1630 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

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1630 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Amid the vibrant embrace of early summer in Boldhome, a spectacle unfolded as Broar, having returned from the frontlines, plunged headlong into a realm of extravagant indulgence. Following in his footsteps, Erik, Erinestra, and the newly arrived Quatlu of the Colymar tribe surrendered to the allure of conspicuous consumption.

In this city alive with fervor, Afur became a regular patron of the exhilarating establishment known as The Crazy Horse. Elisia, a fresh face in Boldhome hailing from the Kheldon tribe, sought her own haven of revelry and found solace as a regular at the lively sanctuary of The Red Beaver. Meanwhile, Quatlu, adorned in newfound wealth and luxury, gravitated towards the opulent embrace of Fantarn's, a realm where indulgence took on a more expensive and lavish form.

Amidst the clamor and grandeur, a procession of epic proportions unfurled with great pomp and circumstance. The Field Army, adorned in its resplendent glory, bid farewell to Boldhome, their departure marked by a grand spectacle. Their destination: the besieged town of Slavewall, where valor and triumph awaited their arrival, shrouded in the mists of uncertainty and the echoes of battle.

Before their departure, Malvolio had asked the junior Hundred-thane of the Free Philosophers to resign, but they refused.
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Re: 1630 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1
Broar, driven by a thirst for esoteric wisdom, delved into the depths of knowledge as he became an esteemed lay member of the illustrious cult of Lhankor Mhy. In a parallel pursuit of divine enlightenment, Elisia and Quatlu pledged their allegiance as lay members of the revered Orlanth.

Meanwhile, Afur immersed himself in the fiery revelry of the Fire Celebration at the sacred Temple of Ernalda. Jarrek, dutiful and resolute, donned his regimental armor and fulfilled his martial obligations within the Goldgotti's barracks, honing his skills with the mighty axe.

Erik, a connoisseur of opulence, ventured forth bearing an amphora brimming with rare and exquisite wine, bestowing it upon the venerable Gnarg Derdason. The intoxicating elixir wrought its enchantment, leaving a profound impression on the senses and fostering a bond of intimacy.

Erinestra, a master of charm and influence, courted the radiant and influential Elslanla Arolasdaughter, weaving a web of allure and captivating her heart through both artful gifts and enchanting charisma.

Within the grand tapestry of the King's Court, the privileged royals and noble luminaries engaged in a symphony of games, their competitive spirits aflame, casting aside the burdens of the realm for a fleeting moment.
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Re: 1630 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2
Elisia, a blazing inferno of determination, was deemed worthy to join the illustrious ranks of the Candle Dancers as a fierce Warrior. Without a moment's respite, she was sent to join the Field Army.

In a parallel pursuit of martial glory, Erik joined the renowned Colymar Cavalry, seizing the opportunity to ascend the ranks by acquiring the prestigious title of Subaltern.

Unyielding in his devotion, Afur extended his stay amidst the fervent inferno of the Fire Celebration, basking in the radiant embrace of the Temple of Ernalda. His soul alight with the fervor of divine communion, he reveled in the sacred rites and bountiful blessings.

Ever the astute merchant, Erinestra diligently tended to her bustling marketstand, ensuring its stock of axes and accessories was up to date. With a captivating presence and a silver-tongued charm, she entertained and enraptured the customers, weaving her charisma into every transaction.

Meanwhile, Broar, Quatlu, and Jarrek sought solace and spiritual succor within the sacred halls of the Temple to Uleria. Amidst the flickering candlelight and hallowed whispers, they discovered intimate connections, their hearts and bodies entwined in the delicate dance of passion and desire. Bound by the divine embrace of Uleria, they reveled in the profound pleasures that surged through their very beings.

As the royal games persisted within the King's Court, the air crackled with a palpable aura of excitement and fierce competition. Noble contenders clashed in displays of skill and cunning, their ambitions stoked by the intoxicating pursuit of victory.
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Re: 1630 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3
Afur, a devotee ensnared in the bewitching web of Uleria's temple, succumbed to the seductive allure of erotocomatose lucidity. Lost in a realm of rapturous dreams, he traversed the depths of desire with reckless abandon. Meanwhile, Broar, seemingly entranced by the enigmatic temple's enchantments, lingered within its hallowed halls, refusing to part ways with its captivating embrace.

