1630 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

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1630 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Goings on in Boldhome

Ten-Thane Elisia, freshly returned from the frontlines, strutted forth to the moneylenders, forging her path to fortune. Orlkastar, a bastard son of humble origins from the Sambari tribe, followed suit, marching to the same beat of audacious dreams.

Elisia, without hesitation, galloped straight to the horsemarket, seizing the reins of opportunity by purchasing a steed and enlisting a dutiful groom. Meanwhile, Hundred-Thane Afur found himself bestowed the coveted position of Aide to the esteemed Eorl Natalsuleth Hofamonsdaughter, a Kheldon Orlanthi of grand stature.

The ambitious merchant Erinestra was also granted a prestigious role as Aide, to the illustrious Lady Arisissa Griselristasdaughter, a distinguished member of the Orlanthi from the Locaem tribe.

Broar sought to find a Malani Chieftain in need of assistance, but the winds of fortune blew against his favor. On the other hand, Finn, a newcomer yet privileged as the bastard child of a wealthy eorl from the Vantaros tribe, sought a favor from his father, Eorl Haril. Alas, the favor was denied, leaving Finn to wander in search of his destiny.

Lavi, with fiery ambition in his heart, sought the position of aide to a lord or lady of the Locaem tribe, only to find no vacancies. Likewise, Hundred-Thane Ondureen and Ten-Thane Rufus faced similar fates in their quests to serve a lord or lady of the Kheldon tribe.

Yet amidst the twists and turns, two valiant souls emerged triumphant. Warlord Okinakt of the Colymar Cavalry enlisted Ten-Thane Quatlu as his trusted adjutant, and Warlord Senreneth of Goldgotti’s Company chose Ten-Thane Grumbold to share her burdens.

Afur, Ten-Thane Erik, and Rufus, driven by valor and honor, each pled with Warlord Okinakt Yrshison to lead the Colymar Cavalry to the frontlines, but destiny had other designs. Grumbold and Ondureen then petitioned Warlord Eoth Henastsdaughter to send Mularik's Company into battle, but he remained unyielding. Ten-Thane Jarrek, relentless in spirit, approached both Warlord Senreneth Kalvathsdaughter and Hundred-Thane Harg Lisganison, imploring them to volunteer Golgotti's Company for the front, but their hearts were resolute in refusal.

Nevertheless, Ondureen, with silver-tongued persuasion, managed to sway Hundred-Thane Heort Bevunesdaughter to offer her battalion of Mularik’s Company for the noble cause.

Broar's journey took a different turn, and he ascended to the revered ranks of the cult of Lhankor Mhy as an initiate, while Afur's dreams of becoming a God-Talker in the cult of Ernalda were regrettably quashed.

Undeterred by the uncertainties of war, Afur fearlessly volunteered his squadron for the frontlines, joining the esteemed Colymar tribal levy. Elisia, ever courageous, also stepped forward, enlisting herself in the Kheldon tribal levy.

Ondureen found herself aligned with the patrons of Erinestra’s Axe Emporium and Tattoo Parlour, indulging in conspicuous luxury. Renewing her shattered axe and adorning herself with Earth and Death Rune tattoos, she emblazoned her tale upon the annals of history:

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Broar, Warrior Dararda, Erik, Finn, and Quatlu, true masters of extravagance, reveled in their indulgence of conspicuous consumption.

Orlkastar and Johannes, a newcomer with the blood of a free carl from the Locaem tribe, swiftly established themselves as loyal patrons of The Red Beaver, where merriment and revelry knew no bounds. Ondureen, seizing the chance to immerse herself in pleasure, frequented Geo’s, savoring every moment in the embrace of delights, while Finn found solace and inspiration amidst the enchanting allure of The Scribbled Scroll.

Dararda approached the formidable Lt Warlord Duresata, commander of her battalion, and cunningly secured a pardon from a week of regimental duties. The mighty commander acquiesced to her request, granting her the sweet respite she yearned for.
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Re: 1630 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1

Finn, Ondureen, and Julian, each arriving from humble origins, found themselves welcomed into the sacred embrace of the cult of Orlanth, while Nala, a young orphan from destitution, sought belonging in the Storm Bull's cult. Rewolf, hailing from meager beginnings, embraced the path of Yelmalio, and Johannes, guided by the teachings of Issaries, treaded the road of commerce and diplomacy.

