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A formal challenge from Erik to Broar

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:37 pm
by Erik
Be it known to all men,

Having patiently put up with repeated insults since Broar showed the world what a coward he is by fleeing from out previous arranged duel, I feel it is now time to put an end to this. I therefore challenge Broar to meet me for a duel at sunrise outside the Bragon Gate at the start of next month, Early Dark.

Re: A formal challenge from Erik to Broar

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:51 pm
by Erik
To the good folk of Boldhome,

You may be tired of my quarrel with Broar, I know I am (although his squealing can be amusing as well). To put an end to it I have now issued a challenge to him. If he fights me then that will be an end to the matter, I will refrain from calling him coward and liar in future. He will, doubtless, claim that he is forbidden to fight due to his being a cultist of Chalana Arroy. However he is a lay member and NOT forbidden from fighting. (He cannot be that devoted, he seems to plan to set himself up as a deity. Divine Broar he calls himself, an insult to all of the true gods.)
Broar claims that he would defeat me in a duel. To quote him " getting me to fight a pointless duel where we all know I would win anyway." Well, let all of Boldhome see who will win.
You will be asked to vote in judgement on whether I have cause to issue this challenge. I ask you all to vote yes. Ask yourself how you would feel if you and your tribe had been exposed to the insults Broar has flung at myself and the Colymar. I will, of course, accept your decision.

Erik Stargazer,
Ten Thane Colymar Cavalry.
Initiate of Orlanth

Re: A formal challenge from Erik to Broar

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:03 pm
by Erik
Those of you who are not members of the Colymar or Malani Tribes, and the Cults of Orlanth, Chalana Arroy, or Lhankor Mhy or are in the Colymar Cavalry may vote on whether or not there is cause for a duel between Erik and Broar. Clearly Erik feels that Broar's constant insults give clear cause, Broar feels that they do not.
I ask you all to vote on the matter. If the duel occurs it will be at the Dragon Gate at dawn at the start of the month. Hopefully, it will be entertaining!

Re: A formal challenge from Erik to Broar

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 11:20 am
by Torben
My dear Friends of Boldhome City,

Sadly, I'm aware of yet another instance of mental instability that has gripped the poor deluded mind of dear brother Erik.

He has issued a challenge against me, his scrabbled brain seeking to justify such a challenge upon the very flimsy grounds of past insults he feels I have made to both him and his tribe. It really pains me to see the fellow reduced to this state, the voices in his head urging him on to participate in acts of violence and aggression.....tut, tsk, tut......I can only conclude that the voices are insane too as otherwise they'd surely realise that I'd wipe the floor with him, what with me being the joint best duellist in our fair city, proud and undefeated when it comes to martial prowess....just ask Afur! Perhaps the voices have been magicked into his head by some devious chaotic deity, with their own agenda to see Erik slain? Well I'll not collude with whichever foul God it is, they'll neither see duel nor breaking of my vows of peace and harmony.

It's peace, goodwill, charity and friendship to all from me these days and this very month I am to ascend to the pious ranks of the Initiate within the cult of the Blessed Mother, give my pledge to her that I denounce the use of weapons and ill-will to others. I'm then looking to many happy years of healing skills development coupled with that of increased knowledge curtesy of His Most Magnificent Beardship Lankhor Mhy.

I ask you all to help me help Erik, to help you all in fact by voting against this challenge. Save Erik's life and strengthen your standing with good old Broar, he won't forget his friends and will look forward to repaying your faith in the years ahead.


P.S I'm still taking on members to the Cult of Broar The Benevolent so don't forget to get in quick and sign up with us to then start reaping the material benefits of such august membership.

Re: A formal challenge from Erik to Broar

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 3:38 pm
by Erik
To the Good folk of Boldhome,

My thanks for agreeing that I had cause to issue my challenge to Broar (since he has renounced his membership of the Malani tribe I assume he has also renounced the name Hofarson). I held little hope that he would find a last piece of honour and courage in his miserable soul and answer the challenge and, sadly, I was proven right when he took the cowards way and sat hiding in his rooms rather than face me. You all have reinforced my belief that, with the exception of Brownpants, there is true nobility and honour to be found in Boldhome. I thank you and stand in your debt. If I can assist any of you in the future it will be my honour to do so.

Erik Stargazer
Ten Thane Colymar Cavalry
Initiate of Orlanth