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The musings of a Deity, by God Broar

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:17 pm
by Torben
Sat in his favourite chair, at his favourite table, in the prestigious surrounds of the Scribbled Scroll, the God known as Broar Broarson (aka Broar Hofarson) reflected over events of the last year, since when he had first come to the City of Boldhome.

Overall, he thought, it hadn't been too bad a year.......I mean, he'd become a God, founded both his own Cult and Tribe, established himself as Boldhome's joint ranked Top Duellist, put that Evil Erik in his place a good few times, trounced 'Apless Afur in that famous duel, achieved the rank of Initiate in two cults AND held a host of lavish parties, far better parties than anyone else PLUS seen his social standing increase dramatically from the lowly depths of that bequeathed to him by his lacklustre father.

However......there were a number of negatives too! Rejected for every single appointment he'd applied for, born into that bunch of losers the Malani duffers, up to his neck in debt to various Shylocks and money lenders, no opportunity for advancement yet within Lhankor Mhy as those selfish God Talkers kept failing to resign or move on and less than impressive take ups from his fellow citizens to sign up to Cult Broar. No girlfriend and now no time off to even visit the Temple of Uleria to satisfy the intimate needs that even a God like him required. Hrrrmmmphhh!

Still, all in all, things were certainly more positive than negative! The main focus had to be on securing that role as Regimental Healer to the Colymar Cavalry, if only he could get a week off from cult duties so he could apply. Perhaps this coming month would see that resolved but he still hadn't heard anything back from either of those two High Priests regarding his request to take a week off, didn't these imbeciles know who he is?! He'd already made sure that he'd noted down both of their names so that when he became the top God in Boldhome it would be payback time for the pair of them1

No, take a deep breath, he thought, my time will come and soon I'll have the whole City bowing before me and that's when I can take over as Deputy for Public Harmony and start getting the arrests sorted out and some of these traitors up before the Court to get their just punishments! Ah, yes....that will be the time to get my revenge and the true status and respect that I fully deserve.

God Broar downed the last dregs from his tankard and allowed himself a wry'll soon be begging for my mercy Evil Erik, he thought, grovelling at my feet and wailing for mercy......mwuahhh haa haa haa.....then we'll see the new dawn within Boldhome....the dawn of Broarism!!

Re: The musings of a Diety, by God Broar

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:58 pm
by Afur
Diety? A creature of proper eating plans?

I assume this is meant to be Deity?


Re: The musings of a Diety, by God Broar

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 12:45 am
by Torben
Afur wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:58 pm Diety? A creature of proper eating plans?

I assume this is meant to be Deity?

Doh! Must have been some underhand tampering by those pesky Lunarites!