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1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:23 am
by Puckohue
City Warmaster Orstalor Spearlord will decide on the summer campaign organisation (the City Administrator had a suggestion, but the decision is Orstalor's).

City Administrator Leika "the Mayor" will appoint the Deputy of Public Harmony.
City Lawspeaker Tosti Runefriend will appoint his aide.
City Treasurer Goldgotti will appoint his aide.
The City Ring Members will appoint their aides.

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:25 pm
by Erik
To the Honourable Runelord of Orlanth,

Sir, I wish to be considered for the vacant post of God Talker at the Temple of Orlanth in Boldhome.

Yours, in service to Orlanth,

Erik Stargazer
Initiate of Orlanth
Ten Thane Colymar Cavalry

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:43 pm
by Quatlu
Announcement: Quatlu Carasilson wishes to announce his intention to apply with the Runelord for the vacant position of God Talker with the Cult of Orlanth in the Great Temple of Boldhome.

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:12 pm
by Fionn
Rhosyn petitions Alarella Doganinasdaughter to take the Snakepipe Dancers to the front this month, to reduce the threat from crawling Chaos.

She is also seeking (for the third and final time) a post as Aide to a Dinacoli Drighten.

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:56 pm
by Torben
Broar Hofarson (aka Broar Broarson) respectfully asks both the appropriate Priests of Chalana Arroy & Lankhor Mhy to allow him a week off from cult duties as he has been more than zealous enough and, as a God himself, he is a very busy deity who needs to do other things as well.

He also, with increasing impatience and frustration, applies for the position of Aide to a Colymar Chieftain.

Furthermore he applies to be an Aide to - The City Lawspeaker, The City Treasurer and a City Ring Member.

Having been callously rejected, ignored, denied every other appointment that he has ever applied for he trusts that now, finally, justice will be done!

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:38 am
by Erinestra
Erinestra will apply again to be made a God Talker of Issaries. She will use all of Arng's influence (4 & 5) on the Rune Lord which I think gives a +3.

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:45 am
by Torben
To: The various Godtalkers in Lhankor Mhy Temple

Now, come on people, how many months has it been since one of you decided to move onto pastures new? Stop blocking the ascendancy of those who would like to progress in the cult, especially one who is a God himself!

I call upon one of you to do the decent thing and resign, clear out, go and join another cult - Cult Broar is actively recruiting at present and I can give you a special discount as well as a guaranteed place in our ranks.

All the other cults seem to keep generating vacancies except Lhankor Mhy, why is this? I mean, I've been an Initiate for many months now and how do you expect me to keep a keen interest if you continue to deny me, God Broar, the opportunity for advancement?! Are you in league with that bunch of losers the Malani? I'll have you know I quit them to form my own tribe / cult so don't think I can't do the same again here!

I formally call upon one of you to resign.

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:26 pm
by Afur
Afur applies to become Aide to a City Ring Member.

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:01 pm
by Ivarenna

Applies to become an Aide to a City Ring Member.
Applies to become an Aide to the City Treasurer.
Applies to become an Aide to an Eorl.
Applies to become an Aide to the City Law Speaker.
Requests that a Babeester Gor God-Talker resign - she divulged cult secrets.
Applies to become a Babeester Gor God-talker.

Re: 1630 - 11 (Early Storm) - Appointments

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:13 pm
by Julian
Julian Sartarvutsun of the Colymar Cavalry wishes it to be known that he seeks promotion to Subaltern in the same and most honourable Regiment!