1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

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1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Financial Matters

Issaries Initiate Grumbold liquidated his small shop. He then announced a 20% discount for all customers, apparently planning to open something new.
Newly arrived Garror of the Aranwyth borrowed several hundred Lunars from the moneylenders. Next to him, newly arrived Broaranna of the Malani attempted to borrow even more than that, but was strangely enough unable to provide the necessary credentials. Maybe the moneylenders have grown tired of not being repaid by the Hofar Family. She was heard shouting and complaining about “Evil Erik being behind it all” before she left the premises.

Warlord Afur, Lt Warlord Erik, and Hundred-thanes Grumbold and Ivarenna contributed to the ransom of prisoner-of-war Warlord Baron Rufus, who offered most of the ransom himself. Asked by Grumbold, the cult of Orlanth declined to contribute. The ransom was accepted, and Rufus was sent back home to Boldhome.

Grumbold and Julian both bought the two additional horses they need as Hundred-thanes.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Melee at the Merchant’s

Stepping in to do his normal purchases, Afur, God-talker of Ernalda, discovered that Erinestra had joined the cult of Eurmal, to which Ernalda is hostile. A duel was inevitable.

Afur drew his broadsword, while Erinestra (of course) armed herself with a battle axe. The spectators mostly agreed that the odds were in Afur’s favour.
However, it was Erinestra who took the initiative. Her blow came close, but Afur managed to avoid the axe. She followed up with a definite hit, drawing first blood, that left Afur off balance. This seemed to awaken Afur, who blocked Erinestra’s next attack and placed her in a disadvantageous position.

In spite of this, Erinestra kept the initiative. Once again Afur blocked her attack and placed her in a disadvantageous position, but Erinestra kept on attacking. Now Afur riposted her lunge, giving Erinestra her first wound.

Emboldened, Afur struck again, leaving Erinestra off balance. Both duellists now maneuvered for position but neither gained an advantage. It was Erinestra who first found an opening in her opponent’s defense, but Afur blocked her blow. Her next attack came close, but Afur was able to avoid the axe.

Counter-attacking, Afur landed a blow that gave Erinestra a deep, but non-crippling wound. He swiftly followed up with another deep cut. At this point Erinestra decided to surrender.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Appointments etc

Hundred-thane Ivarenna resigned from Mularik’s Company.

Hundred-thane Grumbold was not appointed Brigade-thane of the Guards Brigade, and not Aide to a Locaem Chieftain.

Warlord Afur appointed Ten-thane Harold Regimental Adjutant of the Colymar Cavalry.

Newcomer Broaranna was appointed Aide to Lady Oranredarios Rakelalsdaughter of the Malani.

Ivarenna was not appointed Aide to King Enstalos of the Balmyr.

Erik, Ondurga, and Quatlu all tried to convince a Rune Lord of Orlanth to resign, without result. Nor did Erinestra manage to talk a Rune Lord of Issaries into resigning.

Erinestra was not promoted to Rune Lord of Issaries. Fionn was not promoted to God-talker of Lhankor Mhy. Grumbold was not promoted to Assistant Rune Lord of Issaries. Ivarenna was not promoted to God-talker of Orlanth.

King Argrath decided against giving Hundred-thane Fionn a title at this point in time.


Afur and Erik became regulars at The Three Suns, Broaranna and Grumbold at The Scribbled Scroll, Julian at The Crazy Horse, and Garoor at The Red Beaver.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1

Broaranna initiated into the cult of Chalana Arroy.

Ivarenna was denied entry into the Snakepipe Dancers, but was welcomed into the Eleven Lights, where she bought the rank of Ten-thane.

Grumbold joined the Merchants Guild.

Afur, with Sod, hosted a party at The Three Suns. Garoor was the only guest, having a good time at an establishment well beyond his normal setting. “Funnily”, the Eurmali Erinestra (with Arng) and Ondurga turned up, but were denied entry. Erinestra spent her time in another part of the inn, unwilling to invite Ondurga who walked over to The Red Beaver to drown her sorrows.

Harold spent the week at the Temple of Uleria, getting intimate companionship.

Julian and Quatlu were busy with cult studies at the temple of Orlanth.

Fionn participated in a ceremony at the Lhankor Mhy library, toadying to the Rune Lord, and Serbitar did the same at the temple of Orlanth.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2

Fionn became a lay member at the temple of Humakt.

Garoor joined the Thieves Arm regiment. He bought the rank of Hundred-thane, but could only afford two horses.

Broaranna participated in a ceremony at the Chalana Arroy hospital, showing conspicuous piety and toadying to the High Priest.

Grumbold participated in a ceremony at the Issaries market, showing conspicuous piety and toadying to the Assistant Priest.

Erinestra tended to her shop, Quatlu practiced the battle axe at the Royal Foot Guards barracks, and Ondurga did housekeeping at Erik’s small mansion.

Afur with Sod, Ivarenna, and Erik with Yealla participated in a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth. Erik welcomed his fellow warriors and praised them for their service at the front. He also lit incense in memory of the fallen comrades and led a prayer asking for the safe return of Rufus Bronzer. Ivarenna challenged Erik to a duel, believing he was not respectful enough of her noble status.

