1630 - 5 (Middle Fire) - Turn Report

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1630 - 5 (Middle Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Midsummer in Boldhome
Erinestra, a spirited entrepreneur, chose to liquidate her marketstand, setting her sights on new horizons. The air crackled with anticipation as Broar and Quatlu sought the aid of moneylenders, their aspirations reaching beyond the constraints of their current means. A newcomer, Dararda of the Balkoth tribe, joined the fray, seeking financial support through borrowed funds.

In a display of noble aspirations, Erik, with a heart ablaze with determination, purchased the esteemed rank of Ten-Thane within the Colymar Cavalry. At the front, the indomitable Wonderful claimed a similar honor within the ranks of the Wolf Runners, their names now emblazoned with the weight of command. However, the echoes of coin resounded hollow, for Wonderful lacked the means to acquire the steed befitting her newfound rank. Yet, fortune granted her a respite, bestowing three turns' grace to secure the majestic companion she so ardently desired.

Like hawks circling the sky, Afur and Broar sought noble patrons in need of loyal aides, their hearts yearning for a chance to serve greatness. Alas, the fickle winds of fate blew against their endeavors, denying them the opportunity they sought. Undeterred, they joined the chorus of revelry and excess, engaging in conspicuous consumption alongside the likes of Dararda, Erik, and the enchanting Erinestra, whose devotion to the cult of Issaries propelled her to the rank of Initiate.

As the sun cast its golden hues upon the city, new haunts were claimed. Broar became a regular at The Scribbled Scroll, the air heavy with stories and libations. Dararda, accompanied by the fresh-faced Grumbold of the Locaem tribe, sought solace in the embrace of The Red Beaver, where laughter and merriment flowed freely. Meanwhile Erik found his sanctuary within the vibrant embrace of The Crazy Horse, where legends were born and destinies intertwined.

The call of duty beckoned, and brave souls heeded its summons. Olaff of the Vantaros tribe, scarcely within the city walls, eagerly volunteered for the tribal levy, his heart aflame with valor. Joining him in this noble endeavor, Jarin pledged his allegiance to the Colymar tribal levy, while the courageous Lemmina cast her lot with the Malani tribal levy, their names etched in the annals of bravery and sacrifice.

As the stage was set and the players took their positions, the tapestry of Midsummer in Boldhome unfurled, a vibrant tableau of dreams, aspirations, and the relentless pursuit of glory. In this crucible of fate, their stories would intertwine, weaving a narrative as captivating and unpredictable as the dance of the stars in the night sky.
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Re: 1630 - 5 (Middle Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1
In the vibrant tapestry of events, Afur immersed himself in the sacred rituals at the temple of Ernalda.

Broar took center stage as the host of an extravagant soirée within the halls of The Scribbled Scroll. Erinestra, accompanied by her captivating companion Eslanla, graced the festivities with their enchanting presence. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Jarrek and Daradra, like moths drawn to a luminous flame, joined the revelry. Broar, a patron of generosity, took upon himself the burden of carousing costs, ensuring that the libations flowed freely and laughter echoed into the night.

Dararda, a free spirit unbound by conventions, sought solace in the embracing arms of The Red Beaver. Amidst the lively ambiance, she danced to her own rhythm, surrendering to the intoxicating pulse of the night.

Quatlu, with a heart aflame with ardor and ambition, courted the affluent and influential Harmeleenrios, seeking to win her favor and weave their destinies together. Yet, fate proved fickle as Harmeleenrios remained unmoved by the serenades of the musical troupe and the fragrant offerings of blossoms.

Erik honed his prowess with the broadsword. His muscles flexed with each fluid motion, the blade singing through the air, a symphony of bronze and determination.

In the tender embrace of sacred intimacy, Grumbold ventured into the temple of Uleria.
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Re: 1630 - 5 (Middle Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2
Afur delved into the sacred depths of the Harmony Rune at the revered temple of Ernalda. The resonant echoes of celestial melodies reverberated through his very being, harmonizing his essence with the cosmic cadence of the world.

Broar and Qualtu, seeking the embrace of passionate connections, ventured into the mystical sanctuary of the temple of Uleria. Within the sanctuary they surrendered themselves to intimate encounters, where desires intertwined like tendrils of a fiery embrace.

Jarrek honed his battle axe skills amidst the grounds of Goldgotti's stables. Each swing of the mighty weapon carried the weight of their determination, forging them into an instrument of destruction and valor.

Erinestra unleashed her ambitions upon the realm of commerce. Her once humble Marketstand transformed into the Small Shop known as Erinestra's Axe Emporium and Tattoo Parlour.

Grumbold took the first steps on the path of enlightenment by becoming a devoted lay member of the revered cult of Issaries.

