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Was it all a dream....?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2024 11:53 am
by Torben
Slowly.....very slowly...he opened his eyes...the grey light of an early Sea season dawn came filtering through the cracks of the barn door, the air was chilly and young Torben gave an involuntary shiver as he pulled the scrunched up blankets around his lean frame, a decorated pipe and an empty bag lay alongside him.

"Good grief", he mused to himself, "What on earth happened to me the last 4 weeks.....where did Sacred Season go? I mean, I think I went on that Hero Quest, I've got some vague recollections of a thundery mountain, loads of people cheering, brave Lord Erik being dressed up in fancy armour and attending to the mighty Orlanth, me being turned into Lhankor Mhy himself and all sorts of other visions.....oh my gosh, there was even that terrible one about poor Ondurga being some kind of rain demon and then being attacked by lots of other demon type awful. Yet, now I'm here again and nothing seems to have really changed??

Let me just check that list I made up at the start of Sacred Season, the one I titled 'Prizes and Goodies to be gained on the Hero Quest, plus other things I'm going for this Season'. Right, now it records the following -

1. Apply to be Aide to a Balmyr Lord - Errr.....I don't seem to have gotten that position.

2. Apply to be a Ferret to Mularik Ironeye - Nope....nothing showing as a success for that either.

3. Gain a Promotion while on the Hero Quest - Nothing, I'm still the same.

4. Gain a mention while on the Hero Quest - Sigh....surprise, surprise....nowt.

5. Gain a great big pile of lunars in loot - That'll be nothing either then, in fact I'm a 100 lunars down for that bag of Hazia. That Dirk said I'd make 2000 for sure!

6. Stay alive while on the Hero Quest - Well, that still seems to be the case but did I actually even go?

The whole of Sacred Season seems to have slipped me by to be honest, those visions or dreams must have all been as a result of that bloody Hazia stuff, mind you it was good gear, got to say that for it, but a 100 lunars to end up sleeping for a whole season seems a tad of a waste! I know what I'll go and ask Ondurga if she knows if I've been flat on my back in the barn all season, she should be able to clarify for me!

Ondurga.....hey Ondurga.....ONDURGA....that's strange there's no sign of her....she's normally always around, what with her being Lord Erik's Housekeeper and everything......ONDUUURRRGGGAAA...where are you.....weird, perhaps she went into the City? Who else do I know who might be able to help me out...hmmmhh...ah, I know I'll try Julian next, he's always on the mark....."!