A letter about childbirth services

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A letter about childbirth services

Post by Torben »

My noble Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company

Please do not think me impertinent, for I am merely the messenger, in contacting you but I have been delivered a somewhat crumpled and stained letter - it may be wine (?), at a guess - to my tent here at the Front.

This letter comes from a certain person who I believe is known to many in Boldhome, offering medical services and child delivery expertise in regards to your pregnancy. Maybe it will help if I relay the contents to you.....

"Young Torben,

How's it going lad, I hear you've continued to excel yourself at the Front and are being considered for a title! If that wasn't good enough word reaches me that another heap of Lunar cash has fallen into your lap, bringing your riches in the campaign so far to around 3200 lunars!!!! Wonderful news for you and make sure you keep all that juicy loot safe in anticipation of a number of serious money growth enterprises that I can bring your way over the coming seasons once you have arrived safely back in Boldhome.

I wish I could say that fortune was smiling upon me in a similar way dear boy, alas it seems that my destiny is merely to be the conduit for others to improve their lot whilst I, though thoroughly deserving of such rewards, continue to suffer gross injustice and persecution from 'certain individuals' that occupy positions of importance amongst the Boldhome hierarchy. If only I could demonstrate how wrong these villains are, accomplish some act of value, exhibit my considerable skill as a healer that would prove the persecutors wrong and remove the false taint that has been unfairly attached to me........then I suddenly realised that I can!!

That Ivarenna woman, the Baroness one, she's up the duff I'm told, about to drop any minute so what about if I was able to make a return to the City and be on hand to deliver the child, safely ensuring that both mother and baby survive the challenges of childbirth in full health. Yes, that's it, for sure the heralds would sing my praises then and those buggers in the Chalana Arroy Temple would have me back and my status of Assistant Rune Lord probably elevated to full Rune Lord!!

Can you get in touch with her for me and let her know I'm ready and waiting, get her to send a bodygurad or something for me just to ensure a certain 'E S' psychopath doesn't try and ambush me or anything of the like, of course I could kill him in an instant if we had to duel but what with me being true to my Chalana Arroy vows he knows that he's safe from that and so will likely try a sneaky ambush or suchlike.

I'll wait to hear back from you.

All the best to you

Broar Hofarson
Asst Rune Lord and friend to all*

P.S Oh I forgot, the old childbirth service does require a small fee just to cover my costs, of course, nothing else, I'll keep it as cheap as possible but that Baroness has to realise that if she wants the best for her and the kid, well, not to skimp on all of the necessaries to make the whole business as smooth running as possible etc.... so, if I say, 250...no, hang on...300...yes 300 lunars...that'll cover it all.

* When I say all that has to exempt 'E S', the man's insane so I can't include him"

There it is your Baroness, that's what he wrote so I'll leave it with you but at least I have passed it on and that's my obligation sorted. It simply remains for me to personally wish you all the best and if I am able to ever be of use to you please do not hesitate to call upon me.

Sincere regards,

Torben Dungshuvler
Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: A letter about childbirth services

Post by Ivarenna »

To Lieutenant Warlord Torben, my friend and fellow tribesman of the Balmyr, may fortune continue to smile upon you!

Thank you for your letter.

I appreciate your thoughts and your suggestion. However, I am making arrangements within the cult of Ernalda to help with the delivery.

I am also afraid that Broar, who I do not know directly, although I may have met with one of his alter egos, has a somewhat chequered history with my regiment, Mularik's Company. In particular he has on a number of occasions insulted my good friend and brother-in-arms Drighten Eric Stargazer. There is also a rumour that his negligence caused the death of Lieutenant Warlord Heort Bevunesdaughter. I would thus like to caution you against association with this dangerous charlatan. But do consult on this matter with your fellow sages at Lankhor Mhy. They will also have their stories to tell.

Wishing you continued success on the battlefield and a safe return to Boldhome!

Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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