Jarrek, with unwavering determination, honed his battle prowess within the walls of Goldgotti’s barracks, where the echoes of clashing weapons resonated.

Dararda, with heart and gifts in hand, endeavored to court Rastik, only to be reminded of his allegiance to the Seven Mothers cult. Standing at his doorstep, she realized that their paths were forever divergent, for her devotion to Storm Bull could never abide his acceptance of Chaos. Even if she were to disregard this stark contrast, she knew his heart would never embrace her in return.

Quatlu, fueled by love and passion, paid a tender visit to his beloved Harmeleenrios, presenting her with a captivating bouquet of fragrant flowers.

Orlkastar, eager to master the ways of the broadsword, sought the guidance of a skilled trainer, while Lavi, driven by ambition, enlisted a trainer to refine his spear skills.

Broar, yearning for knowledge and favor, participated in a ceremony at the library temple of Lhankor Mhy, humbling himself before the revered Chief Priest.

Grumbold and Erik, the latter accompanied by Gnarg, found themselves immersed in a ceremony at the Orlanth temple, paying homage to the High Priest and praying fervently for the well-being of Afur, the Colymar Cavalry, and the valiant forces at the frontlines. A fragrant incense wafted in memory of Wonderful Leniasdaughter, forever honored and revered.

Erinestra, guided by wisdom and grace, brought Eslanla as her companion to a ceremony at the Issaries temple, where the blessings of trade and communication were sought.
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Re: 1630 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2

Finn, driven by lofty ambitions, sought to join the prestigious Royal Foot Guards, but fate had other plans, leading him to the Eaglebrown Warlocks instead. He invested in the rank of Ten-Thane and secured a steed.

Dararda, dutiful and resolute, practiced the regimental spear at the Snakepipe Dancers barracks, embracing her role and responsibilities with unwavering dedication. Grumbold, fueled by martial prowess, honed his battle axe skills within the walls of Goldgotti’s barracks. Meanwhile, Lavi continued his tireless pursuit of perfection, engaging in private training sessions to master the art of the spear. Rewolf, keen to elevate his prowess, enlisted the guidance of a skilled trainer, determined to reach new heights in his spear skill.

Jarrek, guided by the flame of passion, paid a heartfelt visit to Silast, aiming to win his affection. Alas, despite his efforts, Silast remained unimpressed, leaving Jarrek to navigate the complexities of the heart.

Erik, ever loyal to his comrades, took Gnarg on a wild escapade to Crazy Horse, where they reveled in merriment and camaraderie, raising their glasses in a poignant toast to those valiant souls fighting at the frontlines.

Broar, Nala, and Orlkastar, united by both devotion and desire, found themselves at the temple of Uleria, where their spirits soared in worship, and they sought intimate companionship, kindling the flames of connection.

Johannes, adorned with conspicuous piety, partook in a ceremony at the temple of Issaries, earning praise for his unwavering dedication and toadying to the High Priest. Ondureen, equally fervent in her faith, participated in a ceremony at the temple of Babeester Gor, humbling herself before the Rune Lord.

Julian and Quatlu, bound by mutual respect, engaged in a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth, both displaying deference to the High Priest, while Quatlu's conspicuous piety did not go unnoticed. In a solemn moment of reverence, Quatlu offered a heartfelt prayer for the spirit of Sword-Sister Wonderful Leiniasdaughter, who bravely fell in battle.

Amidst the flurry of events, Erinestra dedicated herself to the diligent care of her small shop, tending to every detail with the grace and determination that defined her entrepreneurial spirit.
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Re: 1630 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3

Nala, eager to join the ranks of the Wolf Runners, faced a disheartening rejection, dampening his spirits momentarily. Meanwhile, Orlkastar, bold and determined, sought to prove himself worthy of the Eleven Lights, despite lacking membership in any warrior cult. Surprisingly, his audacity paid off, earning him a place within the ranks. However, he must now pledge his allegiance to a warrior cult by the next turn or face expulsion, compromising his grand aspirations of reaching the rank of Ten-Thane, settling instead for the position of Subaltern due to his modest Charisma.

Erinestra, guided by her keen business acumen, made a wise decision and joined the prestigious Merchants Guild, positioning herself for future success.

Grumbold, relentless in his pursuit of perfection, dedicated yet another week to sharpening his battle axe skills at Goldgotti’s barracks, while Erik engaged in rigorous practice to master the art of the broadsword at the Colymar barracks.