Jarrek, a tempest of fury unleashed, returned to the barracks, his mighty axe cleaving through the air with thunderous reverberations. Each swing resonated with a symphony of raw power, a testament to his unwavering dedication to the martial path. Across the Colymar stables, Erik, a relentless force in his own right, honed his skills with the broadsword, his every strike a masterful dance of precision and finesse.

Undeterred by rejection, Quatlu sought entrance into the illustrious ranks of the Twin Spears regiment, only to be met with closed doors. Unyielding in his pursuit of glory, he turned his gaze to the Colymar Cavalry, where a sliver of opportunity presented itself. With steadfast resolve, he gained acceptance, ascending to the esteemed rank of Ten-thane, accompanied by the thundering hooves of his newly acquired steed.

King Argrath received a formidable envoy from the unforgiving lands of Prax. Denekriba Soultaker, the enigmatic Overseer of the Real City, emerged from the Rubble outside the city of Pavis. Whispers of rebellion and unwavering loyalty swirled around her, as she proclaimed her allegiance to the fearsome Argrath White Bull, hailing him as the incarnation of "the Destroyer". Her arrival, mounted atop a demonic steed, sent ripples of both awe and trepidation through the populace. As the week drew to a close, a collective sigh of relief washed over the city as Denekriba departed, leaving behind a lingering sense of anticipation and uncertainty in her wake.
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Re: 1630 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4
In the King’s Court, King Argrath, a towering figure of authority and ambition, welcomed a distinguished envoy from the depths of Dwarf Mine. Whispers and rumors swirled like smoke in the air, as the purpose of their meeting remained shrouded in secrecy. Speculations ran wild, with tales of Argrath's insatiable thirst for power, and the possibility of striking a pact with the formidable Cannon Cult, known for their devastating firepower, in the war against the Lunar Empire.

As the night unfolded, Jarrek, a boisterous spirit unbound, sought solace in the welcoming embrace of The Red Beaver. There, amidst the raucous revelry and clinking of mugs, he indulged in the intoxicating dance of chance, gambling his fortunes on the whims of fate. Fortune smiled upon him, as he emerged victorious in two audacious 10L bets, his triumph echoing through the air. However, the capricious Lady Luck soon turned her back, prompting Jarrek to swiftly cut his losses, lest he tempt her fickle wrath further.

Quatlu, his heart ablaze with newfound glory, chose to commemorate his elevated rank at Fantarn's.

Afur, hailing from the Colymar tribe, extended an invitation to all, save for a chosen few, to partake in a party at The Crazy Horse. The gathering came alive with the arrival of Erik, a fellow tribesman, his presence heralding a sense of camaraderie and shared heritage. Yet, the ambiance took a tumultuous turn when Broar of the Malani tribe graced the scene, casting a dark shadow of tension upon the festivities. Alongside them, Erinestra arrived in the company of Eslanla, her loyal companion. What started as a jovial evening, with Afur's benevolent hand covering the cost of libations, swiftly devolved into a tempestuous clash of words and accusations. The Colymar and the Malani locked horns in a fierce debate, their voices echoing with the weight of past grievances and the fate of the Lysang clan. Inevitably, the volatile air gave birth to a unanimous decision: duels would settle the score between the warring factions, a test of mettle and resolve, with honor hanging precariously in the balance.
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Re: 1630 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Duel at The Crazy Horse
Afur and Broar brandished their broadswords with deadly grace. Their every strike reverberated with the resonance of arcane enchantments, their magical prowess fueling their ferocity. Spectators marveled at Afur's raw strength and honed skill, recognizing him as the embodiment of lethal prowess, while Broar exuded an aura of unyielding fearlessness, striking awe into the hearts of onlookers.

With the drums of anticipation pounding in their chests, Broar lunged forward, his blade finding its mark with swift precision, carving a deep, though non-fatal, wound upon Afur's flesh. Unfazed by the pain, Afur unleashed a retaliatory strike, his blade singing through the air with unerring accuracy. The dance of bloodshed intensified as Afur inflicted a grievous, yet non-crippling, wound upon Broar, each stroke a testament to their unyielding determination.

