1630 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

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1630 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Last Days of Autumn
In the waning days of autumn, the ebb and flow of life's intricate dance plays out in the realm of Boldhome.

The Duel That Never Was
Erik, a lone sentinel at the Dragon's Gate, awaited Broar's long-anticipated challenge. The whispers of general consensus painted Erik's cause as just, yet Broar was a phantom, absent from the field of honor.

Money Issues
Broar and the steadfast Ten-thane Quatlu ventured into the realm of coin, acquiring new loans from the moneylenders. In a twist of fiscal wisdom, Ten-thane Ondureen sought financial liberation by extinguishing a debt. Quatlu, on the other hand, employed a portion of his newfound wealth to vanquish an old burden.

The noble realm of Boldhome witnessed reappointments as King Argrath restored Leikan the Mayor as City Administrator, entrusting Orstalor Spearlord with the mantle of City Warmaster. In the dance of titles, Warking Gananvar Tolaison appointed Lt Warlord Gar Tongstesson of Mularik's Company his aide. However, the city crier met an ignoble fate, replaced after announcing identical appointments two turns in a row.

Rhosyn, her heart aflame with ambition, pursued the position as an aide to a Dinacoli Drighten, yet her endeavors were met with the fickle hand of fate. Broar, Erik, Johannes, Quatlu, Ondureen, and Rufus all sought appointments as aides to various leaders and nobles but were met with vacant positions. Their yearning for roles of honor and influence remains unfulfilled.

Cult Ranks
Ondureen embarked on a mission to persuade a steadfast God-talker of the Babeester Gor cult to step down, though even Lady Terdisdaughter's influence could not sway the decision. Afur's dreams of rising to the esteemed position of God-talker in the cult of Ernalda were thwarted, and Erinestra's hopes for a promotion to God-talker in the cult of Issaries remained unattained. Broar was initiated into the sacred cult of Chalana Arroy, his soul now aligned with the path of healing.

Goings On in Boldhome
Amidst the bustling streets of the city, Dararda's presence was but a fleeting moment in the winter season, as she volunteered for the Balkoth tribal levy. Quatlu found solace and purpose among the regulars at Erinestra's Emporium Extraordinaire. Meanwhile, Broar, Orlkastar, and Erik indulged in the allure of conspicuous consumption, with Erik acquiring saddle soap from Erinestra's, revealing the wide spectrum of desires in their hearts. Ondureen sought refuge at Fantarn's, becoming a regular patron of the establishment, while Quatlu found his sanctuary amidst the tomes and secrets at The Scribbled Scroll. As Rhosyn yearned for respite from her cult duties, her request met an unyielding denial, as the forces of tradition remained unwavering in their hold.
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Re: 1630 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1
Quatlu, with the loving support of his paramour, embarked on a transformative journey, donning the mantle of the Royal Foot Guards, acquiring the esteemed rank of Ten-thane. However, this noble transition meant bidding farewell to his role as regimental adjutant of the Colymar Cavalry, leaving the post vacant, like a chapter of his life.

In the service of duty and discipline, Nala dedicated his week to regimental responsibilities. Amidst the demands of his duties, he managed to find a pocket of time for the sacred art of broadsword practice, honing his skills like a warrior of old.

At the Crazy Horse, Erik reveled in mirth and camaraderie, joined by the spirited Gnarg. Meanwhile, Orlkastar found solace in the spirited atmosphere of the Red Beaver, where laughter and spirits flowed like a lively river.

Rhosyn's heart sought the sacred temple of Uleria, where she yearned for an intimate connection. Within the divine embrace, she found solace and connection, a dance of passion and desire.

Broar graced the Lhankor Mhy library with his presence, participating in a sacred ceremony where he offered humble homage to the Chief Priest. Simultaneously, Ondureen and Enteth immersed themselves in the solemn rituals of the temple of Orlanth, with Ondureen displaying profound reverence to the High Priest. Erinestra's path led her to the temple of Issaries, where she, accompanied by Eslanla, partook in a sacred ceremony, paying homage to the god of trade and commerce.

Johannes unveiled a new enterprise, a marketstand named 'Yummy Hot Pizza,' open for business and ready to tantalize the palates of the city's denizens.
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Re: 1630 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2
Nala devoted a second week to the disciplined art of broadsword practice, determined to perfect his martial skills.

In the sacred realm of Uleria, Orlkastar sought solace, where he reveled in intimate companionship, the warmth of passion and connection enveloping him.

Broar's spiritual journey led him to the temple of Chalana Arroy, where he took part in a sacred ceremony, offering humble homage to the Chief Priest, like a devoted acolyte.

Erik, the ever-spirited warrior, and Quatlu, joined by the steadfast Harmeleenrios, paid their respects at the temple of Orlanth. There, they participated in a solemn ceremony, paying reverence to the High Priest. Quatlu's devotion shone conspicuously, like a radiant sun, and Erik kindled incense, offering prayers for the prosperity and well-being of all cult members at the front lines.

Ondureen, in the midst of rituals at the Babeester Gor shrine, displayed a conspicuous piety, and she also paid humble homage to the Rune Lord. Meanwhile, Rhosyn immersed herself in the sacred rites of Yelmalio at the shrine, bowing with reverence before the Rune Lord, her devotion unwavering.

