Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

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Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

The weather was blustery in Boldhome, and Quatlu Carasilson drew his cloak more tightly around himself as he left the Great Temple of Orlanth. The notion of a hot drink while warming himself in front of a crackling fire made him turn onto the little lane that was home to one of his favorite places in Boldhome. The lights from the Pea Pod spilled from the small window panes out onto the street, making a bright and cheerful invitation to the Initiate. He moved quickly to enter through the front door and shut it behind him so as to minimize the cold air entering with him. The sounds of laughter and conversations in the restaurant made him feel right at home.

Inside he found the owner, Jarl, bustling about the guests and tables, then spotted his regular table by the fire with a sign on it that read "Reserved". Seeing Quatlu enter, Jarl smiled and ran over to remove the sign from the tabletop and motioned for Quatlu to sit. "Good evening Master Quatlu", he said jovially. "What is your pleasure this cold night?" The Initiate removed his cloak and hung it on a wall peg near the table, then responded, "Thank you Jarl, I believe this evening calls for a hot buttered rum. I'll wait a bit to see if any friends show up tonight before ordering my supper." When the steaming mug arrived with its aroma of cinnamon, he sat back in his chair to watch the flames in the fire place and contemplate his actions that week.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Harold »

With his head bowed against the wind & the rain Harold Rastison moved through the streets of Boldhome, the fur collar of his cloak clasped tightly under his chin. He was extremely glad for the warmth it lent him. As he approached his destination. He wondered if Quatlu would be in the establishment. Harold had the impression that he often frequented the Pea Pod. So he was hopefully going to be in residence.
The warmth that spilled out to engulf him as he opened the door was very welcoming, even more the beaming face of Jarl the custodian of the place. “Mr Jarl, Sir would you be so kind as to bring me a Mulled Wine with a tot of rum in it, to help drive out the cold?” Harold asked hopefully.
As he looked around the room, he saw that indeed Quatlu was present, he moved through the crowded room to the table where he was seated, his arrival matching that of Jarl with the warm beverage.
Thank you, Jarl, “he said as he took the wine “May I join you? “He asked Qualtu?
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Movement at the front door area caught Quatlu's attention and he saw Harold come quickly inside and shutting the door behind him. In short order his friend was moving towards the fireplace and an empty chair. "Hail and well met, Sword Brother. By all means take a seat", he said to Harold and indicated a chair at the table. "Take off your cloak and hand it there on a peg, then join me for a well-deserved tot."

When Harold was settled and had his drink in hand, Quatlu proposed a toast. "To your success this past month, and may your future be ever brighter with the passage of time." He took a swig and said, "The month went ill for my aspirations, as I was not selected for service to the temple as a God Talker. Our friend Erik Stargazer was more fortunate, however, and was promoted o God Talker just before leaving for the Front. He changed regiments, though, resigning from the Colymar Cavalry to join Mularik's Company as a Ten Thane. This may prove beneficial to one of our Sword Brothers, Julian, as he can now buy a Ten Thane's commission and apply for the now vacant post of Regimental Adjutant. The mill of the gods grind slow, but it grinds exceedingly fine." He raised his mug and offered another toast, "To Julian, our Sword Brother and friend. To lofty goals and willing women."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Johannes »

Later than the others, Johannes Arasikson joined the others. "How good is this cold weather?" he smiled as he shook the rain off his cape. As the others looked at him with some disbelief, Johannes explained, "There's nothing like a little cold rainy weather for people to want Yummy Hot Pizzas! We've been so busy I'm looking at expanding! I've even been asked if we could deliver it to people's homes, which is not a bad idea except how to keep them hot - any ideas?"

The conversation became animated and as the ale poured, more and more outrageous ideas followed. A pizza oven on wheels? A heated tray? A hot box with shelves? When the idea of a tame firedrake was starting to sound good, Johannes decided he'd had enough ale. Thanking his friends, he paid the bill for all and got ready to leave.

