went over to the small group near the fire and took his seat. "Gods Greeting to you as well gentlemen. I trust you all had a rewarding Sacred Time? For myself it was good to spend time in my own bed (well, sometimes in Yealla's!) rather than lying on straw in a muddy field facing Delecti's monsters. Hopefully the weather will be better for the summer campaign."
Sipping their replenished drinks the friends chatted about their experiences during Sacred Time and their plans for the next few months. "Remember my offer, gentlemen" said Erik. "I have enough lunars, thanks be the gods, that if any of you need a few before we leave for the front (and with luck some chances of more plunder) just let me know. I had rather my good fortune was put to good use by my good friends than just gathering dust at Goldgotti's bank".
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Having Erik join them made the assembled group smile in welcome, and Quatlu said cheerfully, "Wasn't sure you were going to make it, Erik. It's a nasty night out there." As Jorl arrived with a fresh round, Quatlu took the lead from Erik and said, "Jorl, that soup looks good. How about a large turine of the same soup Erik ordered, plus a couple of baskets of mama's fresh bread." They would all share in the ample quantities of the large turine, and wash it down with their favorite beverages.

"Sword Brother, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your generosity with the offer to take care of our needs before Fire Season. It is a noble thing to help your brothers in need, and though I have no current needs, I am grateful." He took a swig of his drink and said, "I should also like to get you to share your advice for the upcoming campaign. I have spent my time in 1630 seeking to better prepare for the season at the Front, and I would ask you to share the benefits of your experience so that I might avoid needless pitfalls."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

Erik mused on Quatlu's request for advice. "You might be better to ask Rufus or Afur, both are more experienced than myself. You may recall that I spent most of last year in the Colymar Cavalry, training for combat as a horseman. I joined that unit largely to please my father, Harald Redbeard, who was in the regiment in his younger days. But I gradually realised that I would make, at best, an average cavalry officer and that I was better suited to a magical regiment. No fault to the Colymar Cavalry, a fine unit as you know. So I transferred to Mularik's Company and shipped straight out to the front to learn combat thaumaturgy the hard way. Much of what I have learned comes from Rufus who has been serving Boldhome at the front for many months, which is why I would suggest asking his advice, or Afur for standard combat skills. For myself I would say find the unit which suits you best - and in the Royal Foot Guards you have found a great regiment. In combat trust your sergeants, they will know what they are doing. Look as calm as you can, it will steady the men, if you can make a joke or two before the fighting starts it shows that you are not worried about the outcome. And be aware that all of your best laid plans are liable to work perfectly - right up to the moment that you meet the enemy. The blighters never do what you want, or expect them to do! Hold your weapon firmly, trust in the king and in Orlanth and hopefully all should be well. Probably not very useful advice, but the best I can do!"
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Re: A New Year at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu listens to his friend and takes heed of every suggestion made. It is sound advice, and he makes it a point to try and remember to speak with Rufus for further advice and suggestions. He digs into his soup with gusto and uses the bread to sop up some soup.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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