Brevet ranks are back

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Brevet ranks are back

Post by Puckohue »

It's been pointed out to me (thanks, Afur) that one of the functions of the brevet ranks in the original En Garde! rules is to avoid a Warlord being suddenly ejected from the military command structure.

It's also become obvious to me that promotion through the general ranks is far too quick without the brevet step.

So, effective immediately, they are back. This will have some weird effects this turn, I'm afraid, as I will have to roll back several promotions. However, in the long run I think it's the only sensible way to handle this.

The reason I removed the brevet ranks from the Boldhome Heroes house rules was that I was ignorant of their functions and effects, and just found them unnecessarily complicated.
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Re: Brevet ranks are back

Post by Puckohue »

I've begun the process of rolling back promotions that were supposed to be to a brevet rank. In some cases it will affect those of lower ranks.

Rules will be updated, eventually.
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Re: Brevet ranks are back

Post by Puckohue »

Rules are updated with subchapters "Promotion" and "Brevet Rank".
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Re: Brevet ranks are back

Post by Fionn »

In the 'normal' rules, a brevet Brigadier (Warchief) with the proper command who is promoted becomes full Brigadier, and can apply to command any brigade and hope for promotion to brevet Lt-Gen. As currently written, he becomes brevet Lt-Gen immediately and can apply for a Division; is this intended?
(I don't think either rule is actually better, but certainty is always good.)
Fionn the dagger, soldier and scholar (Warlord and Loremaster).
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Re: Brevet ranks are back

Post by Puckohue »

Yes, I see the LPBS house rules have the adjustment you mention. I will add it to our rules:
LPBS House Rules wrote:If a brevet General Officer receives a promotion, he is only promoted if he holds the command
appropriate to his current rank (Brigade if a Brigadier-General, Division if Lieutenant-General and
Army if General); otherwise he receives a MiD. If promoted, his brevet rank becomes his new
permanent rank. If a non-brevet General Officer receives a promotion, he assumes the brevet rank
of the next higher General Officer rank.
20.7 When a character is promoted to brevet General Officer rank he will be offered command of his
superior unit if it is vacant. Players should submit conditional orders for this eventuality. If no
orders are given, a character will accept the post if he does not already have an appointment, or if
his appointment is command of an inferior unit (e.g. Brigadier will accept command of the
Division when promoted to Brevet Lt-General). Otherwise he will refuse it.
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