He meets up with Priest Herick Moohnvue to make a request.
"Honoured Priest, you will no doubt be aware that our noble majesty the King has instructed me to go on a mission for our cult to Prax. I am concerned that my lack of status within the cult could adversely affect the success of this important mission. I am sure that you would want this mission to have every chance of success - if only to please Orlanth our god and also Argrath our gracious King.
To this end, I think appointing the envoy to Prax nominated by the King to the rank of assistant priest would enhance the prospects of this mission and consequently please our sovereign lord - no doubt something you would wish to do.
I realise that such an elevation would cause the number of assistant priests to exceed the permitted number. I therefore bring to your attention the matter raised by Drighten Eric Stargazer - namely the following :-
May I request that Assistant Priest Saral be sent to be Orlanth's permanent representative in the East Islands. The climate and diet would, I believe, substantially improve the digestive problems that this assistant priest is sadly, as you know, is subject too."To Assistant Priest Saral Fartipson,
Sir, whilst I may be new to my rank of Runelord, I feel I know decorum during religious ceremonies better than yourself. Great Orlanth may be called the Thunderer and Orlanth the Wind (amongst his many great names), but that does not require you to fart loudly (and in such a noxious smelly manner) continuously during a ceremony as you did last month. Beans, cabbages and large amounts of beer are clearly not your friend, so why did you consume all three before your duties at the temple? I call upon you to resign your position as Assistant Priest immediately and to make way for one more suited for the role. Perhaps after you have cleaned up your act (and your robes) you may once more aim to rise in the Temple Hierarchy.
Erik Stargazer
Runelord of Orlanth
(OoC - Rufus is asking the asst priest to resign).
Rufus will be applying for any promotion in the cult of Orlanth that is open to him.