Return of Julian

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Return of Julian

Post by Erik »

Our friend, colleague and fellow Heroquester Julian, is lost on the Heroplane. I understand that if we offer some 1000L of sacrifices at the temples there is a chance he will be released to return to us. I, Erik Stargazer, pledge to offer 500L for his safe homecoming. Who will join with me in this worthy cause? We already mourn our sister, Ondurga, let us save our brother Julian.

Erik Stargazer
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Re: Return of Julian

Post by Quatlu »

I thank the noble Erik for his concern for Julian Sartarvutson, who is currently lost on the Hero Plane. While we mourn for our slain Sword Sister Ondurga, we can try and make offerings to return Sword Brother Julian to our plane. I honor Erik for his pledge of 500 Lunars toward an offering to try and return Julian to us, and I will match it with my own 500 Lunar pledge for Julian's safe return. I ask for all those who survived the Hero Quest to come and help us pray for Julian's safe return. And for every additional 200 Lunars (20%) pledged for his return, we get a bonus to gain the favor of the gods and increase the chance for the success of the prayer of return. In support of this offering and prayer, I shall petition High Priestess Teganeth of the Great Temple of Orlanth to contribute toward the offering to return the loyal and pious Initiate Julian to us.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Return of Julian

Post by Ivarenna »

Ivarenna will pledge 200L for the prayer/sacrifice to get Julian back.
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
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Re: Return of Julian

Post by Afur »

Afur will contribute 200 to this fund.
Afur Brekalisson
First son of a Thane of the Colymar tribe
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Re: Return of Julian

Post by Rufus »

Rufus emerges from the hero quest stunned at the enormity of it all. He had never experienced the divine in such intensity and he seems to escaped with his life (barely) and some wealth. A rough calculation in his head relating to amounts owed to money lenders and friends still leaves him in deficit but definitely an improvement…….

Until he realises that Julian is missing. Yes, it would be nice to keep the money to himself but Quatlu has requested contributions- and Rufus is not one to turn down such a request. He too pledges 200 lunars to the cause.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
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Re: Return of Julian

Post by Julian »

The supporters of Julian (who is lost on the hero plane) must surely feel a warm glow from their offering support to that lost soul. It is probable that if the missing can understand that their friends are gathering support then the questing folk must take heart!

Stay strong, lost souls and with support you will come home soon!
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Return of Julian

Post by Julian »

I Julian, having returned from almost utter destruction here thank my friends for their support - you cannot imagine what that means to me! I shall tell my tale at the Pea Pod once I have seen my lover and visited the Temple to express my thanks in prayer and intimate relations. (Not in that order :lol: ).

It is my intention to pay everyone back - but this may take a while. However I will attempt to do so or die trying, upon my honour.

Thank you all.
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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