Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

General in character posts
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Harold »

Harold is taken a bit off guard, no one usually takes much interest in him, he feels greatly honoured to meet a fellow Clansman. "Well met Sir," he replies. " Indeed, it a great honour & pleasure to make your acquaintance," He continues, the words tumbling from his mouth in his nervousness. He pauses to gather his thoughts for a moment....." I hope to go to one of the Regiments in the not-too-distant future & I am currently in training to improve my health & fitness; do you have any recommendations for a Commission? I am well read in the theories & strategies, but lack the physical prowess to be a great warrior of the sagas."
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Ondurga »

"Hah! Together we make virtually a whole man! I am not much of a one for theories and stratagems but more the kind of fellow to swing an axe and hope everything turns out for the best. Maybe one of the magical regiments: the Eleven Lights might suit if you follow Orlanth, or the Free Philosophers if you follow Lhankor Mhy, they might accept a thinking fellow like yourself."
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Harold »

Harold smiles, warming to his fellow Clansman Jarrick. To be honest I am not endowed with much magical craft, I am more versed in the texts of the generals of yesteryear, I hope I can bring that knowledge to the front & help the king to thwart the incursion of Chaos & evil that assaults the kingdom. I follow Orlanth, so will look to join a Regiment that follows his path. I will seek to continue preparations for the day I am deemed worthy to serve our King.
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Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Ondurga »

"You're welcome to put your name down to join Goldgotti’s if you like. I could put in a good word for you. Good practice with the battle axe too, which is the favoured weapon of the Royal Foot Guards if that's where your ambition is aimed."
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
Posts: 280
Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 11:13 pm

Re: Late Storm Season at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu glanced up and saw Jarl trying to get the shop closed, but he was deliberately not rushing his four regulars. "Jarrek, I'm glad to see brother Kheldon tribesmen looking out for each other. If I read Harold right, I believe he has aspirations for placement in a regiment as a Ten Thane, but is willing to wait until he has amassed the qualifications needed to do it right the first time. I surely can't blame him for that." He paused to finish off his mug of mulled wine and added, "Time enough to prove your worth in battle, my friend. They've posted the lists of regiments that are scheduled for the Front this coming Fire Season, so you can make yourself ready and then choose the one that wisely accepts your application. Should you continue to increase your charisma as you have, I hope to be able to offer you a Warriors berth in the Royal Foot Guards."

With that Quatlu stood and reached for his cloak, saying, "Let's let Jarl get closed up and off home to Mama." He called out to Jarl as he donned his cloak, "We're on our way, Jarl. Thanks for letting us finish our moot, and for your usual fine hospitality." He walked to the door, paid his tab, and turned to bid his friends a good evening. "Sacred Time is soon upon Boldhome, so we won't have a chance to gather here next month as usual. I'll see you all at the Great Temple, Sword Brothers. Good night."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Wind Lord of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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