1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Announcements and Applications. In character posts.
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1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Puckohue »

Warking Gananvar Tolaison (Lo) will consider substituting one regiment for the summer campaign.

General Jartip Senkalethson (S) will appoint
  • the Quartermaster General of the 1st Army.
  • his Army Adjutant.
General Senrenne Thenothsdaughter (Ar) will appoint
  • the Quartermaster General of the 2nd Army.
  • her Army Adjutant.
General Dangiling Kankalalsteson (Bac) will appoint
  • the Quartermaster General of the 3rd Army.
  • his Army Adjutant.
Adjutant-General Otip Natalraethninason (Co) will appoint
  • the Cavalry Division Commander.
  • the 1st Division Commander.
  • the 2nd Division Commander.
  • the Tribal Division Commander.
Warchief Dova Heortothsdaughter (K) will appoint the Brigade-thane of the Heavy Brigade.

Warchief Minarm Onelrason (K) will appoint the Brigade-thane of the Cavalry Brigade.

Warchief Heortast Derdonson (K) will appoint the Brigade-thane of the Guards Brigade.

Warchief Hofkle Ginson (K) will appoint the Brigade-thane of the 2nd Brigade.

Warchief Eoth Henastsdaughter (Balk) will appoint the Brigade-thane of the 3rd Brigade.

Warchief Lonlanea Ondurntsdaughter (Balk) will appoint the Brigade-thane of the 4th Brigade.

Ten-thane Heortea Salivastsdaughter (Bac) will appoint Troopers of the King’s Homeguard.

Ten-thane Dona Tarnesdaughter (V) will appoint Troopers of Mularik’s Escort.

Deputy of Public Harmony Insterda Jarlvasdaughter (Balm) will appoint the King’s Executioner.
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Erik »

To the administrators of the Temple of orlanth,

There is a vacancy in the ranks of Assistant Priest and one in the ranks of Runelord. God-talker Erik Stargazer wishes to offer himself as a candidate for those positions.

(OOC: Erik applies for posts of Assistant Priest and Runelord in that order)
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Ivarenna »

Ondureen applies to become the Aide of the Amad Tribal King. "Noble liege, I humbly beseech thee, allow me to serve you as your aide!"

Ondureen applies to her temple to become a Babeester Gor God-talker. "I have shown my devotion to our cult over this past year. Please allow me to take on the exalted role of god-talker and serve our goddess in this capacity."

Ondureen tries to persuade Warlord Alarella Doganinasdaughter to send the Snakepipe Dancers to the front. "The need is pressing. The Lunars have recruited the evil necromancer Delecti to their cause. Only now the town of Runegate is under siege by his zombie horde."

IF unsuccessful THEN she tries to persuade Senrenrva Kalmelynsdaughter, 3rd Hundred-thane of the Snakepipe Dancers, to send squadron 3 to the front. "I have spoken with your commander, Doganinasdaughter, and whilst she is unable to commit the whole regiment to the front, she gave me reason to believe your squadron could help in the efforts against the vampire lord. If so, know that I, Ondureen of the Amad, have requested to join your command, for word of your bravery and valour has impressed me greatly. I would hope to see you at the front as soon as the paperwork has been processed."
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Harold »

Harold Rastison Seeks service as an Aide to a Chieftain or Chiefess of the Noble City of Bold Home
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Ivarenna »

Ondureen wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:17 am Ondureen applies to her temple to become a Babeester Gor God-talker. "I have shown my devotion to our cult over this past year. Please allow me to take on the exalted role of god-talker and serve our goddess in this capacity."
Extract from Ondureen's interview before the cult elders.

"Why should I be considered for this position?

I have a vision for our shrine in Boldhome. I believe we should look towards expansion.

It appears, esteemed elders, that a march has been stolen on us by the other shrines in this respect. The shrines of Argan Argar, Storm Bull, Yelmalio, even Eurmal for pity's sake, have all seen upgrades to minor temples during sacred time.

Make me a God-talker and I will look to drive an increase in cult membership and donations, with a view to justifying an upgrade at sacred time next year. What say you all?"
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Torben »

To: The High Priest of Chalana Arroy
Boldhome Temple

Your Sereness,

Come on....last season....my application to become an Assistant Rune Lord....rejected!! What?!!

