Tending your shop as cult duty

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Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2023 12:27 pm

Re: Tending your shop as cult duty

Post by Erinestra »

Maybe there needs to be two lists, one for "core" duties (leading ceremonies. training Power, etc.) and one for "wider" cult skills (trade, weapons training etc.) and the two week duties has to include at least one from the first list.

Just a suggestion!
Erinestra Harvanasdaughter
Third daughter of a Free Carl of the Locaem tribe
Assistant Rune Lord of Issaries
Lay member of Eurmal
Owner of Erinestra's Emporium Extraordinaire
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Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

Re: Tending your shop as cult duty

Post by Puckohue »

Ok. We'll go with two lists, and if anyone spots a problem, let me know.

And I agree, part of the charm of En Garde! is the totally wacky and unbalanced rules.
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