Letter to Lt. Warlord Rufus Bronzer

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Letter to Lt. Warlord Rufus Bronzer

Post by Erik »

Congratulations on your well earned promotion! It is a great loss to the regiment, and to Boldhome, that Heort Bevunesdaughter fell against the cursed Delecti's daughter but all will agree that we are fortunate to have you to replace her. At least you avenged her, I saw you drive your spear through the vampire's cursed heart. It seems that a spear to the chest does work against them, even if they are less effective against skeletons! I must admit to feelings of guilt that we urged Heort to bring the rest of the regiment to the front only for her to lose her life, but such is the fate of a soldier, and it was for the good of Boldhome. Let us burn some incense at the temple of Orlanth in her memory during Sacred time.
It is ironic that she should have appointed a regimental healer this month and yet the healer could not save her. I cannot recall seeing him during the fight, do you know where he was whilst the fighting was going on?
We now have vacancies in the regiment. I know that Ten-Thane Ondureen applied to join us but for some reason Heort turned her down. Perhaps you could ask her to reapply now it is your choice as to who joins us?

Yours in the service of our regiment and city

Erik Stargazer
Hundred Thane Mularik's Company
God-talker of Orlanth
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Colymar Tribe
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Re: Letter to Lt. Warlord Rufus Bronzer

Post by Rufus »

A note in response to 100 thane Eric Stargazer.

Eric - let me also congratulate you on becoming a 100 thane. It is with sadness that I think of the death of Heort Bevunesdaughter, our acting warlord. Most willingly will I go to the Temple of Orlanth to burn incense in her memory. It is good that we have a regimental healer and no doubt many lives were saved by his skills, if not, in this case Heort.

I doubt the vampire could have been so readily defeated if it were not for your skill with the spear. I thought I excelled in this weapon but your speed of attack left me awestruck. I can see why you applied to be King's Champion. You would be an excellent choice.

As for further applicants to Mularik's company, then I hope we will have some good candidates. I believe 10 thane Ondureen may well be suitable despite her familial background. Her rapid rise to prominence indicates considerable ability and thus a useful member of the regiment. We must not stand in the way of talent.

I look forward to meeting up in sacred time.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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