"Tell you what, though. Here's a REALLY good idea: pizza and beer! Maybe I should open another shop...!"
Johannes Arasikson
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu enjoyed the visit of their Issaries friend, and it was wonderful news to hear that his business was thriving. The discussion was lively, even though Harold and Quatlu had no background in business, other than as consumers. "I think he may be on to something there, Harold", Quatlu postulated as Johannes walked back out into the rain. "His pizza really is quite tasty, and the notion of having beer with it might make sense. I hope he tries some test marketing to see how it would go over in Boldhome."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Ondurga »

Jarrek greeted Johannes as he was entering and Johannes leaving.

He spied Quatlu and Harold at Quatlu's usual table and headed over. "Valind's frosty tits, it's getting cold!" he exclaimed. "I'm for some hot rum, do either of you need a refill?" He called Jarl over and ordered drinks, paying generously.

"How are you both keeping?"
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Just as Johannes left the Pea Pod, Quatlu's old friend Jarrek walked in and upon seeing him, a broad smile split Quatlu's face. "Jarrek", he called out and motioned for the man to join them at the table, "come on over and rest your carcass a spell". Jarrek had absent from this informal gathering for a couple of months, when Jarrek offered a round of drinks, Quatlu gratefully accepted his friend's largesse. "A hot buttered rum, if you please sir."

"We've missed your presence and your tall tales, my friend. Where have you been hiding for so long... at the Front?", Quatlu asked as Jarl delivered the drinks. "Since last you were here with us, I changed regiments and joined the Royal Foot Guards, which is certainly a change of pace. I've been trying to get myself in good with the High Priest at the temple, attending multiple ceremonies each month and toadying like mad each time, but all that piety and fawning each month failed to impress the decision makers and I was denied a promotion to God Talker. Our compatriot, Erik Stargazer, on the other hand, received the god's blessing and got the nod, being promoted to God Talker last season. Maybe he'll turn up and he can regail you himself with his own nefarious activities." Quatlu chuckled and took a drink of hot buttered rum.

Suddenly Quatlu remembered that he might not have introduced Harold to Jarrek, so he set his mug down hard and said, "My apologies, Jarrek, for my lack of manners. I haven't introduced you to our newest lay member of Orlanth. This Harold Rastison, a fellow member of the Khelden tribe."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian, finds his way through the late evening’s rising mists to the Pea Pod. He sees yellowish lights from windows and hears the spooky echoes of his cavalry boots echo along the streets. He keeps a good look out! - Where he came from this would be a good time for a robbery or worse! So he’s relived when the door of the Pea Pod looms ahead and he grips the handle.
The Lieutenant slips past the door and is relieved to see friends and ‘mine host’ chatting at a table. He moves over to them waving and smiling. He carefully avoids the other clientele - he wants to avoid giving insult!
Hello, Qualtu, Jarl, Any news of Johannes? I called at the Pizza stall but too late - he must have sold all his wares today? But also I am a bit late thanks to my regimental duties.
Anyway who is this other friend of yours? Introduce me Qualtu so I can buy us all a drink. (You cant drink with a man you dont kwow!) - Ah Harrald? Welcome sir, welcome…
And what was that about the front? Bloody dangerous. I was so very, very, lucky. (That’s a long three ale and a pie tale).
Now let me tell you about what’s happening with your favourite cavalry regiment……
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu notices another arriving customer at the Pea Pod, and lo and behold, it's Julian! "Julian", Quatlu calls out to him, "come and join us." As the young man sat down at the table, he asked about their friend, Johannes. "You actually just missed him, Julian. He's fit as a fiddle and doing very well in his business. We heard about his business and actually discussed some layman's ideas about business, and I believe he has some good ideas." The three men sat and talked with animation, sharing their lives and experiences. "I hope you're going to purchase the Ten Thane's post with the Colymar Cavalry, Julian, as they can use a man of your skill and luck on the battlefield. Are you going to try for the Regimental Adjutant's position? You have the qualifications down pat, and I'll bet the Warlord could use some stability in that post as he's lost two successive adjutants in the past two months."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Ondurga »

As Quatlu talks earnestly with Julian about the possibilities of promotion, Jarrek turns to Harold. "I thought I recognised you from the Khelden. Well met, my friend. What are your plans, will you join a regiment? Let me know if there is anything I can do to help a clansman."
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
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