Erinestra, with a merchant's cunning, dedicated her time to performing rituals devoted to Issaries, seeking the divine's favor to enrich her emporium. Johannes, as the proprietor of 'Yummy Hot Pizza,' tended to his marketstand, ensuring the quality and allure of his culinary offerings.
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Re: 1630 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3
Nala, having fulfilled his regimental duties with unwavering dedication, continued his relentless training with the broadsword, each swing and parry a testament to his commitment to martial prowess.

Amid the sacred duties of the Eleven Lights, Orlkastar dedicated himself to his regimental obligations, a guardian of the light and knowledge.

In the heart of the city, Erinestra extended invitations to a grand celebration at Fantarn's, but the expected guests failed to materialize, casting a shadow over the festive plans. Orlkastar, with a heavy heart, was compelled to participate in a mandatory Autumn Storm Bull ceremony, missing the revelry he had longed for. Erinestra and her lover, Eslanla, found solace in each other's company, carousing amidst the quietude of their own shared celebration.

Broar, drawn to the wellspring of knowledge at the Lhankor Mhy library, participated in a sacred ceremony, offering his respects to the Chief Priest, like a diligent scholar. Simultaneously, Ondureen embarked on a kindred journey, taking part in the Babeester Gor shrine's rituals, paying humble homage to the Rune Lord.

Erik and Quatlu, their hearts dedicated to the temple of Orlanth, immersed themselves in sacred ceremonies, offering their reverence to the High Priest. In the heart of these rituals, Erik engaged in discussions regarding weapon choices among the Orlanthi, sharing the wisdom of martial traditions. Quatlu, his heart kindled with fervor, offered fervent prayers for the valiant fighters who stood at the front lines.

At the Yelmalio shrine, Rhosyn devoted herself to the practice of the spear, mastering the weapon's art, her movements a testament to her dedication and skill.
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Re: 1630 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4
In an unexpected turn of events, Erinestra ventured into the realm of courtship, leaving many, including her lover Eslanla, surprised by her actions. Her charms and gifts weaved a mesmerizing spell, and Arng Harngson, captivated by her allure, could not resist the magnetic pull of Erinestra's affection.

Nala sought solace and connection within the sacred confines of the temple of Uleria, where he reveled in the warmth of intimacy, a communion of passion and desire.

With determination in her heart, Ondureen turned her focus to the mastery of the battle axe, honing her skills in the martial arts, ready to stand as a fierce protector and warrior.

Quatlu, driven by his unyielding commitment, invested in the refinement of his broadsword skills, paying for training at the Royal Foot Guards barracks. Erik, the unwavering warrior, directed his focus to the art of the spear, practicing his techniques in the halls of the Orlanth temple.

Broar returned to the Chalana Arroy temple, paying homage to the ceremony leader, a beacon of respect and reverence. Johannes, his path unfolding within the sanctum of the Issaries temple, immersed himself in the rituals of the cult, offering his devotion to the god of trade and communication. Meanwhile, Rhosyn participated in a ceremony at the Ernalda temple, where, as a Yelmalio lay member, she symbolically took on the role of Ernalda's husband-protector, a testament to her dedication to safeguarding the divine and the land it nurtures.
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Re: 1630 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Front

Fighting the Tusk Riders
The warriors of the Colymar Tribal Levy, with Hundred-thane Afur leading Squadron 2 of the Colymar Cavalry attached to it, embarked on field operations to confront the menacing Tusk Riders within the treacherous Stinking Forest. With valor and determination, they purged the area of the Tusk Riders, driving them away like shadows dispersing before the dawn. The outcome of Hundred-thane Afur's performance was inconclusive, but the echoes of his deeds resounded in the verses of battlesongs, etching his name into the annals of valor.

Warrior Julian, fought as a stalwart member of the tribal levy. His heroism and courage earned him a place in the very same battlesongs, and as a fitting tribute, he relieved the vile foes of their ill-gotten treasures, like a righteous guardian of the realm.

In the tumultuous saga of Bagnot, the Kheldon Tribal Levy, marching in unison with the 3rd battalion of Goldgotti's Company, answered the call to assault the Lunar forces that had been harrying the countryside. The conflict ended in an impasse, and, in the wake of battle, the levy Warlord fell in honorable combat. Amidst the chaos and valor, Ten-thane Grumbold's name was woven into the verses of battlesongs, his bravery and leadership held in high regard.

Snakepipe Hollow
A tale of valor unfolded in the heart of Snakepipe Hollow, as the Sun Dome Templars were tasked with laying siege to a Chaos horde ensconced within a minor cave. In a display of unwavering resolve, they emerged victorious, expelling the taint of Chaos from every nook and cranny of the cave. Yet, the cost of victory was not without sacrifice, as Subaltern Rewolf laid down his life in the name of purity and righteousness.

Simultaneously, the Balkoth Tribal Levy, with courage blazing like a bonfire, assaulted the accursed altar dedicated to Cacodemon, the lord of chaos. Their determination and valor were rewarded with triumph, though the price was heavy, with Warrior Dararda making the ultimate sacrifice.

In the epic struggle of Slavewall, Mularik's Company answered the call to assault Lunar positions, poised for a counterattack. Alas, the Lunar defenses held strong, and the assault met with repulsion. Amidst the storm of battle, Ten-thane Rufus's deeds were celebrated in the melodies of battlesongs, and he ascended to the rank of Hundred-thane.