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Uncle Bruar Hofarson, there's an issue!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 7:16 pm
by Brear Hofarson
Dear Uncle Bruar,

I may need you to hurry to Boldhome to temporarily take over matters here.

Allow me to explain, that dastardly villain Evil Erik Starkraving, remember him, I told you about how he persecuted me, no, not me Broar, well yes Broar and me as well, in the past? Well, he's been at it again and now has got those dimwits in Chalana Arroy to launch a trumped up tribunal against me upon the most flimsy of charges, something about supporting Chaos because I, I mean Broar, became King of the Broo after his recent Hero Quest.

It's simply outrageous, yet the Chalana Arroy lot have fallen for it, can you believe it?! Anyway, I may have to go on a Hero Quest myself now to find Lhankor Mhy, the God of Knowledge so he can give me a letter explaining that it's all lies. If this is the case I will have to leave Boldhome pronto so all of our possessions and affairs here will need to be looked after, including this woman I managed to hook up with last season, Onelda Yankasdaughter, until I get back.

Please hurry here as quick as you can uncle, I'll make sure to leave you a letter with all the details.

Your nephew,

Brear Hofarson