Duel at the Temple of Orlanth

Erik armed himself with a spear, and Ivarenna with a broadsword. Erik took the initiative, landing a definite hit that left Ivarenna off balance. She immediately surrendered.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3

Broaranna could not apply for the position as Regimental Healer in Mularik’s Company, as the Warlord, Baron Rufus, was not yet back from his imprisonment. Instead she went to the Twin Spears where her application was accepted.
Garoor worshiped at the temple of Uleria, getting intimate companionship.

Fionn practiced the broadsword at the Free Philosophers barracks. Ivarenna did the same at the temple of Orlanth.

Afur brought Sod to the temple of Ernalda where he showed conspicuous piety participating in a harvest ceremony. Harold showed conspicuous piety while participating in a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth.

Julian and Quatlu were busy with cult studies at the temple of Orlanth.

Erinestra tended to her shop, while Grumbold reopened Silk & Sapphires, now as a large shop.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4

Garoor initiated into the cult of the Storm Bull.

Broaranna was on her way to The Scribbled Scroll to host a party, when she was intercepted and brought to the Chalana Arroy hospital for her second week of cult duties.

Ondurga made it to The Scribbled Scroll, only to be told there was no sign of Broaranna, and no party. Again, Ondurga went to The Red Beaver to drown her sorrows.

Erinestra brought Arng to the Issaries market where they participated in a ceremony and toadied to the High Priest.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

King’s Autumn Feast

The highlight of the week was of course the King’s Autumn Feast. Sartar’s Palace was decorated with all the regiments’ and tribes’ banners. Among the guests were court members, nobility, and officers from the summer campaign: Erik with Yealla dressed in matching outfits in the colours of autumn, Fionn, Grumbold, Harold, Ivarenna, and Quatlu with Darra. Julian showed up with Harmaleenrios who definitely was among the best dressed. Serbitar also showed up in a fancy outfit, only to find that he wasn’t on the guest list, being neither a titled noble nor a veteran from the summer war season. Afur with Sod was on his way to the feast when he was instead brought to the temple of Orlanth to do his second week of cult duties.

The feast began with King Argrath bestowing the title of Baroness to Ten-thane Ivarenna.

After the ceremony, King Argrath spoke.
My honored warriors, veterans of the battles waged in the recent season, hear me now, for the echoes of our triumphs and losses still reverberate like the distant thunder of a passing storm. We stand on the precipice of reflection, where the memories of our struggles are etched upon the landscape of our minds.

In the Fire Season campaign that has just passed, we have felt the raw power of the elements unleashed upon the battlefield like the wrath of gods themselves. We have stood shoulder to shoulder, united in purpose and resolve, against foes both mortal and otherworldly.

We have faced the might of the Lunar Empire, their legions marching with the relentless determination of a force fueled by tyranny and oppression. We have felt the sting of their blades, the fury of their spells, and yet we have not faltered in our defiance.

For we are the children of Sartar, heirs to a legacy steeped in bravery and sacrifice. We carry within us the spirit of our ancestors, the indomitable will to stand against any foe, no matter how formidable. And together, we have proven that even the mightiest of empires can be brought to their knees by the strength of our convictions.

But let us not forget the price we have paid, the blood that has been spilled upon the sacred soil of our homeland. Let us honor the memory of those who have fallen, whose sacrifice has paved the way for our victories. Let us learn from our mistakes, and let us never forget the lessons we have learned in the heat of battle.

For though the war of the past season may be over, the struggle for the freedom of Sartar continues. We must remain vigilant, for our enemies are cunning and relentless, and they will stop at nothing to see us crushed beneath their heel.

And so I call upon you, my brave warriors, to stand firm in the face of whatever challenges may lie ahead. Together, we shall honor the legacy of those who have come before us, and together, we shall ensure that the flame of Sartar continues to burn bright.

For Sartar! For Orlanth! For the memory of those who have fallen and the hope of those yet to come!
As Argrath's voice carries across the gathering of veteran officers, a tension hangs in the air, a subtle undercurrent of apprehension mingling with the palpable sense of reverence. The audience listens intently, their reactions as varied as the landscape of Glorantha itself.

Some nod in agreement, their expressions a reflection of unwavering loyalty to Argrath and a shared commitment to the cause of Sartar's freedom. Their faith in him as a leader, despite his dalliance with draconic mysticism, is unwavering. They see in him the embodiment of their hopes and dreams, a beacon of strength in the face of adversity.

Yet, among the crowd, there are those whose eyes betray a flicker of unease, a lingering doubt born of fear and mistrust. They have heard the whispers about Argrath's connection to the dragons, the rumors of powers beyond mortal comprehension. To them, his embrace of such forces is a source of concern, a shadow cast upon an otherwise noble cause.

These skeptics exchange wary glances, their expressions guarded as they weigh the risks of following a leader whose hatred for the Lunar Empire is so strong that he seems prepared to do anything in his power to crush it. They cannot deny the strength of his convictions, nor the charisma that draws others to his side, but they remain wary, ever vigilant against the possibility of betrayal.

And yet, despite the discordant whispers of doubt that linger in the air, there is a shared recognition among all present of the gravity of the situation, the urgency of the task at hand. For in the end, whether out of unwavering faith or begrudging acceptance, they are united by a common purpose: the defense of their homeland against all who would seek to destroy it.

As Argrath's speech reaches its crescendo, a resounding chorus of affirmation rises up from the assembled warriors, their voices a testament to their determination to stand together in the face of adversity, no matter the cost.

And so the evening continued with food, drink, music, and dance.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

(Edit to week 2 to include a duel between Erik and Ivarenna.)