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Announcements clarification

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 11:31 pm
by Rufus
Re the below:-
Assistant Priest Saral Fartipson of Orlanth to resign.
All available cult promotions. This is borderline ok - I'd prefer if you spell out exactly what you are applying for.
Point noted.

The interactions with potential resignations and multiple applicants made specifying the options difficult to predict - and I was rushing to post the annoucement.

But it boils down to this - Asst Priest if vacant and available then Rune Lord if vacant and available.
Potentially Chief Priest is a theoretical option - but I can't see how that is practically possible so it is not relevant. :D

Thanks Puckohue.

Re: Announcements clarification

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 12:56 am
by Puckohue
No hard feelings.

My problem is when I start having to make decisions for characters, and/or having to explore the possibilities a character has. Like "What promotions are available for this character, and in what order should they be applied for".

I've had orders like "I'll court someone I can afford to court" and "I'll join a regiment where there is a vacant position as ten-thane." But I don't have time to check that. It takes enough time to process your orders, I can't also do the job it involves writing them.

So it's all a matter of reducing my workload.