Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

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Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

Post by Torben »

Hello Lord Erik,

It's me here again, young Torben, the new arrival to Boldhome and one of the stalwart Dungshuvler family, we being from the Balmyr Tribe.

You gave me some sound advice recently as well as the offer of a job so I already feel like you're my favourite person in the City, even though that Baroness lady Ivarenna is a Balmyr like me. Anyway I wanted to update you about what's been happening to me here......I just visited the Cult of Lhankor Mhy where I was signed up as a Lay member - surely I should have been an Initiate but, apparently, rules and conditions are...well...rules and conditions - and I was given the suggestion by a wise old scholar there that I contact you to see if you'd be in the position to 'front me up' a 100 lunars or so as I'm a bit on the skint side due to my lowly position in life and the fact that my 10 lunars savings were 'scammed', I think that's the word they used, scammed off me by that one legged King, who wasn't actually a King, Broar Hofarson.

The wise old scholar said that you had many dealings with this wannabe King Hofarson and know all about him, no doubt taking pity on those who had fallen prey to his wily ways and keen to help such folk get back on their feet.

So, if it's not to forward of me Lord Erik if I take this job offer up can I have a year or two's wages in advance, just to get me out of this looming situation that I will be facing with the money lenders in due course because I was hoping that the 10 lunars I'd given the one legged King would yield me 100 lunars in return and that would have paid off half the debt. That's what he told me, I honestly thought I was on to a winner there as where I come from we don't have such blatant dishonesty so how was I supposed to know?!

On my part, as a totally honest person, I can assure you I'll be a great worker for you and also, aside from the housework business, throw in a full sanitary 'package' on top of this expected labour to ensure your Lordship's latrine requirements are fully accommodated.

Sincere and most respectful regards,

Torben Dungshuvler
Own spade and bucket, will travel
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

Post by Erik »

My dear Torben,

Thanks for your letter, it brought a welcome reminder that things in Boldhome are continuing as normal. Thoughts of home are precious to those of us on campaign in this bitter winter weather.
I am happy to offer you a post in my household, perhaps you could consult with my housekeeper Ondurga about the role which would suit you best. Perhaps coachman or groom?
I do not currently know the situation with my finances, I can decide on the matter of a loan once things out here settle down. I have had some drains on my resources recently, I am hoping to recoup my fortunes from the Lunar enemy. Lunars from the Lunars as it were.
I wish you fortune in your future with the cult of Lhankor Mhy. A wise choice perhaps, although you will want to also become a lay member (at least) of a warrior cult should you decide on a military career.
By the way, please do not refer to me as a Lord. I have not been so honoured by His Majesty. Nor do I consider myself as being especially wise (that title is for the Lord of Knowledge) nor especially mighty.

Good luck!

Erik Stargazer
Lt.Warlord Mularik's Company
Runelord of Orlanth
Aide to Gahyakt Lonislallason
Colymar Tribe

(OOC: Cannot decide on a loan until I get my turn report and see if I have been lucky with plunder).
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Re: Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

Post by Erik »

My dear Torben'

Fortune has smiled on me and I have recovered a good haul of lunars in plunder. I can offer you therefore a loan of 50Lunars this month, if I have similar good luck next month I could offer you another 50L. Would this be of use to you?
Have you thought on the offer of the post of Coachman or Groom? If you wish to accept either job please let me know and I will send instructions to my Housekeeper Ondurga. The role would involve to following conditions:
You would be permitted 2 weeks free time (so 2 weeks duty) per month.
You would follow this instructions of Ondurga Yorisdaughter the Housekeeper
You will be given a uniform to wear whilst on duty
You will be expected to use the servants bath house at least once per week

I will be returning to Boldhome at the end of Late Storm. I hope you have thought further on my suggestion of joining a Warrior Cult.

Erik Stargazer
Lt. Warlord Mularik's Company
Runelord of Orlanth
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Re: Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

Post by Torben »

Dear Lord Erik,

Yes to everything!! the 50 lunars will be a great help as my friend Fionn at the Lhankor Mhy cult has offered to help me get into a regiment of Philosophers that she is in, I can be a Ten Thane she says! Now, I have to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what a regiment of Philosophers actually does - perhaps they argue with the enemy and hold them to a debating contest (?) - but whatever it is I'm in as this means I can be a military type and finally shake off the old family trade and prove some of those back home wrong! In particular that Mulgan Trematson lad who was forever teasing and taunting me saying that I'd always be 'full of sh*t' whatever I did in life!

In regards to the job choice I think being a groom is most suited to my skills since I know a bit about horses whereas I've never even ridden on a coach so I've no idea what a Coachman does? If it involves cleaning though and there is a portable latrine attached to this coach that requires emptying I may reconsider.

Thank you once again Lord Erik but before I end this reply may I just enquire about time off in the near future as another great man like yourself, one Quatlu, is organising a Hero Quest and I was the first to volunteer so would I be allowed to go on it and then return to work afterwards?

Torben Dungshuvler
Last edited by Torben on Sun Aug 11, 2024 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

Post by Erik »

My dear Torben,

Again, please note that I am not a Lord, His Majesty has not honoured me with such a title.

I will give instructions to my Housekeeper Ondurga that you are to be appointed as one of the grooms at my small mansion, Queensgift House. There is always the opportunity to promote you to Coachman later, should you find yourself suited to that role. Since I am away on campaign for another month there is little need for the carriage, perhaps you could practice driving it during your weeks of duty (but, it goes without saying, do not neglect your grooms care of the horses!). I will also give instructions about the loan of 50L.
I congratulate you on asking to join Quatlu's Heroquest, it shows honour and courage. You are certainly permitted leave of absence (with full pay) for any month you are on Heroquest or campaign.
The Free Philosophers are a fine unit and I hope you will be happy serving with them. Like my own regiment they rely on their power during battle.

Good fortune!

Erik Stargazer
Lt. Warlord Mularik's Company
Runelord of Orlanth
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Colymar Tribe
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Re: Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

Post by Torben »

My Dear Lt Warlord Erik,

Sincere apologies over the incorrect title, if it's any consolation I fully believe that you should be a Lord and the King (not the one legged one) will appoint you as such very soon.

I can't wait to get started at your Queensgift home and to putting on my new uniform! Rest assured I'll do my best to have a practice with the Coach but in my spare time and not while I am attending to the horses.

'Tis a pleasure to be onboard as part of your household, good fortune at the Front.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

Post by Erik »

My dear Torben,

I have had good fortune in taking lunars from the Lunars, therefore I am in a position to loan you the other 50L if that would be of use. However, as you are coming on the Heroquest (well done you!), do you wish me to transfer those funds to you this month, Sacred Time, or would you be happier to wait until Early Sea, next month?
I don't know if you are psychic, but soon after you persisted in referring to myself as a lord, His Majesty announced that he is going to make me a lord in truth. However, the title is not awarded until next month, so please remember that I am, at present, still a commoner.
I trust you are happy in your role as my groom and I thank you for your good work in the stables. The gardener at Queensgift House tells me that his dung heap where he prepares the fertiliser for the gardens has never been so high!

Erik Stargazer
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Re: Dear wise and mighty Lord Erik

Post by Torben »

Dear 'Soon to be' Lord Erik,

Yes, the 50 lunars would be much appreciated now and I will see you on the Hero Quest.

Loyal regards,

Groom Torben
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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