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Ungrateful b'stards, outrageous, injustice...pure scandalous bias!!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:51 pm
by Brear Hofarson
To: Chalana Arroy High Priestess Ayrrios Terlaidsdaughter (Tov), and Priestesses Onella Solasdaughter (P) and Dulanra Orlolgsdaughter (Tor).

You absolute scoundrels! I mean, who are you people eh?! How dare you seek to accuse me of some petty rule breaking and then call me before some ridiculous Cult Tribunal to then pass judgement that, no doubt, has already been pre-determined against me! It's damn clear that someone has instigated such nonsense and I have great suspicion as to just exactly who that may be as the rogue has already jumped in and 'volunteered' to act as a Prosecution witness to this farce of a Tribunal.....yes...him....Evil Erik Starkraving...the very same nutter who used to persecute me, no I mean not me but my cousin Broar Hofarson, yes Broar, in the past.

This ludicrous charge of promoting disharmony would be laughable if it wasn't veiled in legal threat of various sanction against my person. Promoting Disharmony simply because I am a lay member of the Eurmal Cult?! You swine I didn't even know I was a member and it all came about because I turned up at some feast a season or so ago, a feast that I would add several other individuals of prominence also attended, i.e Erinestra & someone else whose name currently evades me, so how come they aren't being brought before tribunals too eh? Smacks of a stitch up to me! The only reason I'm a member of this Eurmal cult is because a bloke with boggly eyes, make-up and dressed in a clown costume came up to me during the feast and shoved a big flagon at me while mumbling something that sounded like 'urine'. I thought he was drunk and that this was some kind of joke, in fact, to be honest, I was half cut myself so I just pushed him away and thought nothing more of it until I've just discovered what he actually said was 'You're in'.....into this Eurmal cult....well, it sounds like urine doesn't it, if you're deep in your cups, so to speak, who's going to recognise that?! Anyway, that's the only reason I'm a member of Eurmal so you're being totally out of hand if you're seeking to stitch me up due to that! How does this fit in with Chalana Arroy being peaceful and fair an all jolly well doesn't, does it!

So.....this is my ultimatum....drop these Evil Erik instigated charges or you'll come to regret it, big time. You seem to forget that I saved the whole city by having cousin Broar call off the Broo attack on Boldhome, my actions kept you all alive, that fits in with Chalana Arroy doctrine of peace and keeping everyone alive and healthy, deny that if you can? If the charges aren't dropped then you leave me no option but to tell Broar to reverse his decision and to unleash the Broo hoard against you all....your choice....believe me, trust me....or go with Evil Erik....the choice is yours!

Brear Hofarson
Current Chalana Arroy Initiate BUT seriously considering his continued membership
Saviour of Boldhome