Shop opening at last: Silks and Sapphires

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Shop opening at last: Silks and Sapphires

Post by grumbold99 »

Phew, the season has turned and I'm finally back from the front, showered with praise but carrying no loot.

I'm pleased to announce that, barring any more rash appeals to have Goldgotti's off campaigning out of season again, my long delayed shop opening will be going ahead this month.

I would be delighted if any residents of Boldhome would drop to peruse the newly available wares.
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
Lt Col of the Royal Foot Guard.
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