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Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 3:07 pm
by Erinestra
As I am making the seemingly masive investment in a house can I check that I understand how these work?

There's no reduction in support costs, it's just "normal" rent is covered by support, housing presumably replaces that with household expenses topped up by the upkeep cost?

A party at a house is the same as a party at the club except for the 1CP additional cost. Presumably other CP gains work the same for example by comparing club ranks? Carousing? Toadying? Oh and also the limit on guests?

I can't see where the houses are actually sited. I have made a request but don't really care.

Anyway for me this is just massive, slightly pointless conspicuous consumption!

Re: Housing

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 11:34 pm
by Puckohue
Housing is basically a money sink for some extra CPs, yes.

I've edited the housing table to include the location of available houses. The map of Boldhome does not give any detail on where the various quarters are, but we can assume
  • the Artisan's quarter is around Artisan Row.
  • the Scholar's quarter is around the Lhankor Mhy and Chalana Arroy-temples.
  • the Merchant's quarter is around the Issaries temple at the North Market, although there is also a City Market.
Feel free to pinpoint the location of your house on the map.

I'm adding the possibility to employ characters as servants in your house, cost already covered by house normal upkeep cost. Something for the truly desitute.