yet more musings from the front

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yet more musings from the front

Post by Erik »

Erik entered his Hundred Thane's tent, shaking the rain from his cloak as he did. "We've posted a double row of sentries in case the undead want to try to break through our lines again. Gar is taking first watch, any further orders before I grab some sleep before second watch?"
"No", replied Rufus. "How did you fight your first fight with Mularik's Company?"
"Interesting, and certainly different from my training with the Colymar Cavalry. Our task is to get our magic users into position to support the Kheldon tribal levies - brave lads those, but I wonder about their leaders - and stop their necromancers if we can. And I am going to suggest when I get back to Boldhome, that both the barracks and warrior cult temples start to give training on how to use a spear against skeletons. A thrust to the chest does not work when the spearhead slides between the ribcage and the blasted undead just grin and keep coming! A mace or warhammer would have been better, in the end I used my spear like a quarterstaff and just smashed the skeletons at the knees. Once down it was relatively easy to crush their skulls and then they stopped moving"
"I saw that" said Rufus. "Well done on that tactic, and on spotting what seemed to be their leader and taking him out. You are getting a mention for that - it would have been a promotion but there are no vacancies at present".
"I was lucky" came the reply. "I noticed that one was wearing what looked to be a glowing amulet and thought he might be a commander. Once I had knocked his skull flying I was able to grab the amulet. It stopped glowing once it was away from it's bearer and all the other skeletons in my area began moving aimlessly as if they were no longer under control. I assume Delecti the Necromancer uses these amulets as a relay for his commands. I have spread the word, if the lads see a skeleton with a glowing amulet that is the priority target".
"What will you do with it?" asked Rufus. "It is probably worth a fair bit"
"I know" said Erik. "There is an initiate of Lhankor Mhy in my company, and he reckons it's worth a good few hundred Lunars. He thinks it is from the Empire of the Wyrmfriends. If so, I will offer it first to the Temple of Orlanth as I understand that the EWF were followers of the Storm God. That will allow me to make a sizeable donation to our temple as a thanksgiving"
"Yes, congratulations again on your promotion to God-talker"
"Thanks, but Orlanth only knows how that came about. Quatlu was far more qualified than I for the promotion and I was certain he would get the nod if only one of us gained the step up. Perhaps it is a clerical error and his promotion is held up for an official stamp or been misfiled along with requisitions for wine and spices! Talking of which, he and our friends are probably in the Pea Pod even as we speak, drinking mulled wine and eating good pea and ham soup. Whereas we are stuck in these muddy fields, facing a group of undead who are holding a village for Orlanth knows what purpose. But I suppose if the Necromancer wants the village it is our job to make sure he doesn't get to keep it! Lets just hope that request for reinforcements you sent gets a favourable response and we can wrap this miserable little campaign up by the years end!"
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Re: yet more musings from the front

Post by Torben »

As Erik lay asleep, his dreams no doubt wracked by serious nightmares of his own evilness, a voice drifted into his head....a proper voice this time, not one of those many others that trouble him constantly....what with Erik being a lunatic psychopath and all that......"Erik" spoke the voice, "Erik, it's me your good chum Broar, I've come with great news for you. I'm applying to Mularik's Company to be their regimental healer so I'll be joining you soon my friend, just think, you and me, against the foe, brothers-in-arms, and after the battle is over I can try and help you with your mind problems.

Just hang in there a bit longer and God Broar will be right along, everything will be ok".
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
Posts: 163
Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:33 pm

Re: yet more musings from the front

Post by Rufus »

Rufus was rather despondent as he sat in his tent at the end of another month of campaigning. His leadership of the battalion had been below what he felt he was capable of. Moreover, the opportunity for plunder has passed him by.

The only bright spot was the presence of a new officer, one Erik Stargazer. Ambitious, certainly; destined for greatness; most likely. Any jealousy though was more than assuaged by Erik's personable nature. A thoroughly decent chap.

Just then Erik dropped in and Rufus congratulated him on his success. Erik's suggestion that the rest of Mularik's company be requested to join them to face off the undead made sense. Erik also informed him that someone he knew was seeking to become the regimental healer which seemed excellent news but which Erik was somewhat enigmatic about.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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