Do you know how much of a personal sacrifice I made to join our cult? You should do, I told you all about it when I signed up those past months ago and, at the time, you seemed mightily impressed, if I recall! There I was, a war veteran, of the Tribal Levy, Boldhome's joint leading duellist, a God in my own right, a man of certain destiny and I chose to come along and join the cult of the Blessed Mother.

That was my side of things, bringing all that kudos along with me and the cult of peace could say that it had won over a warrior of such renown YET, when I want a little bit of payback, you know, a bit of entitlement for my contribution, what do I get in return.....No, you can't be an Assistant Rune Lord!!

Let me tell you now, make it quite clear, that people only have a certain amount of patience and a God, considerably less, so I shall apply again this coming season with the expectation that I won't have to be applying anymore...right! In fact, I'm going to apply for a couple of posts I'd like the Assistant Rune Lord as my first preference but, at the very least, a God Talker post.

(OOC - Broar applies to be Assistant Rune Lord and God Talker of Chalana Arroy, in that order)
Last edited by Torben on Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Torben »

To: The most respected High Priests of Issaries and Yelmalio

How blessed are the Lightbringers, so many to choose from and all for the same cause of...err...righteousness and...ummmh...well, light I guess!

Having been doing my research and keen to prove my devotion and friendship to my fellow Lightbringer Gods I am keen to swell the ranks of your respective cults by becoming a 10 lunars a month income, I've read that in the conditions so it's correct, right, no dispute over that sum, Initiate this coming season.

I can't wait to join you men and women Lightbringer followers, what fine cults you have, I'm seriously keen to learn more etc...but, the 10 lunars is a definite...because it clearly states that......so see you at the temple.

(OOC - Broar applies to join Issaries and Yelmalio as an Initiate)
Last edited by Torben on Thu Dec 28, 2023 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Afur »

Warchief Minarm Onelrason,

I hereby apply to become Brigade-Thane of the Cavalry Brigade.

Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry
Assistant Rune-Lord of Ernalda, the Earth Mother
Initiate, Cult of Orlanth
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by Torben »

To: The High Priests of Chalana Arroy & Orlanth Temples

Time off.....holiday......personal contemplation etc......I need a week off and so am completing the formalities of approaching you to request such, BUT with clear emphasis that my application should be given far greater priority and consideration than those of just standard Initiates.

As you know, what with me being a fellow Lightbringer God as your own, respective, deities, I'm a very busy individual who is keen to widen his membership of other Lightbringer worthies and, thus, demonstrate the importance and unity amongst our ilk. Frustratingly, such demonstration takes time, a week, in fact, per demonstration and so I need each of you to give me the time off.

That's not unreasonable is it, to let someone of such status and intent as myself to be allowed to do so? Think about it, if you refuse then you're actively going against the Lightbringer ethos and we'll have to note you down as an enemy....tsk...tut...tsk...risky that....being in a Lightbringer cult but being seen to be refusing a fellow Lightbringer a valid request, one for the common good etc...how long do you think such a type would last, surrounded by Lightbringers......not long...!

Excellent, I'm sure we all see the scenario here and I look forward to agreement from you both that I get the time off.

(OOC - Broar applies to Chalana Arroy and Orlanth High Priests for a week off of cult duties this coming turn)
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
Posts: 183
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Re: 1631 - 2 (Early Sea) - Appointments

Post by grumbold99 »

Grumbold Rahlefson requests the honour of becoming Aide to a fine Issaries worshipping Lady of the Court. The finest wares imported by Silks and Sapphires will be at her disposal to ensure that she becomes known as a trendsetter in court fashion!

Grumbold calls upon former cupbearer four and most recent God Talker for Issaries to resign. You know what you did! Sabotaging a rite - in Sacred Time, no less! If it were investigated by the temple authorities it would be excommunication at worst, demotion to a lay member at the very least.

Grumbold applies for position as God-Talker of Issaries should the aforesaid member do the right thing and renounce their position.
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
Lt Col of the Royal Foot Guard.