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Musings and evaluation of life

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:43 pm
by Torben
"Life was peaceful here", reflected young Torben Dungshuvler as he sat on a neatly stacked pile of hay in the stables of the mighty Lord Erik Stargazer.

"Yes, since he'd arrived in Boldhome things were definitely on the up for him....a new job, one free from the daily grind of digging and emptying countless latrine pits, more money than he'd ever possessed before (albeit most of it was on the 'hock' from local moneylenders!), a member of not one BUT two cults and the offer of military service in the Free Philosophers Regiment of His Majesty's Army! They'd surely never believe him back at home in Balmyr but it was true, he, Torben Dungshuvler, was moving up in the world and there was plenty more still on offer.

Indeed, this very season, the blessed Sacred Time, he was to join in a Hero Quest!! Noble Lord Quatlu was heading it and Great Lord Erik was also part of the team being set up to bring glory and honour to Orlanth and Lhankor Mhy, the very two Gods to which he was a cult member. What a splendid opportunity to make a name for himself, plus the chance of riches and further reward. Oh yes, this was definitely the right time to be in Boldhome and with such champions like Quatlu & Erik, as well as that Afur fellow and some others surely nothing could go wrong. They'd protect him and he also still had the lucky rabbit's foot that the one-legged King had given him when he handed over the 10 lunars for an investment in the Mostali Diamond Mine venture. The one-legged King had said it was guaranteed, 100%, to bring good fortune to it's bearer and safety from any danger".

It was still a deep regret to young Torben that he hadn't had the 200 lunars available to purchase an Eurmalian War Frog that the one-legged King also offered him, but, still, the rabbit's foot charm would be enough.

With a whistle and a smile he readied himself for a good night's sleep and tomorrow he would make some purchases in the store of Mr Grumbold as Lords such as Quatlu and Erik would need special shovels to take care of their toiletry requirements, none of your cheap run of the mill ones but high class, Iron shovels and proper silver nightpots. "Got to make a good impression" he thought!