In a moment of respite, a tense stand-off emerged, both combatants locked in a deadly embrace. Like wily serpents, they maneuvered, seeking the slightest advantage, yet neither could gain the upper hand. But fate, ever fickle, tilted the scales in Afur's favor as he unleashed a devastating blow that sent Broar reeling, off-balance and vulnerable. With swift succession, Afur struck again, the impact resounding like thunder, testing the limits of Broar's endurance. The crimson flow of life stained the battlefield as Broar, his body weakened by the loss of precious vitality, unleashed a final surge of defiant strength, landing blow after blow upon Afur's beleaguered form. Miraculously, each strike found its mark, painting a vivid tapestry of agony upon Afur's flesh.

Afur, acknowledging his wounds and the toll they had exacted, surrendered.

At this point Broar was hardly able to stand up, and without loss of honor he declined a second duel.
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Re: 1630 - 4 (Early Fire) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Siege of Slavewall
General Saliamath Garriordson led the Field Army in the siege of the Tarshite bastion of Slavewall. Yet, when middle summer drew close, the outcome remained inconclusive.

1st Division
Lt General Derdin Minsarson of the 1st Division orchestrated a daring storming party that breached the city walls, albeit fleetingly, leaving an indelible mark upon the annals of warfare.

1st Foot Brigade
Alas, the warriors of the 1st Foot Brigade, valiant and resolute, found themselves ensnared in the tempest of Lunar defensive fire, bearing the full brunt of its wrath. With hearts ablaze, they stood as a formidable bulwark, yet succumbed to the relentless onslaught, their ranks shattered and scattered, their aspirations dashed upon the blood-soaked soil.

Candle Dancers
The Candle Dancers, their prowess an ethereal dance of death, ventured forth upon the battlefield with elusive promise. However, their victories, ephemeral and elusive as moonlit shadows, yielded no resounding triumphs. Among their ranks, Warrior Elisia, a tempest of untamed courage, blazed a reckless trail through the chaos, defying the odds with every audacious step.

Free Philosophers
In a pivotal moment, when hope teetered upon a precipice of despair, the Free Philosophers emerged as harbingers of salvation. They lent their wisdom and might to the beleaguered 1st Foot, their united force briefly piercing the city's defenses in a triumphant surge. But victory, like a capricious mistress, exacted a steep toll. Amongst the fallen, the regimental adjutant met an untimely demise, and the valiant Ten-Thane Malvolio was captured by the enemy as he sought to retreat from the heart of the beleaguered city.

3rd Foot Brigade
Amidst the tumultuous theater of war, the warriors of the 3rd Foot Brigade fulfilled their expected duties, marching in lockstep to the rhythm of battle. Alas, their contributions, though not entirely negligible, failed to paint a definitive picture of victory or defeat, leaving the outcome inconclusive.

Wolf Runners
As the Hundred-Thane assumed the mantle of Brigade-Thane, Subaltern Wonderful found herself thrust into the role of acting commander, leading Company B. Yet, despite her reckless bravery, the Wolf Runners' endeavors yielded no resounding triumphs. Among the fallen, the regimental Warlord met a grim fate, his absence felt amidst the chaos of combat.

Thieves' Arm
The Thieves' Arm found their ranks scattered by a ferocious sortie, their unity fragmented amidst the whirlwind of conflict. Once more, the cruel hand of fate claimed the regimental Warlord as one of its grim casualties.

4th Foot Brigade
The warriors of the 4th Foot Brigade pushed forward with tenacity. Alas, the grip of the city's defenses proved unyielding, denying them a firm foothold within its fortified walls, leaving their achievements steeped in a bittersweet taste of partial success.

The Guildsmen, masters of their trade, brought their skills to bear upon the battlefield, yet their efforts failed to make a significant dent in the overall outcome of the conflict. Amidst the chaos, the regiment suffered a devastating blow, losing both Hundred-Thanes.

Bush Rangers
In the dense thickets of war, the Bush Rangers ventured forth with blades honed and senses heightened. Yet, like elusive phantoms, their results remained inconclusive. Amidst the carnage, the competent regimental adjutant met a tragic end, while Hundred-Thane Ondureen emerged from the fray with her lifeblood intact.

Frontier Division
Even though bolstered by the elite frontier regiments, the division didn’t manage to break the Lunars.

Malani Tribal Levy
Zollman was one of the casualties of this inconclusive siege.

Next Step - Unleashing the Storm
As the tides of war shifted, new orders descended upon the battlefield. The edict commanded a departure from the futile siege and instead unleashed a tempestuous assault upon the fortress of Slavewall. With swords unsheathed and hearts aflame, the warriors prepared to embark on a new chapter in their relentless pursuit of triumph.
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