Erik embraced the allure of revelry within the captivating confines of The Crazy Horse. In the company of Gnarg, he indulged in the intoxicating elixirs of mirth and celebration, his laughter blending with the rhythmic beats that pulsed through the night.
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Re: 1630 - 5 (Middle Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3
Afur, Jarrek, and Dararda visited the temple of Uleria, where passions flared and desires intertwined. Within the embrace of intimate companionship, they discovered the depths of ecstasy.

Erinestra graced the temple of Issaries with the radiant presence of Eslanla, participating in the sacred rites and ceremonial offerings.

Grumbold cast his lot with Goldgotti's Company, ascending to the esteemed rank of Ten-Thane. With the thunderous hooves of a mighty steed beneath him, he was seen riding around the city.

Erik pledged his allegiance to the cult of Orlanth as a lay member. Enveloped by the winds of destiny, he embraced the teachings of the storm deity, his spirit charged with the electrifying power of the heavens.

Quatlu embarked on a transformative journey within the Military Academy. Enrolled in a rigorous course, he immersed himself in the art of warfare, honing his skills with every strategic maneuver and martial technique, his potential blooming like a blossoming warrior's spirit.
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Re: 1630 - 5 (Middle Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4
Afur forged a sacred bond as a devoted lay member within the cult of Orlanth.

Dararda earned the coveted privilege of joining the ranks of the Snakepipe Dancers regiment.

Erinestra dedicated herself to tending to the vibrant heart of her newfound shop.

Grumbold and Jarrek, their muscles pulsating with raw strength and determination, delved into the art of the battle axe within the hallowed training grounds of Goldgotti's barracks. With each swing and parry, their skills blossomed like a furious tempest, their weapons an extension of their very souls.

Erik, guided by the ancient echoes of martial valor, honed his prowess with the broadsword amidst the resounding echoes of the Colymar Cavalry stables. His blade cleaved through the air with the grace of a soaring falcon, their every strike an embodiment of disciplined might. Meanwhile, Jarrek, driven by an unyielding thirst for mastery, dedicated himself to a second week of relentless practice with the battle axe, his skills sculpted into a formidable weapon of devastation.

Quatlu, his thirst for knowledge unquenchable, remained within the Military Academy. Like a relentless scholar of warfare, he immersed himself in the ancient teachings and strategic wisdom, each passing week a stepping stone on the path to martial enlightenment.
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Re: 1630 - 5 (Middle Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Assault on Slavewall
King Argrath arrived at the front and addressed the Guildsmen and Bush Rangers regiments, strengthening the battle will of those regiments noticeably. During the battle he also addressed the Candle Dancers and the Free Philosophers.
Field Army Commander General Saliamath Garriordson then led the Orlanthi army in the assault on Slavewall. The wall defenses were eventually defeated, but the General and his adjutant, the Warlord of the Thieves Arm, were among the casualties.

1st Division
1st Division Commander Bvt General Derdin Minsarson achieved a bloody victory. The Division Adjutant, the Lt Warlord of the Guildsmen, was killed.

1st Foot Brigade
1st Foot Brigade Commander Warchief Entreea Korltipsdaughter sacrificed her brigade which was crushed. She was herself one of the casualties, as was her Brigade-Thane, Duienina, Hundred-Thane of the Candle Dancers.

Candle Dancers
The regiment’s contribution to the assault was inconclusive. Elisia was promoted to Subaltern.

Free Philosophers
The magic of the philosophers managed to achieve a pyrrhic victory. The Warlord and his adjutant were killed in action.

3rd Foot Brigade
The brigade won a bloody victory.

Wolf Runners
The Wolf Runners, their Lt Warlord being acting commander, were victorious, but the cost was high. Most officers fell in the assault. Not Wonderful though, acting battalion commander, who somehow managed to avoid also a promotion.

Thieves Arm
The regiment took full part in the bloody victory, costing the lives of many, including the acting regimental commander and the adjutant.

4th Foot Brigade
4th Foot did their part to achieve this pyrrhic victory.

The Guildsmen regiment was crushed in the process. The incompetent Hundred-Thane acting as regimental commander was one of the many officers killed or captured.

Bush Rangers
The Bush Rangers were one of the regiments still fighting at the end of the assault, despite heavy losses, that included the Warlord.

Frontier Division
The Frontier Division did their part in this bloody victory.

Tribal Levies

Colymar Tribal Levy
The result of the Colymar levy was inconclusive.

Lismelder Tribal Levy
The Lismelder achieved a bloody victory.

Malani Tribal Levy
The result of the Malani levy was inconclusive.

Vantaros Tribal Levy
The levy achieved a pyrrhic victory, with most of the leadership wiped out. Cowbone the Warrior was killed, and Olaff the Warrior was captured by the retreating Lunars.

In the end, the Lunars were driven from Slavewall, but at a very high cost. Many survivors asked themselves if it was really worth it.
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