Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Rufus »

Rufus was pleased to be back in Boldhome after many months serving on the front lines defending the Kingdom. It had been highly eventful. When he had joined Mularik's company, Eoth Henastsdaughter had been the warlord and Gar TongstessonIn had been her lieutenant. Now he was lieutenant warlord and had acting command of the regiment. Indeed it was rumoured that the King himself had noted the performance of Mularik's company and was contemplating how to recognise the achievements of its officers. Furthermore, he had arrived poor despite the reputation of his clan and family. Now he had a much improved financial position - perhaps modest compared to many but enough to afford some better clothes. Sadly, despite the reverence he felt for sacred time, his intention to acquire a decent wardrobe was thwarted by the closure of shops at this special time of the year.

So in many ways, things had gone exceeding well. But.....

He had arrived proud of his status - but being at the front had meant people had not noticed him in Boldhome.

As he approached the Great Temple of Orlanth, he spied Quatlu. Now Quatlu had been exceedingly kind to him when he had first arrived - Rufus had fondly remembered his time at the Pea Pod whilst spending time in a cold campaign tent - so it was no surprise to see Quatlu surrounded by admirers on the steps of the Temple.

Rufus resolved to achieve greater recognition in Boldhome society. He was looking forward to meeting the High Priest of Orlanth's cult again after attending one of the ceremonies.

Orlanth had protected him whilst on duty and Rufus resolved to commit himself further to Orlanth by becoming an initiate.

He started to climb the steps to join Quatlu's admirers and pay his respects.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu was engaged in conversations with those friends immediately around him, when he looked up at the temple entrance and saw a familiar face that he hadn't seen in a while. Recognition came at once and he called out loudly, "RUFUS BRONZER, you old warhorse you! Come over and be welcomed by friends." The man hadn't been in Boldhome in months, which was the last time Quatlu had seen him at the Pea Pod. He walked towards him and met him as he topped the stairs and approached the group, extending his hand for a firm hand shake. "You look lean and mighty fit after so long at the Front... healthy with a steady look in your eyes. By Lhankor Mhy's holy beard, I believe you've seen the elephant for sure." The term 'seen the elephant' was a term used to describe warriors who hade been in battle and survived.

He pulled Rufus into the circle of friendly comrades and made sure Rufus was introduced and reacquainted with this circle of Sword Brothers. "So you've come to join us for the High Priest's ceremony, have you? A good and pious deed for a loyal warrior of our noble King", he said with a big smile. "Erik and I have both managed to gain the standing of God Talkers within the Temple, though Erik is off somewhere nearby riding herd on some new Initiates. Afur and Julian here are both fellow Colymar tribesmen and lay members", then he paused to look around for other friends, and continued, "plus there's Jarrek Garson and Harold Rastison who both hail from your own Kheldon tribe, though they're not here at the moment." He then turned to his lady and proudly introduced her to Rufus, saying, "and this is my beloved lady, Darra Ulisdaughter of the Vantaros tribe."

"Having been blessed by Orlanth as a rising star of the cult, with a successful military career and promotions to Lt. Warlord in a prestigious regiment, I hope that you'll be seeking a promotion to Initiate soon. We should speak with the High Priest after the ceremony and make sure he knows you. The ranks for Orlanthi will always welcome a warrior of your obvious worth."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Harold »

Harald looked across the plaza at the gathering on the temple steps, he had seen his friend Qualta, point him out to Rufus, then Qualta had waved for him to join them & their group.
He remembered Rufus from their conversation in the Pea Pod some months ago, he was a fellow member of the Mighty Kheldon tribe, he had heard the news of the exploits of Rufus at the front , he had done himself & the tribe proud. Harald considered asking him for some advice on surviving at the front, he knew the day was drawing near when all his training would be complete & he would be able to proudly take his place. Harald had been considering the Twin Spears, he needed to see if he could get a Commission after the Sacred Time had ended.
As he approached the group he hailed them” A Wondrous Good Morning Gentlemen, Quatla, congratulations on your elevation in the service of Orlanth, & Rufus it is indeed an honour & a pleasure to see you again, Lady Darra, I have heard so much about you. Julian still alive, wonders never cease, indeed the Gods have been generous these last few months. Afur Sir, I am glad to make your acquaintance,” Harald smiles broadly as he greets the members of the group gathered with Quatla.
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Rufus »

Rufus is delighted by the reception he receives from Quatlu and the others. He is pleased to see that Harald, a fellow tribesman doing well in Boldhome.

Naturally, he is is keen to recount the deeds of Erik and himself (probably too keen :D ) and the desperate efforts by the regimental healer Broar to save the life of Heort Bevunesdaughter, the acting commander of his regiment.

Speaking of Mularik's company, Rufus is now acting commanding and would be pleased to see more Orlanth's devotees to join the regiment. Naturally, it requires a certain social standing - but everyone here could join in some capacity and he currently has the power to approve such applications.

The regiment is designated as one to serve in the summer campaign and he has every expectation that the campaign will be successful - especially with the power of Orlanth to support and guide them.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Harold »

Harald stares into the distance, momentarily lost in thought. He seems to be debating with himself.

"Rufus? I thought I would train more before going to the front, but your epic sagas of your monumental struggles & victories over the foe have inspired me. when the prayers & celebrations of Sacred Time have run their course, I would be greatly honoured if you would consider my application for the rank of Ten Thane in Mulariks Company, it would be an honour to serve alongside my chieftains Son & as a fellow Orlantian worshiper it seems a good prospect, although I fear my knowledge of the Art of war & battle outweigh my prowess with the arcane arts.
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Julian »

Julian, more confident after Qualtu’s generous greeting and friendship makes his way over to Harald and Rufus. He looks forward to finally talking about his awful experiences at the front with someone else who has recently returned. Yes, this time in the Temple is proving to be very useful he opines to Harald. Julian offers his hand in friendship and says that “If I can help you, please let me know. I’m finding my feet in the Cavalry & if anyone wishes to see what we do I would be honoured to show you around. And find some tea to drink?!”
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Harold »

Harold gladly takes the outstretched hand of Julian "Sir, it is a pleasure to get to know you, a cup of Tea (possibly with cake or Scones & Cream Harold thinks to himself) sounds like a marvellous idea, to hear the truth about the front first hand is also something I would gladly like to do. I know the books & Sagas are full of Heroic actions. I do realise that those tales of yore are nowhere near the truth of real war." Harold pauses for a moment hopefully he hasn't offended Julian.

Harold continues on a slightly brighter note "I have heard the Motto "If you ain't cav you ain't," so I have decided that I would like to join a Cavalry Regiment in the near future, Rufus has kindly offered to sponsor my application into his Regiment, I just need to find a Hoss, is there a second-hand salesman dealing in them?"
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Rufus »

Rufus points out to Harald that if he joins Mularik's Company, then he will not need a horse until he becomes an officer. Rufus expects that Harald will find fame and fortune campaigning with the Company. Even if he moves on to a different regiment, his career will have significantly boosted by spending time with the best magical regiment in the army. :D
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Harold »

Harold begins to blush at the kind words spoken by Rufus
" Once we finish honouring the Sacred Time, I would be honoured to make a formal request to join the best Magical Regiment in the Army. I can only hope that your expectations will be fully met, It will be a great chance to learn &prosper under the Command of such officers as you, Rufus & Erik."
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Re: Sacred Time Conversations at Orlanth's Great Temple

Post by Ondurga »

[OOC: Apologies to my fellow Orlanthi - I quite wanted to be part of this RP, but work has been batshit crazy for the last couple of weeks and I just didn't find the time.]
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
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