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A stroll thorugh the marketplace

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 4:19 am
by Johannes
Boldhome was certianly a lot bigger than home, Johannes mused. Although he had visited with Papa before and sort of knew his way around a bit, it was still fun exploring. He found himself drawn to the Garment District. The cloth and clothes were much more varied and better quality than the local village's rough woollen tunics and shirts. Even the second-hand goods were better - if a bit soiled and even blood-stained here and there! Obviously brought back from from the front...

It was whilst he musingly fingered a pencil-sized hole in a padded cotte, ringed with an ominous dark brown stain, that Jenny caught his eye. He flirted a little with the young widow, and she flirted back! He admired her cloak and hood and came back the next day and the next. One night as rain began, he helped her pack up her stall and they ended up at the Costlee Cafe just off Market Square. It was a pleasant evening with convivial and comely company and he walked her home. Farewelling her at her door, she thanked him with a wink! Could this mean a love affair with Jenny of the Hood might be in his future sometime?