Finn, guided by charisma and charm, embarked on a romantic pursuit and won the heart of the influential and wealthy Yealla, a testament to his allure and allurements.

Dararda, Jarrek, Johannes, Julian, and Lavi found themselves drawn to the temple of Uleria, seeking not only spiritual solace but also intimate companionship, though Julian was unfortunately unable to afford it. In a trance of passionate devotion, Dararda and Johannes generously donated all their lunars in a state of erotocomatose lucidity.

Broar, immersed in the quest for knowledge and wisdom, participated in a second ceremony at the temple of Lhankor Mhy, displaying conspicuous piety and humble toadying to the Chief Priest. Ondureen, fervent in her gratitude, engaged in a second ceremony at the Babeester Gor temple, offering a noble sacrifice in the form of an ox, honoring The Avenging Daughter for her invaluable assistance in dispatching many Lunars during her time at the frontlines, and once again humbling herself before the Rune Lord.

Rewolf, taking his first step in the path of Yelmalio, participated in a solemn ceremony at the temple, marked by conspicuous piety and humble toadying to the leading Rune Lord.

Quatlu, devoted to his military calling, continued his intensive course at the esteemed Military Academy, honing his skills in pursuit of mastery.
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Re: 1630 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4

Nala, determined and unyielding, made yet another valiant effort to join the Wolf Runners regiment, and this time, his tenacity paid off. They recognized his persistence and accepted him with open arms as a formidable Warrior.

Orlkastar, on his way to revelry at The Red Beaver, was "unexpectedly" summoned to the Eleven Lights barracks for regimental duties, putting a temporary halt to his merry plans.

Broar, the genial host, hosted a delightful gathering at The Scribbled Scroll, attended by Dararda, Erinestra with her faithful companion Eslanla, Jarrek, Johannes, and Lavi. In a gesture of genuine camaraderie, Broar presented his esteemed guests with scrolls, offering them a promise of future free medical treatment once he completes his Chalana Arroy initiate requirements, and future immunity from prosecution once he ascends to the position of Deputy of Public Harmony.

Ondureen and Rewolf, bound by shared desires, spent the week indulging in intimate companionship at the temple of Uleria, savoring the pleasures of connection and affection.

Erik, unwavering in his pursuit of excellence, dedicated the week to relentless practice with the broadsword, while Grumbold diligently honed his skills with the battle axe, adhering to his regimental weapon.

Finn, guided by devotion, immersed himself in the ceremony at the Orlanth temple, expressing his reverence and respect as he humbly toadied to the High Priest.

Quatlu, with unwavering determination, successfully completed his arduous course at the Military Academy, emerging as a skilled and disciplined warrior ready to face new challenges ahead.
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Re: 1630 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

News From the Front

The first piece of news casts a somber shadow upon the land, as we mourn the loss of Ten-Thane Malvolio, a stalwart member of the Free Philosophers, and Warrior Lemmina, who valiantly served in the Malani tribal levy. Tragically, their imprisonment proved insurmountable, leading to their untimely demise.

The Colymar Tribal Levy faced a formidable task, laying siege to Bagnot, the Tarshite town from where the Colymar stole the Ivory Throne almost two centuries ago. Alas, the towering walls, remnants of the Lunar King Moirades' rule, thwarted any immediate assaults, leaving the outcome inconclusive. Among the fallen was Warrior Jarin, a noble of the Colymar tribe, whose sacrifice shall be forever remembered.

Hundred-Thane Afur steered his Colymar Cavalry battalion with resolute determination during the levy's efforts. Yet, their fate mirrored the inconclusiveness of the overall campaign.

Meanwhile, the Kheldon Tribal Levy embarked on field operations throughout southern Tarsh, striving to make their mark. Despite their valor, the results were indeterminate, and the Kheldon mourn the loss of Ten-Thane Elisia, a brave soul who fell during the operations.

In the ranks of the Lismelder Tribal Levy, the echoes of battle claimed the life of Warrior Warren, a loss deeply felt by all who knew him.

The Torkani Tribe, driven by fervor, launched an audacious assault on the Tarshite village of Too Far. With the support of the 3rd Battalion of Mularik’s Company, the outcome remained undecided. Ten-Thane Rufus, a survivor of the assault, bears witness to the unpredictable nature of war.