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New application for God Talker

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:37 am
by Torben
To: Any of the current God Talkers of the Lhankor Mhy Temple

Please, please one of you die or resign or defect or something so that someone half decent can get a post! None of you have seemingly got off of your oversized backsides for months now and those of us with real drive and ambition are being denied our right to have what is ours, or, in this case, mine.

I'm being reasonable here, quite reasonable so I want to hear no squinnying about undue pressure or suchlike I'm not asking for anything others aren't also crying out for. Do the decent thing, one of you, and do it quickly.

(Broar Hofarson (aka Broar Broarson) calls upon a God Talker from Lhankor Mhy to resign....although suicide, tragic accident, heart attack etc are all acceptable).

1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:36 pm
by Puckohue
Warlorld Okinakt Yrshison of the Colymar Cavalry will appoint a Regimental Adjutant.

Warking Gananvar Tolaison (Lo) will appoint
  • 1st Army Commander
  • 2nd Army Commander
  • 3rd Army Commander
  • the Adjutant-General
Inspector-General of Cavalry Senra Doynsdaughter (K) will appoint
  • Brigadier of the Heavy Brigade
  • Brigadier of the Cavalry Brigade
Inspector-General of Infantry Morlyrta Eshisdaughter (M) will appoint
  • Brigadier of the Guards Brigade
  • Brigadier of the 2nd Brigade
  • Brigadier of the 3rd Brigade
  • Brigadier of the 4th Brigade
Boldhome Military Governor Broast Tarlason (Balk) will appoint
  • Captain of the King’s Homeguard
  • Captain of Mularik's Escort
  • Ensign of the King's Homeguard
  • Ensign of Mularik's Escort
King Argrath (C) will appoint the King's Champion.

Re: 1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:32 pm
by Quatlu
Announcement: Initiate Quatlu Carasilson wishes to announce his intention to apply for a vacant position within the Great Temple of Orlanth. Conditionally, if the position of Assistant Rune Lord becomes vacant, he will apply for that post. If unsuccessful in his bid to become Assistant Rune Lord, or if the post does not become open, Quatlu will then apply for the position of God Talker with the Rune Lord in charge of promotions.

Re: 1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:34 pm
by Quatlu
Announcements: Quatlu Carasilson wishes to announce he will be applying for the honor of the appointment as Captain of the King’s Homeguard.

Re: 1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:22 pm
by Erik
Your Majesty King Argrath,

Sir, I respectfully request to be considered for the post of King's Champion. If appointed I swear to faithfully defend the Royal Honour and will challenge any who impugn the Royal name or our tribe.

Your servant,

Erik Stargazer
Ten Thane Mularik's Company
God-talker of Orlanth
Aide to City Lawspeaker
Colymar tribe.

(OOC Erik Stargazer applies to be King's Champion)

Re: 1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:54 am
by Erik
To City Governor Broast Tarlason,

Sir, as a Ten Thane in Mularik's Company, I feel it my duty to apply for the position of Captain of Mularik's Escort. You may be aware that I have also applied for the honourable position of King's Champion, should his Majesty be pleased to appoint me to that post I will be withdrawing this application.

In the service of Boldhome,

Erik Stargazer
Ten Thane Mularik's Company
God-talker of Orlanth
Aide to City Lawspeaker
Colymar tribe

(OOC: Erik applies for post of Captain Mularik's Escort, this application to only go ahead if he is not appointed King's Champion)

Re: 1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 1:14 pm
by Torben
Broar Hofarson (aka Broar Broarson) announces his intention to apply to Mularik's Company for the position of Regimental Healer.

Re: 1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:40 pm
by Quatlu
Announcement: Quatlu Carasilson respectfully requests the retirement of one of the Assistant Rune Lords in the Great Temple of Orlanth due to the man’s advanced age and diminished faculties.

Re: 1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:58 pm
by Fionn
Rhosyn, having tired of seeking to become an Aide, petitions Kenyr Nataldsdaughter to take our squadron of the Snakepipe Dancers to the Front.

Re: 1630 - 12 (Late Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:02 am
by Johannes
Johannes Arasikson announces that he, being literate, numerate and skilled in Trade, is seeking an appointment as Aide to a Noble or Chief (CHA 5)