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Continuing Conversations at the Pea Pod

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 8:09 pm
by Quatlu
Another month had passed in Boldhome, and with the day beginning to wind down, Quatlu once again made his way from the Great Temple of Orlanth through the streets of Boldhome to the Pea Pod, a small, nearby restaurant where last month some new friends gathered to get to know one another better and to share their adventures. He often came here after services to savor the convivial atmosphere and the delicious smells, as well as a large serving of Jarl Anderson's wonderful split pea soup. It was a great place to fill your belly without cutting a hole in your purse. As he walked inside the door, he saw Jarl, the proprietor, lighting the lamps in preparation for the evening rush. The man was quick to spot one of his regulars and paused in his task to smile and greet Quatlu. "Good day to you, Quatlu, and welcome back." He finished lighting the last lamp wick and stepped down gingerly, wiping his hands on his apron while Quatlu selected his usual place at a four top near the fireplace. Jarl soon arrived at the table with a big, welcoming smile and a large, frothy mug of ale. "What's your pleasure this evening, master Quatlu?" Quatlu accepted the stein krug and looked up at Jarl with a raised eyebrow. "Has Mama still got any of her fresh baked rolls left to go with your soup today?" The man seemed to be pleased to reply, "Indeed she has, sir. And we're trying a new menu item this month, if you'd be interested? We got a good deal on some fresh beef at the market to go along with the vegetables, so Mama made a nice Beef Stew for tonight. Would you care to try it?" Quatlu looked up at Jarl and smiled, saying, "Yes indeed, I'll have a large bowl of your Beef Stew and a basket of mama's rolls of course, if you please". Then before Jarl could slip away to the kitchen, Quatlu added, "I may have some company again this evening, as the group of men here with me last time were so impressed with the fare that they agreed to get together again this month. So hold off on the meal for a bit until they get here." Jarl returned the smile and his head bobbed up and down in agreement, then he disappeared into the kitchen. Quatlu settled back in his chair, sipping his ale, and watched the door from his seat by the fireplace... humming an Orlanth hymn while he waited.

Re: Continuing Conversations at the Pea Pod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 2:26 am
by Johannes
Johannes' feet were sore. Another week of knocking on Chiefs' and Nobles' doors, to get no further than the household steward. His flirtation with Jenny of the Hood continued, and were good moments in his week. As he headed home to The Red Beaver, he was passing through North Market when he saw Quatlu ahead of him. Headed for the Pea Pod, probably, and the thought made him realise he was hungry. He looked around at the other stalls in the market, and realised how few food stalls there were. He realised he was looking for a traditional meal that he used to get at home, and to his surprise he saw none. Hmmm - maybe an opportunity there, he thought to himself, as his belly gave a rumble.

He took another turn of the market to confirm another thought - there were very few new stalls at all. He suspected that the Merchant's Guild's rules were discouraging new businesses: 25 Lunars per month in dues? Forced sale of YOUR business at a 66% loss? It needed to change or else merchants would never start up and the city economy would gradually die away.

He turned into the Pea Pod , hailed Jarl and joined Quatlu at the fire. "Good news!", he greeted Quatlu, "I hear that Julian and Rewolf have survived the latest battle at the front and seem to be in good health. It is even rumoured that Rewolf scored signficiant loot!" Quatlu sipped his ale and confirmed the news, and smilingly asked, "And how are you going in your endeavours, Johannes? Jenny seems happier these days...". Johannes shared the litte news he had, then told him of Broars' offer to provide business insights for an up-front fee, and of Johannes' respectful counter-proposal. "I am exploring an idea for a shop though - and it'd be a really good one too, Quatlu, and one I suspect you'd really like. It's just these oppressive Guild Rules that are stopping me."

Quatlu said, "You haven't heard yet? The Guild has announced their membership fees are now 10% of income!" Johannes gave a spontaneous cheer and ordered more drinks! "That's wonderful! The Guild really do have the best interests of the city at heart! Now if we can just get that forced-sale thing dealt with... do you think I should ask Erinestra for help? She's pretty influential I hear..."

Re: Continuing Conversations at the Pea Pod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 3:27 am
by Quatlu
Quatlu smiled as he saw Johannes walk through the door of the Pea Pod and welcomed him to sit. They enjoyed some small talk, and it was good news... truly good news. Julian had survived a month in combat as a warrior with the Colymar levies at the front, but he was unsure if the man was now back to tell the tale in person. Would he perhaps be required to finish out the season at the Front? No eulogies for fallen Sword Brothers this month, and Rewolf too had survived his month at the front with the Sun Dome Templars. Truly the gods smiled on these two men, and Quatlu hoped they would come some day soon to sup with him and Johannes at the Pea Pod. He wondered if Jarrek was still in Boldhome, or if he too had joined the action at the front.

"And have you decided to open a shop yet", he asked Johannes and sipped his ale. "You know I will patronize you if you choose to set up shop", he continued. "What have you found as your calling in Boldhome? General merchandise, specialized goods, food and drink, household goods, weapons and armor?" The discussion continued...

Re: Continuing Conversations at the Pea Pod

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:18 am
by Johannes
"...and what is this issue with "forced-sale" you keep mentioning?", Quatlu asked. "Surely the Guild must want to encourage trade?"

"I think you're right, Quatlu,", Johannes responded, "and it's probably a good proposal that just needs a tweak or two. So here's why it's an issue. Let's say I decided to open a Small Shop for 100 Lunars. My current charisma is 5 and Guild rules say that if my charm increases to 7, I must sell it, receiving back only 1/3 of the cost, thereby losing 66 Lunars! And based on various factors, the shop might make an average net profit of only 20 Lunars per month. So as you can see, it's actually a disincentive for merchants to advance their Charisma!"

Quatlu nodded, "I see, and I agree - not only does that not seem very unfair but the city will find it hard to attract merchants if this doesn't change! What do you think the Guild should do?"

"Well, I think their intention was to continously upgrade the city's shops. That's a good thing. But not a forced sale at such a punitive cost! I think they should increase the sale proceeds to 75% at least and let the merchant decide when to sell. What do you think, Quatlu?"

Johannes ordered another round whilst Quatlu put on his thinking face...

Re: Continuing Conversations at the Pea Pod

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:12 pm
by Quatlu
"Sounds like a real dilemma for shop keepers", Quatlu said after a bit of thought. "Instead of encouraging the addition of new shops and the growth of Boldhome merchants in free commerce, it seems a punitive measure designed to fatten the purse of the local Guild at the expense of the little shops. It discourages growth and prosperity. You should speak with Erinestra at her Emporium, a large and prosperous shop that opened earlier this year, and see how she has risen from her original Axe Emporium to her current large shop with a wide variety of goods. The the two of you might approach the Guild together and ask them to amend the rule."

After another swig of ale, Quatlu asked the merchant, "With all that in mind, Johannes, have you decided whether or not you're going to open your own place yet?"

He kept an eye on customers coming through the door in hopes of spotting Jarrek. Had he, too, gone to the Front?